All Creatures Great and Small

Not to be taken too seriously!

The domestic black cat is usually too busy catching fish from garden ponds to pose for pictures, but this specimen had presumably just had a good meal.  These animals tend to jump out from behind bushes suddenly, and by night they often serenade humans while they are trying to get to sleep.
The crab is not normally willing to sit around waiting to be snapped, but patience can be rewarded.  It is important to wear suitable footwear in the vicinity of this creature, in case it initiates any snapping exchanges, (quite apart from the need to avoid losing one's balance completely).
The octopus is rather too mobile for my liking.  If, when swimming, you spot an object approaching like a submarine without a periscope, then it is time to escape.  Fortunately this specimen was happy to hang around long enough to be photographed - Evidence-Based Medicine at its best!
Don't ask me how this camel skull came to be here.  I did ask, and I was given an animated answer in a Spanish dialect which I could not readily follow.  The climate, which is hot and dry, may have contributed to this animal's fate, but camels are noted to be able to cope with these conditions. 
No doubt a Veterinary Surgeon might be useful for an expert opinion, but this live camel appears to be suffering from possible Dry Beriberi, and it also looks pretty fed up with life.  It can't be much fun carrying humans around all day.  It might benefit from a few square meals and a rest.
Moving back towards the living end of the spectrum, these beautiful little flowers serve as a reminder that the remarkable can live among the unremarkable, despite the fact that life (despite its occasional storms) is far more likely to be mundane rather than unusual at any given time, (or so some people tell me).


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Page Last Updated November 23rd 1999