Your Spectrum
Issue 4, June 1984 - ZIP compiler (part 2 of 4)
BASIC listing

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The ZIP Compiler

This selects combinations of those blocks which work the same way as the Basic program - only much faster!
Lines 5000-5790 Initialisation. This reserves space for arrays and sets up constants for use later in the program.
5000 REM Spectrum BASIC compiler
5005 REM Last revision: 22/03/84
5010 REM S N Goodwin & J A Smith
5015 REM 
5025 CLEAR 53246
5030 PRINT "Load library.":LOAD ""CODE 53247
5035 DIM t(91):REM Token types
5040 DIM a(27):REM Array bases
5045 DIM p(27):DIM o(27):REM Function precedences & opcodes
5050 LET maxz=22:DIM l(maxz):DIM s(maxz):REM Maths stacks
5060 RESTORE :LET y=1:LET n=0:FOR i=1 TO 91:READ t(i):NEXT i:
     DATA n,n,n,n,n,n,y,y,y,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,n,y,n,y,y,y,y,
5070 FOR i=1 TO 27:READ p(i):READ o(i):NEXT i:DATA 14,-1,0,-1,8,
5190 REM 
5205 LET true=1:LET false=0:LET eof=5000
5210 LET appos=39:LET plus=43:LET number=14:LET enter=13:LET str
     ing=50:LET overflow=15:LET quote=34:LET comma=44:LET space=
     32:LET dollar=36:LET hash=35:LET op=42:LET variable=1
5220 LET keyword=164:LET digit0=48:LET digit9=57:LET capitalA=65
     :LET capitalZ=90:LET colon=58:LET semi=59
5225 LET attr=171:LET at=172:LET tab=173:LET chr=194:LET then=20
     3:LET to=204:LET step=205:LET ink=217:LET paper=218:LET fla
     sh=219:LET bright=220:LET inverse=221:LET over=222
5230 LET border=231:LET dim=233:LET rem=234:LET for=235:LET goto
     =236:LET gosub=237:LET input=238:LET let=241:LET pause=242:
     LET next=243:LET poke=244:LET print=245:LET random=249:LET 
     if=250:LET cls=251:LET clear=253:LET return=254
5235 LET out=223:LET stop=226:LET int=186:LET bin=196:LET lbrack
     et=40:LET rbracket=41:LET smalla=97:LET smallz=122
5250 LET source=23635:LET scroll=23692:REM System variables
5255 LET index=9:LET uminus=7:LET opbrt=1:LET clbrt=2
5390 REM 
5405 LET gets=7986:LET fetch=6015:LET init=6010:LET dump=8035
5410 LET deek=6205:LET doke=6300:LET findline=6745:LET toobig=67
     15:LET request=6900:LET skipst=7970:LET p2error=7950
5415 LET pass1=6500:LET pass2=7000:LET patch=6795:LET tables=670
     0:LET addln=6725:LET next1=6555:LET Z80=8000:LET itm=7330
5420 LET p1error=6125:LET parsestr=7910:LET nextln=7030:LET next
     st=7050:LET precolon=7660:LET atcolon=7670:LET store=7690
5440 LET exppush=7752:LET exppop=7770:LET maths=7785:LET expnext
     s=7900:LET expnext=7800:LET expop=7822:LET expdoop=7857
5790 REM 
Lines 5800-5990 Main program. This performs a compilation by calling other routines.
5805 LET bottom=53247:LET vars=bottom+1537:LET arrays=vars+26*8:
     LET prog=arrays:LET pc=prog
5810 LET top=65535:LET linetab=top:LET tp=linetab
5815 LET last=0:LET errors=0:LET lines=0:FOR i=1 TO 26:LET a(i)=
     0:NEXT i
5820 GO SUB pass1:PRINT PAPER 5;INK 0;'lines;" LINES scanned: ";
     errors;" ERRORS.":IF errors THEN 
5830 GO SUB tables:GO TO pass2
5840 IF errors THEN 
       PRINT AT 0,0;PAPER 1;"ZIP FOUND ";errors;" ERRORS.":STOP
5845 GO SUB patch:REM Correct forward jumps
5850 PRINT AT 0,0;PAPER 1;"ZIP HAS FINISHED    (";pc-prog-36
5860 PRINT AT 19,0;INVERSE 1;"Save: SAVE ""???""CODE ";bottom;",
     ";pc-bottom+2,,,"Run:  RANDOMIZE USR prog [";prog;"]":STOP
5990 REM 
Lines 6000-6190 Lexicon Analysis. This reads the Basic program, returning symbols one by one as they are encountered.
