The Mirror Friday 26th March 1999

Don't kill off my boy says Ross's mum...was the headline in Matthew's column today.

'PLEA FOR COMEBACK CHANCE, Even before he goes millions of fans are mourning the defection of ITV of EastEnders star Ross Kemp.  None more so than a certain Mrs. Jean Kemp, real-life mum of the maddest of the miserable Mitchell twins'.

Mrs. Kemp told Matthew " I just hope they don't kill Grant off.  I very much hope that Ross will be able to go back to EastEnders if he wants to.

Matthew says in the article that the bosses will put grumpy Grant to death - and he'll walk off into the soap sunset at the end of his last episode in August..

Article rating: 6/10 Touching

Quote of the day: 'It isn't important to come out on top, what matters is to be the one who comes out alive.'  BERTOLT BRECHT 1924

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