The Way Of The Serpent
Knack I - The Way Of The Serpent:
Warriors of the Serpent are trained to wield two knives at the same time. They can negate the off-hand penalty for the use of an off-hand knife.

Knack II - Quick As Death:
At this stage, a warrior has learned to quickly get inside an opponents guard. During any phase when initiative becomes relevant, the current Action dice being used counts for double for the Serpent Warrior.

Knack III - Bite of Venom:
At this stage, the Serpent Warrior can add their Strength to a damage roll with a thrown knife as unkept dice.

Knack IV - Speed Of The Fang:
At this stage, the Warrior can bring forward one Action every Round. This Action cannot be used to parry or Held, and it can only be brough into a Phase where you already have an Action.

Knack V - Fury Of The Viper:
You may unleash a flurry of attacks upon your opponent. After you have successfully hit (even if the attack is actively defended) you may attack again instantly, but the attack role requires one raise that does not translate into an extra dice of damage. As long as you keep hitting, you may keep attacking as long as an extra raise is used each time. For each successful hit, roll damage, and have the opponent do a Wound check, rather than waiting until the end of the Action.