6005 REM Init & Fetch (source)
6010 LET t=source:GO SUB deek:LET p=t:LET s=enter:GO TO 6100
6015 LET last=s:LET s=PEEK p:LET p=p+1
6020 IF s=enter THEN 
       GO TO 6100
6021 IF s<=space THEN 
       GO TO 6015
6022 IF s>=smalla THEN 
       IF s<=smallz THEN 
         LET s=s-32:REM lower case
6023 IF s=quote THEN 
       LET num=p:RETURN
6024 REM Analyse variable name
6025 IF last<capitalA OR last>capitalZ OR s<digit0 OR s>capitalZ
       GO TO 6030
6026 IF s>digit9 THEN 
       IF s<capitalA THEN 
         GO TO 6030
6027 PRINT CHR$ s;:LET s=PEEK p:IF s>=smalla AND s<=smallz THEN 
       LET s=s-32
6028 IF (s>=digit0 AND s<=digit9) OR s=space OR (s>=capitalA
      AND s<=capitalZ) THEN 
       LET p=p+1:GO TO 6027
6029 LET s=variable:GO TO p1error
6030 IF s>=digit0 THEN 
       IF s=bin OR s<=digit9 THEN 
         GO TO 6110
6040 IF s=int THEN 
       GO TO 6015
6045 IF s=hash OR s=dollar THEN 
       GO TO p1error
6050 IF s>keyword THEN 
       IF t(s-keyword)=0 THEN 
         GO TO p1error
6095 REM New line found
6100 LET num=256*PEEK p+PEEK (p+1):LET lnum=num:LET t=p+2:
     GO SUB deek:LET p=p+4:RETURN
6105 REM Number found
6110 IF PEEK p<>number THEN 
       LET p=p+1:GO TO 6110
6112 IF PEEK (p+1)<>0 THEN 
       LET s=overflow:LET p=p+6:GO TO p1error
6115 LET p=p+3:LET t=p:GO SUB deek:LET num=t:IF PEEK (p-1) THEN 
       LET num=-num
6120 LET p=p+3:LET s=number:RETURN
6122 REM PASS 1 Error (p1error)
6130 IF s=dollar THEN 
       PRINT "Strings";
6135 IF s=variable THEN 
       PRINT "Variable name";
6140 IF s=hash THEN 
       PRINT "Streams";
6145 IF s>keyword THEN 
       PRINT CHR$ s;
6150 IF s=overflow THEN 
       PRINT "Decimal values & integers beyond+/-65535";
6155 PRINT " not allowed.":LET errors=errors+1:PAPER 0:INK 7:
6190 REM 
Lines 6200-6490 DEEK and DOKE. These are general purpose routines used to store and retrieve 16-bit values (0-65535) in memory.
6195 REM **** DEEK and DOKE
6200 REM Deek - t=contents of address t
6205 LET t=PEEK t+256*PEEK (t+1):RETURN
6295 REM Doke - put t at address i
6300 POKE i,t-INT (t/256)*256:POKE i+1,INT (t/256):RETURN
6490 REM 
Lines 6500-6690 PASS 1. This routine checks that the symbols returned by Lexicon Analysis are allowed by ZIP.
6495 REM **** PASS1 Allocate RAM
6505 IF s=enter THEN 
       IF num>=eof THEN 
6507 IF s=enter THEN 
       LET lines=lines+1:PRINT :PRINT num;" ";:POKE scroll,255:
       GO TO next1
6510 IF s=number THEN 
       PRINT num;:GO TO next1
6512 IF s=rem THEN 
       GO TO 6545
6513 IF s=dim THEN 
       GO SUB 6565
6515 IF s<>quote THEN 
       PRINT CHR$ s;:GO TO next1
6520 PRINT """";
6535 IF PEEK p<>quote THEN 
       LET p=p+1:GO TO 6530
6540 LET p=p+1:GO TO next1
6545 PRINT CHR$ s;:LET s=PEEK p:LET p=p+1:IF s<>enter THEN 
       GO TO 6545
6550 LET p=p-1:GO TO next1
6555 GO SUB fetch:GO TO 6505
6560 REM Evaluate DIM
6565 PRINT " DIM ";:GO SUB fetch:IF s<capitalA OR s>capitalZ
       GO TO 6590
6570 LET v=s-64:PRINT CHR$ (s);:GO SUB fetch:IF s<>lbracket
       GO TO 6590
6575 PRINT "(";:GO SUB fetch:IF s<>number THEN 
       GO TO 6590
6580 PRINT num;:GO SUB fetch:IF s<>rbracket OR num<1 THEN 
       GO TO 6590
6585 LET a(v)=num:RETURN
6590 PRINT PAPER 6;INK 0;'"Faulty DIM statement.":LET errors=err
6690 REM 
Lines 6700-6718 Build RAM Tables. This allocates space for line cross-references and arrays.
