Your Spectrum
Issue 20, November 1985 - Proportional Printing
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Normal Speccy printing is ugly, ugly, ugly and boring, boring, boring. Here's shaped crusader Tony 'Slim' Samuels with a pretty neat alternative!
given here or one of your own design. If you've got an assembler, you can go to work on the assembly listing. Otherwise, you'll have to type in and use the hex loader provided. Once that's in, use the hex loader to enter the proportional character set itself. Done all that? Wow, you're getting really quick! Okay, best remember to save the whole shebang as one lump with:
SAVE "PROPSYS" CODE 64200,1150
Now, whenever you get the urge, you can set up the whole thing with:
will go on working until you do a NEW. You can get it back afterwards with another RANDOMIZE USR 65000.
The Speccy's got 96 printing characters from space (CHR$(32) to the copyright symbol CHR$(127)). Each of these is defined just like a UDG using 8 bytes. A proportional character set is done in a similar way except the first byte of each definition is used to tell the print program how wide the character is, so that it can start the next character just after it.
To work out this byte, just set those bits that aren't used by the character to 1 and leave the rest at 0. If your character is four bits wide, the bits 8,7,6,5 and 4 should all be 0 (bit 4 is 0 so that there's a one pixel gap between this character and the next) and bits 0,1 and 2 should be 1. Simple really! And I've included a little font designer listing opposite so you can get started right away. There, who says I'm just a pretty face?
No-one could say that the way the Speccy PRINTs is the most beautiful in the world. The problem is that the screen is divided into 32 character columns and every character always takes up the same amount of space on the screen. Hardly news and not the kind of thing that bothers us hacks at all. But it's a bit of a shock for all those poor misdirected human beings out there in the real world.
Now take a close look at these words in YS, You'll see that thin characters like I and 1 take up a lot less space than fat ones like M and W. This is our secret way of making sure you can read and re-read YS from cover to cover at no risk to your eyesight. Who says we don't look after you?
So how's about a little bit of machine code to print properly using this sneaky proportional printing idea? Not only will any program you write using it look really nice and be very pleasant to use but you get the added benefit of printing at any pixel position on the screen and so stuff far more than 32 characters on every line. Choose thin words and you'll get more than 100 characters per line! Proportional printing is therefore ideal for any
program with lots of text in it - databases, word processors and so on.


To make life even easier, the print program here becomes part of Speccy Basic by taking over the LPRINT command. The syntax is the same except you can now use the AT command if you like. The program doesn't like INK and PAPER control codes but it will print in whatever permanent colours you've set with INK and PAPER. Once you've got the routine loaded, the command, LPRINT AT 0,0; "Your Spectrum" will print "Your Spectrum" proportionally spaced in the top left of your screen. All proportional printing is done as if OVER 1 was set so you've got to be careful only to print on blank bits of screen or else the result will be more of a mess than the usual PRINT command!


To get your own printing going, you're going to have to type in the proportional print program and either the character set

This program is available on "ZIPi'T'ape".


You'll find here all the code you need to get proportional printing up and running on your Speccy. Tony's also provided a designer program, so if you're not happy with his creative characters then you can knock up your own. If you're going for the minimum typing job, then you'll only need to enter three parts. The Hex Loader (which enters the code), the Proper Print machine code listing (using either our Hex Loader or your own assembler package) and finally the Character Set code using the Hex Loader program.
In case you're wondering, this is a hex loader - a program to provide hours and hours of endless entering fun for all the family. To use it, type it in and SAVE it and then enter the print program by typing in each line of hex in the second column of the main listing (one byte at a time) starting from address 65000. When you've finished type xx. The checksum should come to 45760 if you've got it right. Next, use the loader to enter the proportional character set. It starts at 64200 and the checksum should come to 64743. Don't forget to save it all with SAVE "PROPSYS" CODE 64200,1150 .
  10 CLEAR 62199
  40 LET a=10: LET b=11: LET c=12: LET d=13: LET e=14: LET f=15
  50 LET cq=0
  60 LET t=0
 100 INPUT h$
 105 IF LEN h$<>2 THEN GO TO 100
 107 IF h$="XX" OR h$="xx" THEN GO TO 200
 110 LET h=0
 120 LET h=h+16*VAL h$(1)
 130 LET h=h+VAL h$(2)
 140 POKE sl,h: LET sl=sl+1
 145 LET cq=cq+h
 150 PRINT TAB (t);h$;: LET t=t+3: IF t=33 THEN LET t=0: PRINT
 160 GO TO 100
 200 INPUT "CHECKSUM >";cs
This is it - the machine code program that, coupled with a character set at 64200, prints like magic on your Speccy. If you've got an assembler or monitor, you can start straight away. Otherwise nip ahead and type in the hex loader and come back when it's running.
