
Chesterfield Ladies FC

Matchday information

Chesterfield Ladies homepage / North Derbyshire homepage / Centre of Excellence homepage

Senior players 1999

Club colours
Blue shirts, blue shorts, white socks
Change colours:
White shirts, blue shorts, blue socks
Red shirts, red shorts, red socks

Home Grounds
Queens Park Annexe, Chesterfield - First team, Reserves and U16's
Holmebrook Valley Park, Chesterfield - alternative Senior venue
Carr Vale Utd - U14's
U12's and U10's compete in centralised mini soccer league

Directions to Queens Park Annexe

From the Motorway M1

1. Leave the M1 at Junction 29
2. Follow the A617 into Chesterfield
3. When you get to the end of the dual carriageway take the second exit off the roundabout towards the Town Centre
4. Go past MFI and Homebase, to the next roundabout
5. Take the first exit here and follow the road for about 1/2 mile
6. You will pass a retail park on your left, then turn left at the lights
7. Follow this road for about 300yds until you reach the first turning on the right
8. The Annexe car park is directly opposire behind an iron rail fence. Park here and walk up to pitch

Directions to Holmebrook Valley Park
From the Motorway M1
1. Follow instructions 1 to 5 above
2. Instead of turning left carry straight on to the next roundabout
3. Take the 4th exit up the hill (next to Kentucky Fried Chicken)
4. At the top of the hill go straight across the traffic lights (Chesterfield Football Club is on your right)
5. Follow this road for about 2 miles until you come to a T junction. The Highfield pub is on your left
6. Turn left here onto Newbold Road and stay on this road for about 3 miles.
7. Go straight over the first mini-roundabout, then over the traffic lights.
8. Follow the road past the new houses on you left, and along a high brick wall. As this ends turn left onto Watermeadow Lane and into Holmebrook Valley Park

Directions to Carr Vale United
From the Motorway M1
1. Leave the M1 at Jcn 29 and follow the A617 towards Mansfield
2. Stay on this road for about 2 miles and go up a long hill into Glapwell
3. Turn left at the top of the hill towards Bolsover. The Young Vanish Pub is on your left
4. Follow this road for a bout 4 miles until you come to a T junction, turn left
5. The road bends to the right then take the first left turn down the hill
6. After about 1/2 a mile the road branches to the left into Carr Vale follow this for about 300 yds
7. Take the first right onto North View Street and follow the road to the end. The ground is then 100yds down a track

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