6700 FOR i=1 TO 26:LET t=prog:LET prog=prog+a(i)*2:LET a(i)=t:
     NEXT i:LET a(27)=prog:LET pc=prog
6705 LET linetab=top-4*lines-4:LET tp=linetab:FOR i=tp TO top-1:
     POKE i,127:NEXT i
6710 IF tp>pc THEN 
6715 PRINT AT 21,0;PAPER 6;INK 0;"Insufficient memory.":STOP
6718 REM 
Lines 6720-6990 Cross-Reference Routines. These routines manipulate the cross-reference tables used to resolve IFs, GO TOs and GO SUBs.
6725 REM Add an entry to line address table (addln)
6730 LET t=lnum:LET i=xref:GO SUB doke:LET i=xref-2:LET t=pc+1:
     GO SUB doke:LET xref=xref-4:RETURN
6740 REM Find line n (return t pointing to its address)
6745 LET l=1:LET u=(top-linetab)/4
6750 IF l>u THEN 
       LET t=u*4+linetab-2:RETURN
6755 LET t1=INT ((u+l)/2):LET t=t1*4+linetab-2:GO SUB deek
6760 IF n=t THEN 
       LET t=t1*4+linetab-2:RETURN
6765 IF n>t THEN 
       LET u=t1-1:GO TO 6750
6770 LET l=t1+1:GO TO 6750
6790 REM 
6795 REM Correct line references (patch)
6800 FOR q=linetab-2 TO tp STEP -2:LET t=q:GO SUB deek:LET i=t:
     GO SUB deek:LET n=t:GO SUB findline:LET t=t-2:GO SUB deek:
     GO SUB doke:NEXT q:RETURN
6895 REM Put address of line t at pc-1 (request)
6910 IF lnum<t THEN 
       GO TO 6920
6915 LET n=t:GO SUB findline:LET t=t-2:GO SUB deek:LET i=pc-1:
     GO SUB doke:RETURN
6920 IF tp-2<=pc THEN 
       GO TO toobig
6925 LET tp=tp-2:LET i=pc-1:GO SUB doke:LET i=tp:LET t=pc-1:
     GO SUB doke:RETURN
6990 REM 
Lines 7000-7695 Syntax Parser. This converts the Basic symbols (other than calculations) into intermediate codes.
6995 REM **** SYNTAX PARSER (pass2)
7000 GO SUB init:LET bugs=false:LET peep=0:LET xref=top-2:LET z=
7010 LET pc=pc-1:LET c=68:GO SUB Z80:REM Trap BREAK
7015 LET t=bottom+134:GO SUB deek:LET t1=t:LET i=t1+1:LET t=vars
     :GO SUB doke:LET i=t1+9:LET t=prog-vars-1:GO SUB doke:REM A
     djust library CLEAR code to initialise arrays (if any)
7020 LET c=49:GO SUB Z80:LET c=10:GO SUB Z80:REM CLEAR & CLS
7025 CLS:PRINT PAPER 1;"COMPILING LINE      (0    bytes)"
7030 REM nextln
7040 IF lnum>=eof THEN 
       LET lnum=9999:GO SUB addln:LET c=53:GO SUB Z80:POKE pc,25
       5:GO TO 5840:REM End with 'OK' message
7045 PRINT AT 0,15;FLASH 1;lnum:GO SUB addln
7050 REM nextst
7080 GO SUB gets
7100 IF s<>rem THEN 
       GO TO 7120
7105 LET s=PEEK p:LET p=p+1:IF s<>enter THEN 
       GO TO 7105
7110 LET p=p-1:GO TO precolon
7120 IF s<>goto AND s<>gosub THEN 
       GO TO 7150
7125 LET c=4+(s=gosub):GO SUB gets:IF s=number THEN 