FDE8          0010       ORG  65000
5C8D          0020 ATTRP EQU  23693
22AA          0030 PIXAD EQU  22AAH
5C7B          0040 UDG   EQU  23675
Start the routine at 65000 and declare some labels.
FDE8 26A8     0050 INITI LD   H,168
FDEA 2E00     0060       LD   L,0
FDEC 22DBFE   0070       LD   (XPOS),HL
Reset the printing position to the top left of the screen.
FDEF 2A4F5C   0080 ENABL LD   HL,(23631)
FDF2 010F00   0090       LD   BC,15
FDF5 09       0100       ADD  HL,BC
FDF6 01FDFD   0110       LD   BC,DO-IT
FDF9 71       0120       LD   (HL),C
FDFA 23       0130       INC  HL
FDFB 70       0140       LD   (HL),B
FDFC C9       0150       RET
Change the pointer to the LPRINT routine in the CHANS table to point to the proportional printing routine.
FDFD E5       0160 DO-IT PUSH HL
FDFE C5       0170       PUSH BC
FDFF D5       0180       PUSH DE
FE00 F5       0190       PUSH AF
FE01 CD09FE   0200       CALL DOIT1
FE04 F1       0210       POP  AF
FE05 D1       0220       POP  DE
FE06 C1       0230       POP  BC
FE07 E1       0240       POP  HL
FE08 C9       0250       RET
Save all the registers, call the printing routine, put back all the registers again and leap back to the operating system.
FE09 F5       0260 DOIT1 PUSH AF
FE0A 3AE2FE   0270       LD   A,(ATFLG)
FE0D FE00     0280       CP   0
FE0F 200B     0290       JR   NZ,GETXP
FE11 F1       0300       POP  AF
Look to see if last character was a control code 22 - the code for AT.
FE12 FE16     0310 ATCHQ CP   22
FE14 2021     0320       JR   NZ,CRCHQ
FE16 3EFF     0330       LD   A,255
FE18 32E2FE   0340       LD   (ATFLG),A
FE1B C9       0350       RET
If the current character is an AT control code, set the ATFLG to indicate that the next two codes dealt with will be the X and Y positions for the print.
FE1C FEFE     0360 GETXP CP   254
FE1E 2809     0370       JR   Z,GETYP
FE20 F1       0380       POP  AF
FE21 32DBFE   0390       LD   (XPOS),A
FE24 21E2FE   0400       LD   HL,ATFLG
FE27 35       0410       DEC  (HL)
FE28 C9       0420       RET
FE29 F1       0430 GETYP POP  AF
FE2A 47       0440       LD   B,A
FE2B 3EA8     0450       LD   A,168
FE2D 90       0460       SUB  B
FE2E 32DCFE   0470       LD   (YPOS),A
FE31 3E00     0480       LD   A,0
FE33 32E2FE   0490       LD   (ATFLG),A
FE36 C9       0500       RET
If the last character was an AT then fetch the X and Y co-ordinates and move to the new printing position.
FE37 FE0D     0510 CRCHQ CP   13
FE39 2009     0520       JR   NZ,VCHRQ
FE3B CD1CFF   0530       CALL DWNCR
FE3E 3E02     0531       LD   A,2
FE40 CD0116   0532       CALL 1601H
FE43 C9       0540 SKIPC RET
If the current character is a Return control code, move down 8 pixels and open channel 2 to deal with nasty INK and PAPER control codes.
FE44 FE20     0550 VCHRQ CP   32
FE46 3804     0560       JR   C,PRNT?
FE48 FE80     0570       CP   128
FE4A 3804     0580       JR   C,FCHR
FE4C 3E3F     0590 PRNT? LD   A,63
Burp! If the character is not between 32 and 127 then print a question mark instead.
FE4E 1800     0600       JR   FCHR
FE50 210000   0610 FCHR  LD   HL,0
FE53 6F       0620       LD   L,A
FE54 29       0630       ADD  HL,HL
FE55 29       0640       ADD  HL,HL
FE56 29       0650       ADD  HL,HL
FE57 EB       0660       EX   DE,HL
FE58 2AE6FE   0670       LD   HL,(CRADR)
FE5B 19       0680       ADD  HL,DE
FE5C 7E       0690       LD   A,(HL)
Figure out where the character's definition is stored in memory.
