The Sid Owen interview  January 1999

Amidst an array of suspicion, Sid Owen was recently featured in the press with his screen wife and friend Patsy Palmer.
In this interview, Sid talks about his birthday, friends and the press.

Q. Could you give me an hour by hour account of your birthday trip to Switzerland?

A." I was working at Elstree until around 2pm.  I waited for Patsy as she was on stage until about 3:30 - 4:00.  then, we had to wait for friends (who were late)"

"We rushed up to Luton Airport where we had a KFC Birthday dinner, had a 'Bloody Mary' one mate lost his bag... so we hung around and had a couple of beers.... we waited... few more drinks......."

"It took one hour and forty five minutes to get to Switzerland.. The room was alright..nobody knew it was my birthday so there were no special bits to greet me.  The hotel was new so there wasn't many people, we may have been the only people booked in, which was great "

"Later on, we just sat in the bar, we didn't go raving or anything, I just had a peaceful birthday celebration"

Q. And while you were there?

A. "We spent the days skiing.  We would come off the slopes exhausted, have something to eat and rest. After skiing all day we were shattered."

Q. Do you still keep in touch with your childhood friends?  Does being famous make you wary of new people?

A. "I have some very close friends, but I wouldn't say I've got many.. more acquaintances than friends.  Being famous does get in the way of getting close to people - but then again, I'm quite happy with the close friends I have."

The incredible view from the hotel bedroom

Q. As Patsy will be leaving the soap this summer, how do you feel about the prospect of loosing a mate and your screen wife?

A. "I'll be upset when she goes...what I'll miss the most is the laugh, we're on the same wavelength."



Sid and Patsy on the alps

Q. Do you mind being so much in the public eye or would you have preferred the work without the fame?

A. "I don't know, I've been acting since I was a child so I supposed in the back of my mind, I did want it, I think it's all part and parcel of the job. " 

Q. Even at the expense of your privacy?

A. "But it's better to be talked about than to be ignore or forgotten."

Q. Matthew Wright, gossip columnist for The Mirror has said that the incident with the beer last year didn't really bother him and has suggested that you give him a call......I'd say, that he is ready to let 'by gone's be by gone's'... what's your view about gossip page writers.

A.  "Well, that beer incident happened while I was angry.  A reporter can ruin your life in a sentence, and you haven't got the power to do anything about it. We do need the tabloids, so if they feel you are interesting enough to write bad things about you, then you've got to take it as a complement.  All they want is sex, drugs and rock and roll.
Last year, I responded to an article about the breakup of my relationship with my ex-girlfriend Lucy Braybrook and because my answer wasn't juicy enough, they stuck it on the back page".

Sid Owen in the film he starred with Al Pacino 'Revolution'.

Q. So, will you give Matthew a call?   

A. "I'll have to check my diary!!"

Judy's chosen quotation'I fear the Greeks even when they bring gifts' VERGIL 30-19 B.C.

Click here for Matthew Wright's interview.    To the top

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