       LET t=num:GO SUB Z80:GO TO precolon
7130 LET bugs=number:GO TO p2error
7150 IF s=let THEN 
       GO SUB gets:GO SUB store:GO SUB gets:GO SUB maths:LET c=a
       ssmod:LET t=assvar:GO SUB Z80:GO TO atcolon
7175 IF s=return THEN 
       LET c=6:GO SUB Z80:GO TO precolon
7185 IF s=if THEN 
       GO SUB gets:GO SUB maths:LET c=48:LET t=lnum+1:GO SUB Z80
       :GO TO nextst
7205 IF s=stop THEN 
       LET c=53:GO SUB Z80:GO TO precolon
7210 IF s<>for THEN 
       GO TO 7245
7215 GO SUB gets:LET assvar=s:GO SUB gets:GO SUB gets:GO SUB mat
     hs:GO SUB gets:GO SUB maths:IF s=step THEN 
       GO SUB gets:GO SUB maths:GO TO 7230
7225 LET c=2:LET t=1:GO SUB Z80:REM Generate implicit STEP 1
7230 LET c=7:LET t=assvar-65:GO SUB Z80:GO TO atcolon
7245 IF s=next THEN 
       GO SUB gets:LET c=8:LET t=s-65:GO SUB Z80:GO TO precolon
7260 IF s<>border AND s<>pause AND (s<ink OR s>over) THEN 
       GO TO 7295
7265 LET assmod=s-197:IF s=border THEN 
       LET assmod=19
7266 IF s=pause THEN 
       LET assmod=58
7270 GO SUB gets:GO SUB maths:LET c=assmod:GO SUB Z80:GO TO atco
7295 IF s=poke OR s=out THEN 
       LET assmod=12+2*(s=out):GO SUB gets:GO SUB maths:GO SUB g
       ets:GO SUB maths:LET c=assmod:GO SUB Z80:GO TO atcolon
7315 IF s=clear OR s=cls THEN 
       LET c=10+39*(s=clear):GO SUB Z80:GO TO precolon
7320 IF s<>print THEN 
       GO TO 7500
7323 LET sep=false:LET c=52:GO SUB Z80
7325 GO SUB gets
7327 REM Check print item (itm)
7330 IF s=enter OR s=colon THEN 
       GO TO 7480
7334 LET sep=true
7335 IF s=semi THEN 
       GO TO 7325
7340 IF s=appos THEN 
       LET c=2:LET t=13:GO SUB Z80:LET c=47:GO SUB Z80:GO TO 732
7345 IF s=comma THEN 
       LET c=2:LET t=6:GO SUB Z80:LET c=47:GO SUB Z80:GO TO 7325
7346 LET sep=false
7355 IF s=chr THEN 
       GO SUB maths:GO TO itm
7365 IF s<>quote THEN 
       GO TO 7385
7370 LET sptr=num
7375 GO SUB parsestr:IF num THEN 
       LET t=sptr:LET c=26:GO SUB Z80
7376 IF more THEN 
       LET t=quote:LET c=2:GO SUB Z80:LET c=47:GO SUB Z80:LET sp
       tr=nptr+1:GO TO 7375
7377 LET p=nptr:GO SUB gets:GO TO itm
7385 IF s=at THEN 
       GO SUB gets:GO SUB maths:GO SUB gets:GO SUB maths:LET c=3
       4:GO SUB Z80:GO TO itm
7405 IF s=tab THEN 
       GO SUB gets:GO SUB maths:LET c=35:GO SUB Z80:LET c=2:LET 
       t=0:GO SUB Z80:LET c=47:GO SUB Z80:GO TO itm:REM Oddly, T
       AB requires a 2 byte parameter!
7425 IF s>=ink AND s<=over THEN 
       LET assmod=s:GO SUB gets:GO SUB maths:LET c=assmod-189:
       GO SUB Z80:GO TO itm
7440 GO SUB maths:LET c=27:GO SUB Z80:GO TO itm
7480 IF  NOT sep THEN 
       LET c=2:LET t=13:GO SUB Z80:LET c=47:GO SUB Z80
7485 GO TO atcolon
7500 IF s<>input THEN 
       GO TO 7535
7505 GO SUB gets
7507 IF s=semi OR s=comma THEN 
       GO TO 7505
7515 IF s=colon OR s=enter THEN 
       GO TO atcolon
7520 IF s>=capitalA AND s<=capitalZ THEN 
       GO SUB store:LET c=9:GO SUB Z80:LET c=assmod:LET t=assvar
       :GO SUB Z80:GO TO 7507
7525 LET bugs=input:GO TO p2error
7535 IF s=random THEN 
       GO SUB gets:GO SUB maths:LET c=57:GO SUB Z80:GO TO atcolo
7635 GO SUB skipst:GO TO atcolon
7660 REM precolon
7665 GO SUB gets
7670 REM atcolon
7675 IF s=colon THEN 
       GO TO nextst
7680 IF s=enter THEN 
       GO TO nextln
7685 GO TO 7130:REM Computed GO TO / GO SUB error??
7687 REM store  (var. name in s)
7690 LET assvar=s-65:GO SUB gets:LET assmod=11:IF s=lbracket
       GO SUB gets:LET assmod=13:GO SUB maths:GO SUB gets:IF a(a
       ssvar+1)=a(assvar+2) THEN 
         LET bugs=index:GO TO p2error
Lines 7700-7990 Maths Evaluator. This converts calculations into intermediate codes.
7698 REM 
7750 REM exppush
7752 IF z=maxz THEN 
       GO TO p2error
7755 LET z=z+1:LET s(z)=tsav:LET l(z)=s2:LET oplast=true
7765 REM exppop
7770 LET z=z-1:RETURN
7780 REM Scan expression (maths)
7785 LET commas=0:LET z=0
7790 LET s2=opbrt:LET tsav=0:GO SUB exppush:REM mark start
7795 REM expnext
7800 LET s2=s:IF s2<>number THEN 
       GO TO 7805
7802 IF l(z)=uminus THEN 
       LET num=-num:GO SUB exppop:GO TO 7802:REM Perform negatio
       n at once
7803 LET c=2:LET oplast=false:LET t=num:GO SUB Z80:GO TO expnext
     s:REM Put num on Z80 stack
7805 IF s2>capitalZ OR s2<capitalA THEN 
       GO TO expop
7810 LET oplast=false:LET tsav=s2-65:GO SUB gets:LET s2=s:IF s2=
     lbracket THEN 
       LET s2=index:GO SUB exppush:LET s2=opbrt:GO SUB exppush:
       GO TO expnexts:REM Subscript is a new expression
7815 LET c=1:LET t=tsav:GO SUB Z80:GO TO expnext
7820 REM expop
7822 IF s2=plus AND oplast THEN 
       GO TO expnexts:REM Unary plus
7825 IF s2=appos OR (s2=comma AND commas=0) OR s2=step OR s2=to
      OR s=then OR s2=colon OR s2=semi OR s2=enter THEN 
       LET s2=rbracket:REM End expression with ')'
7828 REM Identify operators: ()*+,-./<=> etc.
7830 IF s2=45 AND oplast THEN 
       LET s2=uminus:GO TO expdoop
7835 IF s2<=47 AND s2>=40 THEN 
       LET s2=s2-39:GO TO expdoop
7840 IF s2<=62 AND s2>=60 THEN 
       LET s2=s2-50:GO TO expdoop
7845 IF s2<=201 AND s2>=188 THEN 
       LET s2=s2-175:GO TO expdoop
7847 IF s2=attr THEN 
       LET s2=27:LET commas=commas+1:GO TO expdoop
7850 GO TO p2error:REM Unrecognised operator in s2
7855 REM expdoop
7857 IF z=1 AND s2=clbrt THEN 
       RETURN:REM finished
7860 LET prio=p(l(z)):IF l(z)=opbrt THEN 
       LET prio=0
7865 IF oplast OR prio<p(s2) OR prio=p(s2) AND oplast THEN 
       GO SUB exppush:GO TO expnexts:REM Don't operate yet
7875 IF l(z)=opbrt AND s2=clbrt THEN 
       GO SUB exppop:GO TO expnexts:REM End of sub-expression
7880 IF l(z)=opbrt THEN 
       GO TO p2error
7885 LET c=o(l(z)):LET t=s(z):GO SUB exppop:IF c<>-1 THEN 
       GO SUB Z80:GO TO expdoop
7887 LET commas=commas-1:GO TO expdoop
7890 REM expnexts
7900 GO SUB gets:GO TO expnext
7910 REM parsestr
7915 LET nptr=sptr:LET num=0
7920 IF PEEK (nptr)<>quote THEN 
       LET nptr=nptr+1:LET num=num+1:GO TO 7920
7925 LET nptr=nptr+1:LET more=PEEK (nptr)=quote:RETURN
7950 REM PASS 2 Error (p2error)
7955 LET errors=errors+1:LET t=xref+4:GO SUB deek:PRINT AT error
     s+1,0;t;" ";:REM Echo the most recent line reference
7956 IF bugs=index THEN 
       PRINT "ARRAY ";CHR$ (assvar+65);"() WAS NOT DIMENSIONED":
       GO TO 7963
7957 IF bugs=input THEN 
       PRINT "TOO COMPLEX":LET z=1:GO TO 7963
7960 IF bugs=number THEN 
7963 LET bugs=false
7964 IF s<>enter THEN 
       GO SUB fetch:GO TO 7964
7965 IF errors<15 THEN 
       GO TO nextln
7967 STOP
7970 REM skipst
7975 IF s<>colon AND s<>enter THEN 
       GO SUB gets:GO TO 7975
7985 REM gets
7986 IF  NOT bugs THEN 
       GO SUB fetch
7990 REM 
Lines 8000-8500 Code Generation. This converts intermediate codes into Z80 machine code.