FE5D 32E3FE   0700       LD   (CRMSK),A
FE60 3600     0710       LD   (HL),0
Store the first byte of the character (the width indicator) and stick a zero byte in its place.
FE62 22E4FE   0720       LD   (CRAD1),HL
FE65 010700   0730 PRNIT LD   BC,7
We're getting there! Load CRADD with the address of the seventh byte of the character, check the character will fit on the screen and calculate the address in the display file where the character will be printed.
FE68 09       0740       ADD  HL,BC
FE69 22E0FE   0750       LD   (CHRAD),HL
FE6C 3ADCFE   0760       LD   A,(YPOS)
FE6F FEA9     0770       CP   169
FE71 D2FCFE   0780       JP   NC,ERR5
FE74 CD05FF   0790       CALL FITCQ
FE77 ED4BDBFE 0800       LD   BC,(XPOS)
FE7B CDAA22   0810       CALL PIXAD
FE7E 32DFFE   0820       LD   (PIXPQ),A
FE81 22DDFE   0830       LD   (DFADD),HL
FE84 0608     0840       LD   B,8
FE86 C5       0850 PRNLP PUSH BC
FE87 2AE0FE   0860       LD   HL,(CHRAD)
FE8A 7E       0870       LD   A,(HL)
FE8B 2B       0880       DEC  HL
FE8C 22E0FE   0890       LD   (CHRAD),HL
FE8F 6F       0900       LD   L,A
FE90 3ADFFE   0910       LD   A,(PIXPO)
FE93 FE00     0920       CP   0
FE95 CAA2FE   0930       JP   Z,PUTIT
FE98 47       0940       LD   B,A
FE99 2600     0950       LD   H,0
FE9B CB3D     0960 ROTLP SRL  L
FE9D CB1C     0970       RR   H
FE9F A7       0980       AND  A
FEA0 10F9     0990       DJNZ ROTLP
FEA6 1A       1010       LD   A,(DE)
FEA7 AD       1020       XOR  L
FEA8 12       1030       LD   (DE),A
FEA9 CD2AFF   1040       CALL COLAD
FEAC 3ADFFE   1050       LD   A,(PIXPO)
FEAF FE00     1060       CP   0
FEB1 CABCFE   1070       JP   Z,PST
FEB4 13       1080       INC  DE
FEB5 1A       1090       LD   A,(DE)
FEB6 AC       1100       XOR  H
FEB7 12       1110       LD   (DE),A
FEB8 CD2AFF   1120       CALL COLAD
FEBB 1B       1130       DEC  DE
FEC2 22DDFE   1160       LD   (DFADD),HL
FEC5 C1       1170       POP  BC
FEC6 10BE     1180       DJNZ PRNLP
Rotate the character definition into the correct pixel position, place it on the screen one byte at a time and make sure each byte is in the right colour.
FEC8 3AE3FE   1190       LD   A,(CRMSK)
FECB 2AE4FE   1200       LD   HL,(CRAD1)
FECE 77       1210       LD   (HL),A
FECF 3ADBFE   1220       LD   A,(XPOS)
FED2 47       1230       LD   B,A
FED3 3AE8FE   1240       LD   A,(WIDTH)
FED6 80       1250       ADD  A,B
FED7 32DBFE   1260       LD   (XPOS),A
FEDA C9       1270       RET
Get the width indicator byte and put it back at the start of the character definition. Then move right the correct number of pixels for the character just printed.
FEDB 00       1280 XPOS  DEFB 0
FEDC A8       1290 YPOS  DEFB 168
FEDD 0000     1300 DFADD DEFW 0
FEDF 00       1310 PIXPO DEFB 0
FEE0 0000     1320 CHRAD DEFW 0
FEE2 00       1330 ATFLG DEFB 0
FEE3 00       1340 CRMSK DEFB 0
FEE4 0000     1350 CRAD1 DEFW 0
FEE6 C8F9     1360 CRADR DEFW 64200-256
FEE8 00       1370 WIDTH DEFB 0
Reserve a bit of space for some variables.
