Your Spectrum
Issue 15, June 1985 - Frontlines
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Prepare for take-off. Virgin, already famed for its cheapo Atlantic flights is moving into jump jets as well. And you could be the pilot - if you get hold of a copy of Falcon Patrol II that's just been released for the Speccy.
Single-handed you must defend a desert town as it comes under attack from wave after wave of deadly enemy helicopters. And they've a fearsome arsenal to use against you - missiles, flak batteries and radar jammers.
Virgin Games is convinced it'll be a runway success, so if you want more info on departure times give them a buzz on nn-nnn nnnn.
19th April 1985
I found out today that my secret diaries are being made into a computer game. Can't say I'm very pleased as I haven't even got a computer. Maybe I can persuade Dad to sell the dog and buy me a Spectrum. I phoned Pandora to tell her about
my wonderful plan but she wasn't impressed. She said I'd be selling my soul for software next.
Anyway, once the game's out I'll be dead popular, then she'll be sorry. I only hope they cut out the bits about my spots. I'd better phone Joe or Greg Lang at Mosaic Publishing Ltd on nn-nnn nnnn and find out.
They say it never rains but it pours! But we nearly drowned in the torrents of entries that came flooding down the YS mineshaft for our April Showers Compo.
   Remember we asked you to find the 61st room in Miner Willy's mansion. Well, it seems that there's hardly a person in the kingdom who didn't find it. Course, we did catch a couple of you - one of the 'wettest' entries came from Steven Smithson of Blackpool who wrote in, "I claim the prize for telling you where the 61st room is ... in Dave Nicholl's head." Sorry Steve - that's where the room came from, but it's definitely in JSW now! And we'd have thought that coming from Blackpool you'd have been the first to find it. We'll let Gareth Morgan of Great Sankey rhyme you into the secret:
   No problem finding
   April Showers,
   No searching round
   for hours and hours,
   It's really quite
   within your reach,
   Climb up the rope
   above the beach!

As A L Hodson of Northfields wrote, where else would you expect to find a shower but when you're on the beach!
   And now the moment you've all been waiting for - who's the lucky person whose name came out of the Ed's hat first? Well, our congratulations go to J Blackler of Lancaster - keep an eye out for a large package of 10 Speccy games in the very near future.
   So, you all thought that April Showers was an April fool and then you found it wasn't (well, most of you found it wasn't). But hang on a sec, what have you just been doing with your time? We thought you'd got JSWitis months ago and here you are dusting down your copies and playing it all over again. Now don't you think that's just a little bit foolish?
P a p e r d a t a
The Hacker's Handbook
Longman Publishing / £5.95

The Hacker's Handbook
Century Communications / £4.95

The recent interest in Data Communications (or Comms as it's come to be known) is growing rapidly. This is partly due to the coming of Prestel and Micronet, and partly because it's now possible to lay your hands on some relatively cheap modems. But why should you shell out for one? The modems may be quite cheap but it can still be expensive if you spend hours on the phone to some remote computer.
All very confusing for the beginner but help is at hand. It comes in the form of an excellent book from Longman Publishing called The Hacker's Handbook. The authors, Geof Wheelwright and Ian Scales, start you off from scratch with a short discussion on why Comms is important. They then take you through all the different stages ot communicating, from buying a modem to a complete run-down on how to use Prestel and other remote database systems. The style's clear and easy to understand and all of the technical jargon is explained in footnotes and in a glossary of terms. This really is an excellent introduction to Comms with a lot of good, and up to the minute, information.
The second book is also, rather confusingly, called The Hacker's Handbook, this time from Century Communications. Its aims, however, are completely different. Hugo Cornwall (and there's a made-up name if ever I've heard one!) sets out to show you how to 'hack' - to gatecrash into computers when you haven't been invited or when you haven't paid the entrance fee. To boldly go where no-one wants you and where you shouldn't be! Remember the hoo-ha about the Prestel hacker who broke into Prince Philip's private account? So far, the results of hacking haven't been too disastrous - no nuclear red alerts like the one in the film Wargames, or none we know about. But you must remember that hacking amounts to stealing, whether of information or computer time. Indiscriminate hacking can also cause damage which costs a lot to put right if the hacker manages to do something really 'clever' by accident.
The book does contain some very useful information, especially the chapter on radio communications, but I can't really recommend it. Most computers holding 'secure' data are very well protected and I just can't see the point in spending a fortune on phone bills trying to get into them. You'd be better advised to use the money to gain legitimate access to the computer. At least that way you won't have the police knocking on your door in a dawn raid!
Dave Nicholls


Hacker cartoon

POKE fun into your games! Send your hacking hints to Andrew Pennell, Hacking Away, Your Spectrum, 14 Rathbone Place, London W1P 1DE.