8000 IF errors THEN 
8010 IF pc>prog+36 THEN 
       PRINT AT 0,21;PAPER 1;pc-prog-36
8020 IF c<=5 OR (c>=7 AND c<=8) OR c=11 OR c=13 OR c=26 OR c=37
      OR c=48 OR c=68 THEN 
       GO TO 8100
8025 REM Store code routine 'c'
8030 IF c>=28 AND c<=33 THEN 
       LET c1=c:LET c=35:GO SUB dump:POKE pc-3,c1-12:RETURN:REM 
       Handle INK, PAPER etc alike
8032 REM dump (template No. c)
8035 LET j=bottom+c*2:LET t=j:GO SUB deek:LET i=t:LET t=j+2:
     GO SUB deek:LET j=t-i
8045 IF pc+j>=tp THEN 
       GO TO toobig
8050 LET peep=peep AND PEEK (i)=225:IF peep THEN 
       LET pc=pc-2
8055 FOR t=1+peep TO j:POKE t+pc,PEEK (i+t-1):NEXT t:LET pc=pc+j
8060 LET peep=PEEK pc=229:RETURN
8100 LET t1=t:GO SUB dump:LET t=t1
8105 IF c=1 THEN 
       LET i=pc-2:LET t=vars+8*t:GO SUB doke:RETURN
8110 IF c=2 THEN 
       LET i=pc-2:GO SUB doke:RETURN
8115 IF c=3 THEN 
       LET i=pc-9:LET t=a(t+1):GO SUB doke:RETURN
8120 IF c=4 OR c=5 OR c=48 THEN 
       GO SUB request:RETURN
8125 IF c<>7 THEN 
       GO TO 8150
8130 LET t1=t*8+vars:LET i=pc-15:LET t=t1+2:GO SUB doke:LET i=pc
     -11:LET t=t1+4:GO SUB doke
8135 LET i=pc-7:LET t=t1:GO SUB doke:LET i=pc-4:LET t=pc+1:
     GO SUB doke
8140 LET i=pc-1:LET t=t1+6:GO SUB doke:RETURN
8150 IF c<>8 THEN 
       GO TO 8180
8155 LET t1=vars+t*8:LET i=pc-28:LET t=t1:GO SUB doke:LET i=pc-2
     4:LET t=t1+2:GO SUB doke
8160 LET i=pc-20:LET t=t1:GO SUB doke:LET i=pc-16:LET t=t1+4:
     GO SUB doke:LET i=pc-2:LET t=t1+6:GO SUB doke:RETURN
8180 IF c=11 THEN 
       LET i=pc-1:LET t=vars+8*t:GO SUB doke:RETURN
8185 IF c=13 THEN 
       LET i=pc-7:LET t=a(t+1):GO SUB doke:RETURN
8190 IF c<>26 THEN 
       GO TO 8205
8192 LET i=0
8194 LET i=i+1:IF PEEK (t+i)<>quote THEN 
       GO TO 8194
8196 IF i+pc>=tp THEN 
       GO TO toobig
8198 LET i1=i:LET t1=t:LET i=pc-6:LET t=i1:GO SUB doke:LET i=pc-
     9:LET t=pc+1:GO SUB doke
8200 FOR j=1 TO i1:POKE pc+j,PEEK (t1+j-1):NEXT j:LET pc=pc+i1:
8205 IF c=37 THEN 
       LET i=pc-4:LET t=pc:GO SUB doke:RETURN
8210 IF c=68 THEN 
       LET t=bottom+c*2-2:GO SUB deek:LET i=t+1:LET t=top-8:
       GO SUB doke:RETURN
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