FEE9 F5       1380 ULINE PUSH AF
FEEA 7C       1390       LD   A,H
FEEB 25       1400       DEC  H
FEEC E607     1410       AND  7
FEEE 200A     1420       JR   NZ,END
FEF0 7D       1430       LD   A,L
FEF1 D620     1440       SUB  32
FEF3 6F       1450       LD   L,A
FEF4 3804     1460       JR   C,END
FEF6 7C       1470       LD   A,H
FEF7 C608     1480       ADD  A,8
FEF9 67       1490       LD   H,A
FEFA F1       1500 END   POP  AF
FEFB C9       1510       RET
Here's a handy routine that sets HL to point to the next pixel line up in the display file.
FEFC 3AE3FE   1520 ERR5  LD   A,(CRMSK)
FEFF 2AE4FE   1525       LD   HL,(CRAD1)
FF02 77       1530       LD   (HL),A
FF03 CF       1540       RST  8
FF04 04       1550       DEFB 4
Restore the width indicator byte to the first byte of the character definition and generate an Out of Screen error.
FF05 0608     1560 FITCQ LD   B,8
FF07 3AE3FE   1570       LD   A,(CRMSK)
FF0A 4F       1580       LD   C,A
FF0B A7       1590 CNTLP AND  A
FF0C CB39     1600       SRL  C
FF0E 3003     1610       JR   NC,OUT
FF10 05       1620       DEC  B
FF11 18F8     1630       JR   CNTLP
FF13 78       1640 OUT   LD   A,B
FF14 32E8FE   1650       LD   (WIDTH),A
FF17 3ADBFE   1660       LD   A,(XPOS)
FF1A 80       1670       ADD  A,B
FF1B D0       1680       RET  NC
FF1C 3E00     1690 DWNCR LD   A,0
FF1E 32DBFE   1700       LD   (XPOS),A
FF21 3ADCFE   1710       LD   A,(YPOS)
FF24 D608     1720       SUB  8
FF26 32DCFE   1730       LD   (YPOS),A
FF29 C9       1740       RET
Check if the character to be printed will fit on this line - if it doesn't, move down 8 pixels and back to the left hand side of the screen.
FF2A E5       1750 COLAD PUSH HL
FF2B F5       1760       PUSH AF
FF2C 7A       1770       LD   A,D
FF2D CB0F     1780       RRC  A
FF2F CB0F     1790       RRC  A
FF31 CB0F     1800       RRC  A
FF33 E603     1810       AND  3
FF35 F658     1820       OR   58H
FF37 67       1830       LD   H,A
FF38 6B       1840       LD   L,E
FF39 3A8D5C   1850       LD   A,(ATTRP)
FF3C 77       1860       LD   (HL),A
FF3D F1       1870       POP  AF
FF3E E1       1880       POP  HL
FF3F C9       1890       RET
And another useful routine - it calculates the relevant address in the attributes file from a given display file address and stores the value of ATTRP (the permanent PAPER and INK colours) in it.
              1900 FINIS END
That's all folks!
Here's the info for proportionally spaces characters - all 96 of them! Grab the hex loader and get going ...
07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 3F 80 80
80 80 00 80 00 07 50 A0 00 00 00
00 00 03 50 F8 50 50 F8 50 00 03
00 78 A0 70 28 F0 00 0F A0 20 40
40 80 A0 00 07 40 A0 50 A0 A0 50