Welcome back, hackers. Straight into a game which really is the pits, Monty Mole. My ol' friend Chris Wood has been tunnelling into it for you. The game loads as a 48K block using up all the Speccy's memory, so entering the POKEs has to be done using a special loader. It's a long listing, so a short explanation's called for. First, it loads Monty Mole lower down in memory than it should be, leaving 1000 bytes in which to put a special loader. This gives Monty infinite lives, moves part of
itself onto the screen, shifts what's left of the game back to its proper place, then runs it - phew, no wonder it's not short!
The data statements in the Basic program can be removed if you don't want a certain feature. Leave in the last line of 3 zeroes, though. Chris has also included a Game Abandon feature, using the G key. As this overwrites part of the scanning routine, the Basic asks which joystick option you want, and disposes of the other.
So, bash in the listing Mole fans and then save it to tape.
Load up the first part of Monty Mole - this will clear the screen - then stop the tape and reset your Spectrum. Next, load in the new loader program, RUN it and if all is well you will get a STOP message so that you can test it before you save it to tape the first time. Then, enter CONTINUE and re-start the original tape without re- winding it. Don't worry about the messy screen as this will clear when it has finished loading. Cue Colonel Bogey and off you go.
From one mighty megahack to another. Piers Pettman has caught Horace fever, sending us not just infinite lives POKEs but infinite POKEs! There are no less than nine to help you combat the alien arachnids in Horace and the Spiders. Off we go then, remembering to add 0 after each of the POKEs: no hills on the first screen - 25142, no spiders either - 28773, ropes are pulled in fast - 29626, jump onto next rope
when you like - 29720, all spiders on the third level die instantly (you don't believe in taking any chances, do you? Ed.) - 30070, hills and more hills for the masochists amongst you - 25218, slow spiders on the third level - 29910, 'infinite' spiders on the third level - 30116, and if you're not too keen on the ropes being pulled on the third level try POKE 29626,52. If you still can't cope after that lot I suggest you forget the spiders and flush yourself down the plughole!
If you fancy a Ski-ing jaunt with Horace but have left your Green Cross Code book at home, try POKE 29009,0 which will clear the road of most of its traffic. You'll still have to keep an eye open for the ambulances.
Andrew Dawson's on the right lines with the POKEs he's sent in for Stop the Express. First you'll have to load the program and de-crypt it by MERGEing the first part, pausing the tape and typing CLEAR 25999 and finally LOAD "" CODE. Next, do POKE 48111,201: RANDOMIZE USR 48096 and you're free to poke around. For endless lives do POKE 34464,183: POKE 34926,183: POKE 35257,0, for unlimited time do POKE 35780,0: POKE 39549,0 and to change the starting carriage number PPOKE 40673,0: 40674,0: POKE 40674,0: POKE 49261,N where N is number 21 carriage [note]. Be careful on this last bit though, as some values will crash it - the game not the train! When you're ready for the off, use RANDOMIZE USR 32768 and it's full steam ahead!
A final quickie from Andrew - if you're having trouble with Arcadia from Imagine (remember them? Ed.) then POKE 25776,0 will make life a little easier.
I know how annoying it can be when you own a game that appears in this column and you just can't get the POKEs to work. A lot of you had that problem with Frank N Stein. Well, it seems there were two versions of the game and Dave Leander's come to the rescue if you were unlucky last time - POKE 34124,0. It seems likely that Ghostbuster's got a twin too - any takers on that one?
Kent Sorensen from Sweden has ventured into Level 9's Adventure Quest to come up with a POKE that lets you remove any one problem from the game at a time. Simply press Break, then POKE 26388 with the room number you're stuck at, then CONTINUE. As he points out this is especially useful if you don't have the keys from location 18 to unchain the snowman. It's about time we had a few adventurous POKEs, so keep 'em coming.
10 LET tot=0: FOR n=65000 TO 65101: READ a: LET tot=tot+a: POKE n,a: NEXT n
15 IF tot<>10865 THEN PRINT AT 10,0;"Error in Main Data": STOP
40 POKE 65028,37: POKE 65029,127: POKE 65100,13: POKE 65101,131
50 LET n=65102: LET b=1: LET c=1
60 READ a: IF a=0 THEN IF b=0 THEN IF c=0 THEN GO TO 80
70 LET c=b: LET b=a: POKE n,a: LET n=n+1: GO TO 60
90 DATA 62, 113, 221, 33, 24, 60, 17, 0, 192, 55, 205, 86, 5, 33, 75, 254, 17, 195, 126, 1, 3, 0, 237, 176, 33, 60, 254, 17, 7, 127, 1, 15, 0, 237, 176, 33, 78, 254, 126, 95, 35, 126, 254
100 DATA 0, 40, 7, 87, 35, 126, 18, 35, 24, 241, 17, 0, 64, 33, 43, 254, 1, 18, 0, 237, 176, 195, 0, 64, 49, 232, 95, 17, 0, 0, 33, 24, 252, 1, 48, 184, 237, 184, 195, 144, 210, 62, 253, 219, 254, 203, 103
110 DATA 58, 163, 130, 192, 225, 225, 195, 23, 248, 205, 239, 130
200 DATA 140,144,0
210 DATA 59,136,0,60,136,0,61,136,0
220 DATA 138,141,201
230 DATA 151,137,201
240 DATA 255,142,0,0,143,0,1,143,0
250 DATA 238,135,0,245,135,0,252,135,0
260 DATA 229,135,0,230,135,0,231,135,0
270 DATA 0,0,0

NOTE: The carriage poke is reproduced as printed in the magazine - ie. they made a total hash of it. Lord knows what it's supposed to be.
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