Your Spectrum
Issue 17, August 1985 - A View to a Kill
Part 3 - The Silver Mine
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Silver Mine MAP

  1. Back to A View to a Kill feature page
  2. Top floor - dynamite, grappling hooks and lighters. You can call the lift using the duck-shoot so long as you're standing by shaft. This can be pretty useful if you want to get to the top again in a hurry. Goin' up!
  3. If you've seen Impossible Mission on the Commie 64, you'll know who Bond's dad is. The character in that also runs, jumps and tumbles in much the same way.
  4. The grappling hook is probably your most vital piece of equipment. Without it you'll never be able to reach the more inaccessible parts of the mine. To get to the winch, for example, the gap's too wide to jump, so you'll just have to do a Tarzan.
  5. Dunnit make you wanna winch! If you can find her, May Day will winch you down to collect the detonator. Trouble is you can get down and get outa there without her just by using the grappling hook.
  6. By rights, you should need the conveyor handle to operate the conveyor belt but we haven't managed to track it down yet. In any case, if you're careful you can just about jump up the side of it.
  7. If Bond misses his footing, he'll take a tumble but it's not always as bad as it first seems. He just crouches down winded, has a quick swear (well, we can't suss out the speech on the game) and then gets on with the job.
  8. May Day, May Day, where is May Day? We've plumbed the depths and scaled the heights but still we haven't found her. We reckon we've mapped it all but we could be wrong. (Nah, impossible! Ed) but as the complete layout would've stretched the Ordnance Survey, we've scrunched it up for the page. Trainspotters, put your pens away!
  9. Try the dam and blast technique. If your way's dammed by a man-made part of the mine, you can dynamite your way through. But make sure you've found the lighter or it won't work. That's when you start damning!
  10. Scattered around the mine, you'll find the code numbers that'll defuse the detonator, but you have to use them in the right order. Nope, we haven't sussed it yet. A couple of lousy spies we'd make, eh!
  11. This lift'll take you straight to the fault - not the San Andreas Fault, unfortunately, but one in the program! Goin' down and down and ...

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