00 1F 40 80 00 00 00 00 00 1F 40
80 80 80 80 40 00 1F 80 40 40 40
40 80 00 07 90 60 F0 60 90 00 00
03 00 20 20 F8 20 20 00 1F 00 00
00 00 00 40 80 03 00 00 00 F8 00
00 00 3F 00 00 00 00 00 80 00 0F
20 20 40 40 80 80 00 03 70 88 B8
E8 88 70 00 0F 40 C0 40 40 40 E0
00 03 70 88 08 30 40 F8 00 03 F8
08 30 08 88 70 00 07 80 A0 A0 F0
20 20 00 03 F8 80 70 08 88 70 00
07 60 80 E0 90 90 60 00 07 F0 10
10 20 20 20 00 03 70 88 70 88 88
70 00 07 60 90 90 70 10 60 00 3F
00 00 80 00 80 00 00 1F 00 00 00
40 00 40 80 0F 00 20 40 80 40 20
00 07 00 00 F0 00 F0 00 00 0F 00
80 40 20 40 80 00 03 70 88 10 20
00 20 00 01 78 84 B4 BC 80 78 00
07 60 90 90 F0 90 90 00 07 E0 90
E0 90 90 E0 00 07 60 90 80 80 90
60 00 07 E0 90 90 90 90 E0 00 07
F0 80 E0 80 80 F0 00 07 F0 80 E0
80 80 80 00 07 60 90 80 B0 90 60
00 07 90 90 F0 90 90 90 00 0F E0
40 40 40 40 E0 00 07 70 10 10 10
90 60 00 07 80 90 A0 C0 A0 90 00
0F 80 80 80 80 80 E0 00 03 88 D8
A8 88 88 88 00 07 90 D0 D0 B0 B0
90 00 07 60 90 90 90 90 60 00 07
E0 90 90 E0 80 80 00 07 60 90 90
90 B0 70 00 07 E0 90 90 E0 A0 90
00 07 60 90 40 20 90 60 00 0F E0
40 40 40 40 40 00 07 90 90 90 90
90 60 00 0F A0 A0 A0 A0 A0 40 00
03 88 88 88 A8 A8 50 00 07 90 90
60 60 90 90 00 07 90 90 90 70 10
60 00 07 F0 10 20 40 80 F0 00 1F
C0 80 80 80 80 C0 00 0F 80 80 40
40 20 20 00 1F C0 40 40 40 40 C0
00 03 20 70 A8 20 20 20 00 07 00
00 00 00 00 F8 00 07 60 90 80 E0
80 F0 00 03 00 70 90 90 90 68 00
07 80 80 E0 90 90 E0 00 07 00 60
90 80 90 60 00 07 10 10 70 90 90
70 00 07 00 60 90 E0 80 70 00 07
00 60 90 80 E0 80 80 07 00 70 90
90 70 10 60 07 80 80 E0 90 90 90
00 3F 00 80 00 80 80 80 00 0F 00
20 00 20 20 A0 40 0F 80 80 A0 C0
A0 A0 00 1F 80 80 80 80 80 40 00
03 00 50 A8 A8 88 88 00 07 00 E0
90 90 90 90 00 07 00 60 90 90 90
60 00 07 00 E0 90 90 E0 80 80 03
00 70 90 90 70 10 18 0F 00 60 80
80 80 80 00 07 00 70 80 60 10 E0
00 0F 00 80 E0 80 80 60 00 07 00
90 90 90 90 60 00 0F 00 A0 A0 A0
A0 40 00 03 00 88 88 88 A8 50 00
0F 00 A0 A0 40 A0 A0 00 07 00 90
90 90 70 10 60 03 00 F8 10 20 40
F8 00 0F 60 40 80 80 40 60 00 3F
80 80 80 80 80 80 80 0F C0 40 20
20 40 C0 00 01 00 00 64 98 00 00
00 00 7C 82 BA A2 BA 82 7C

You can use this either for the proportional printing program or for the Speccy's normal characters. Q, A, O and P move the cursor around - give Troubleshootin' Pete a ring if you can't work out which does which direction! To set a pixel use M and to turn one off use N. F stores the design on the grid in memory as any particular character you want, D displays any character, U shows the whole character set and S and J save and load the whole lot for you. Once you've saved a new set, you can load it into the proportional print program with LOAD "name" CODE 64200. Away you go ...
