Musa acuminata forma cerifera

Musa acuminata L. A. Colla forma cerifera C. A. Backer & R. C. Bakhuizen van den Brink, Flora of Java 3 : 38. (1968).

Accepted name

Musa acuminata L. A. Colla var. cerifera (C. A. B. Backer) R. E. Nasution, Memoirs of Tokyo University of Agriculture. 32: 1 - 122 (1991). not seen




inferred from Nasution 1991 as reported by Pollefys et al 2004

Section Eumusa (Musa) 1

central Java - especially in and around the Rawah Lakbok ex Backer & Bakhuizen van den Brink 1968.

Description Leaves very densely white pruinose beneath, in young plants not or hardly purple blotched ; petiole and costa yellowish green or yellowish green. Ovary and berry densely patently soft-hairy.

Backer & Bakhuizen van den Brink 1968: 38, Nasution 1991 (not seen), Pollefys et al 2004

Comments Backer & Bakhuizen van den Brink 1968 give Musa acuminata forma cerifera as one of three principal Javanese forms "connected by intergrades".

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last updated 14/11/2007