"Sometimes I Don't Know Why I Bother" - Band Interview

Don't bother asking where the title came from - that was what they suggested I call the article, and far be it from me to disagree... The Beekeepers seem thoroughly pleased to learn that they are in the middle of working towards their debut album. It'll come out "probably in January, if we ever finish it. It was going to be called 'Love in A Minor', but the idea was rejected by forces above." Catgut'll be on there, right? "Perhaps!" And Killer Cure? "Oh yes!" And Inheritance? "Oh yeah!" So what about the next single? "It's due late September, but none of us have any idea whatsoever what it's going to be... watch this space!"

At this point, I decide to veer off at a tangent, and begin to ask all kinds of irrelevant questions, the seemingly most interesting of which I shall mention. As far as they're concerned, their ride on the rock 'n' roll rollercoaster started "with a big bang, a fizzle, then the power of music reached into some fishy things and they turned into Beekeepers... nah, not really... we all met in a reform centre." Glad that's settled, then. What annoys you? "Bigotry, human despair, starvation, political wars... and spots on me bum." Fair enough, but now I must ask the age-old musical influences question, so just sling a few band names in my direction... "New York Dolls, Bowie, Wu Tang Clan, Radiohead, Hanson, Code Red, Michael Jackson, Upside Down... oh god I've blown it!" Right, err... can you name any up-and-coming bands that you'd be stupid to overlook? "Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, Wilson, and err... Wilson." Thankyou. I assume that I also would be stupid to overlook Wilson, then. Right, what is being in a band all about? "Thick and thin, death do us part etc., etc., stealing riders, loving spiders and oops upside your head... with a twist of lemon." And why should people listen to your music? "Because one day they'll have no choice. Oh yes, they will be ours!" And they probably will... At the moment, before you have achieved world domination, what sort of people come to see you? "In the North, it's friends, family, the curious, freaks... and just industry types in London."

Apparently, the future holds "a very large cup just waiting to be runnety over". No, I didn't get that bit either. "Oh, and another tour. Probably." Ah well, any questions I've missed? Ask and answer away... "Question: do you guys want some beer and cigarettes? Answer: yes please Owen, thanks very much, at the next gig ready and waiting please." Oh bollocks...

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