
Dinosaur stories


Once upon a time there was a huge blue and green dinosaur. His name was Dadalius Dinosaur but everybody called him Dino.
One day when Dino went for a walk he saw a little boy and his mother sitting on a bench at the side of the woods. The boy was holding a lead.

"Hello." said Dino.

"Hello," replied the boy.

"Good morning." said his mother.

The boy looked at Dadalius curiously. He had never seen a real dinosaur before and thought how fantastic it was to meet one today.

"What are you called?" the boy asked quickly, curiosity getting the better of him. "Where did you come from?"

The boys mother pulled on his sleeve. "Fred, Fred," she said. "Don't ask so many questions?"

"It's alright." Dino said cheerfully. "I don't mind."

The boy grinned. "See mum, it's okay. He looks like a nice Dinosaur. Are you a nice Dinosaur?" He questioned swiftly looking up at Dino."

"You bet. Nicest Dinosaur in the world."

What's your name then?"

"Dadalius Dinosaur" But my friends call me Dino. You can call me Dino too if you like."

"Wow that's a great name."

"I'm Fred," the boy replied. "and this is my mum, he said proudly clutching at his mother's sleeve.

"Short for Frederic I'll bet. What a great name."

Fred looked chuffed. Nobody had ever told him he had a great name before. Fred's mum smiled.

"Where is your dog?" Dino asked looking directly at the lead that Fred dangled from his hand.

"Dunno. We're waiting for him to come back. I threw a stick into the woods and he's not come back yet."

"How long has he been gone then?" Dino queried.

Fred looked up at his mum. "How long mum?"

She didn't looked at her wristwatch, just fiddled with it with her fingers."About half an hour," she replied.

"Do you want me to go into the woods to look for him?" Dino asked realizing that Fred's mum was blind.

"That would be very kind." His mother replied quickly. "You see I can't go in the woods with Fred because I can't see."

"No problem. I'll go look for him."

"Can I come?" Fred asked getting off the bench. His mother clutched his arm about to protest.

"No sir!" Dino said flatly. He looked extremely serious.

"We've only just met and you don't know me at all. Haven't they told you at school that you are never to go off with a stranger?"

Fred's cheeks went pink."Yes, he mumbled. "But ...but you said you are a nice Dinosaur"

"Anybody can say that." Dino said raising one eyebrow. "Anybody. Do you understand?"

"Yes," Fred replied faintly.

Fred's mum looked up in the direction of Dino and smiled. "Thank you." she said.

"Tell you what," said Dino I'll go and find your dog then one day when you know me better and only if your mum says it's okay you and your mum can have a ride on my back and we'll whizz around the sky. And maybe ... just maybe, I'll take you to my castle far far away."

"Wow!" Fred exclaimed. "Can we mum, can we?"

Fred's mum smiled and without further words being spoken Dino scuttled off into the woods to look for Fred's dog. After what seemed no more than a minute Dino came back huffing and puffing.

"Forgot to ask you your dog's name."

"Jumpy," Fred replied. "we call him Jumpy."

"Funny name. Why is he called Jumpy?" Dino asked frowning.

"Because he can jump really high in the air."

"High as a tree?"

"Higher than a tree." Fred said.

"My goodness. What an amazing dog." he said hurrying off back into the woods.

Once in the woods he stood very very still for a full minute and pricked up his big ears. Then he heard the faint sound of a dog barking. It sounded as though it was a long way off in the distance. It was a long way off sure enough, but not in the distance. Dino's ears moved like radar antennae until he pinpointed the direction of the sound. His ears were pointing upwards. Dino looked up high into the trees and there way up high was a little dog.

"Is your name Jumpy?" Dino asked in the best friendly voice he could manage so as not to scare the poor animal. He thought that if he scared him he might drop straight out of the tree with fright.

Jumpy looked down at the Dinosaur. He saw Dino and began to tremble.

"No need to be scared. I'm only a Dinosaur - a friendly one." Dadalius said smiling the best way he knew how. "Is your name Jumpy?"

Jumpy calmed down a little. "Woof," he replied, which meant yes to Dino.

"What on earth are you doing at the top of this tree. Did you jump too high?"

"Woof, woof," Jumpy barked. Of course this meant yes, yes.

"Hmmph. Thought as much." Dino mumbled trying not to giggle. "Well just hold on tight and I'll get you down. I'm a magic Dinosaur and I can fly so I'll come up and get you. Just jump onto my back when I fly past okay!"

"Woof," Jumpy replied.

Dino shook his body and huge transparent wings unfurled from his back. As they stretched out wider and wider they took on the colours of the rainbow. Dino began to flap his wings, slowly he rose in the air and before long he was circling miles and miles high above the forest. Here I come he said to nobody in particular as he dived towards the forest and Jumpy. He hovered above the tree Jumpy was stuck in. "Are you ready?"

"Woof." "

When I say jump, jump. Okay?"

"Woof, woof."

"Here I come."

Dino hovered at the side of Jumpy. "Jump." he commanded.

"Woof." Jumpy jumped and landed straight on Dino's back.

"Just lie still on my by back and you'll be fine, okay? We'll be on the ground in a minute." Jumpy, trembling slightly did as Dino said and he lay down on the dinosaur's back. Then there was a thump and he bounced up slightly. "Okay you can get down now," Dino said.

Jumpy stood on all fours. They were on the ground. Quick as a flash he jumped off Dino's back and woofed and woofed with pleasure and started licking Dino's toes.

"Okay, okay, stop that ... please...stop ... stop ... it tickles." Dino started giggling and this set Jumpy off on another fervor of excitement and more licking until Dino's squeals of laughter could be heard for miles around. At length Jumpy stopped fussing and Dino stopped laughing. "Better get back to Fred and his mum don't you think?"

"Woof, woof."

And don't jump so high in future."

"Woof." Jumpy was wagging his tail and bouncing up and down as high as a Dino's shoulders.

"Yes, no higher than that or you'll be back up a tree and I don't want to have to get you down again ... not today anyway!"


Fred was thrilled to see Jumpy again and scooped him up and hugged and hugged him while his mum gave Dino a big thank you for being so kind. She stood up and reached out towards where she though Dino was standing. Dino understood her blindness, he had a young nephew who was blind and leaned towards her lowering his head so that it was level with hers. She reached out and touched him then gave him a big kiss and thanked him again. Dino went a bit pink and said it was no trouble at all.

At length they all agreed to meet again on the following Tuesday. Fred's mum said she'd make some butterfly cakes and some egg and cheese sandwiches and biscuits and orange juice and they could all have a picnic.  Dino thought this was a great idea but he was a bit worried about eating butterfly cakes until Fred explained that they weren't made out of butterflies at all!




Octopus found this drawing of dinosaurs. He doesn't think anyone will mind that he's put it on this page.
You can print it out and colour it in if you like.

If you want to go home now just click on the butterfly and she'll fly you there.