  10 CLEAR 39999
  20 LET ba=40000
 100 PRINT AT 2,3;"??????????"
 110 FOR f=3 TO 10: PRINT AT f,3;"?00000000?": NEXT f
 120 PRINT AT 11,3;"??????????"
 130 LET a=0: LET b=0
 200 OVER 1: PRINT AT a+3,b+4;"?": PAUSE 2: PRINT AT a+3,b+4;"?": PAUSE 2: OVER 0
 210 LET a=a+(INKEY$="a" AND a<7)-(INKEY$="q" AND a>0)
 220 LET b=b+(INKEY$="p" AND b<7)-(INKEY$="o" AND b>0)
 230 IF INKEY$="m" THEN PRINT AT a+3,b+4; INVERSE 1;"X": PLOT b+160,(8-a)+151
 240 IF INKEY$="n" THEN PRINT AT a+3,b+4;"O": PLOT INVERSE 1;b+160,(8-a)+151
 250 IF INKEY$="f" THEN GO TO 300
 260 IF INKEY$="d" THEN GO TO 400
 270 IF INKEY$="u" THEN GO TO 500
 275 IF INKEY$="s" THEN GO TO 1000
 280 IF INKEY$="j" THEN GO TO 1020
 290 GO TO 200
 310 IF LEN c$<>1 THEN GO TO 300
 320 IF CODE c$<32 OR CODE c$>127 THEN GO TO 300
 330 LET c=CODE c$
 340 FOR f=0 TO 7
 350 POKE (c-32)*8+f+ba,PEEK (16468+(f*256)): NEXT f: RUN
 410 IF LEN c$<>1 THEN GO TO 400
 420 IF CODE c$<32 OR CODE c$>127 THEN GO TO 400
 430 POKE 23606,64: POKE 23607,155: PRINT AT 2,20;c$: POKE 23606,0: POKE 23607,60
 440 FOR a=0 TO 7: FOR b=0 TO 7
 450 IF POINT (b+160,(8-a)+151)=1 THEN PRINT AT a+3,b+4; INVERSE 1;"X": GO TO 470
 460 PRINT AT a+3,b+4;"O"
 470 NEXT b: NEXT a
 480 LET a=0: LET b=0: GO TO 200
 500 PRINT AT 15,0;: FOR f=32 TO 127: PRINT BRIGHT 1;CHR$ f;" ";: NEXT f
 501 PRINT AT 15,0;" ";: OVER 1: FOR f=32 TO 127: POKE 23606,64: POKE 23607,155: PRINT BRIGHT 1;CHR$ f;: POKE 23606,0: POKE 23607,60: PRINT " ";: NEXT f: OVER 0: POKE 23606,0: POKE 23607,60
 510 BEEP .1,1: PAUSE 0: PAUSE 0: RUN
1000 INPUT "file name ";f$: SAVE f$ CODE 40000,768: RUN
1020 INPUT "file name ";f$: LOAD f$ CODE 40000,768: RUN
9999 STOP: ERASE "m";1;"YSGD": SAVE *"m";1;"YSGD": STOP
If you're still confused about life, death and the meaning of proportional printing, try out this major new adventure program once you've got PROPSYS working. Cor, it's even harder than Castle Rathbone! Just so you can see how awful Speccy printing is, the magic word xyzzy will flip you between the two types of printing.
   1 REM *Proportional Printing*
   2 REM * Tony Samuels 1985 *
   9 REM --Initialise routine--
  10 LET i=USR 65000
  12 FOR f=1 TO 7
  15 INK f
  20 LPRINT AT f*2+50,(f-1)*8;"Proportional Printing"
  30 NEXT f
  40 FOR f=7 TO 1 STEP -1
  50 INK f
  60 LPRINT AT f*2+50,(6+(8-f))*8;"Proportional Printing"
  70 NEXT f
  80 FOR f=0 TO 10
  85 INK RND*6+1
  90 LPRINT AT 165-f*2,80+f*8;"In High Resolution"
 120 NEXT f
 125 PAUSE 400
 130 INK 0: PAPER 0: BORDER 0: CLS
 132 LET i=USR 65000
 135 INK 5
 136 LET c=3
 140 LPRINT AT 70,0;"The YS Silly Adventure"
 145 DATA "You are in a room","You are in a cave","You find yourself in a dank dungeon","You are in an extremely messy office (Yeah ed.) !","You are having a nightmare (or are you)"
 146 DATA "A shaft of light beams down from the roof","It is dark","There is a bucket nailed to the floor which you can't pick up","There are strange etchings on the wall","A wind is blowing"
 160 INK RND*4+3
 170 RESTORE 145: FOR f=1 TO INT (RND*5)+1: READ f$: NEXT f
 180 RESTORE 146: FOR f=1 TO INT (RND*5)+1: READ s$: NEXT f
 185 IF PEEK 65244<30 THEN LET l=USR 65000: CLS
 190 PRINT #c;f$;", ";s$: PRINT #c
 200 INPUT INK 5;"COMMAND >";c$
 210 IF c$="xyzzy" THEN IF c=2 THEN LET c=3: RANDOMIZE USR 65000: CLS: GO TO 221
 220 IF c$="xyzzy" THEN IF c=3 THEN LET c=2: CLS
 230 IF c$="n" OR c$="s" OR c$="w" OR c$="e" OR c$="xyzzy" THEN GO TO 250
 235 IF PEEK 65244<30 THEN LET l=USR 65000: CLS
 240 INK 5: PRINT #c: PRINT #c;"I'm sorry I don't understand!": BEEP .5,1: GO TO 200
 250 PRINT #c: PRINT #c;"OKAY sir"
 300 GO TO 160

output comparison
Before ... and after. The difference, as you can see, is quite dramatic. Not only is the proportional text more pleasing to look at - it's also easier to read!

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