Midland Railway Signalmens' Association


The MRSA exists to preserve the concept and practice of semaphore signalling as practised by the Midland Railway and its successors. The signal boxes which have been saved from demolition and are now in use or stored at the Midland Railway Centre are, to use a modern term, 'past their sell-by date' and are in need of urgent and continuing maintenance work. To enable this work to be done the MRSA are active in raising funds to purchase materials and specialist contract work that cannot be undertaken by themselves.

Part of the fund raising activities is a Covenant Scheme wherby interested individuals can contribute a minimum of £5 per month for at least 4 years. Under current legislation the Association can reclaim from the Inland Revenue the basic tax, thus increassing the value of your donation.

If you would like to help the Association in this way could you complete the Deed of Covenant and Standing Order below and send them to:

Mr Nick Hopkins
149 Woodhouse Road
Horsley Woodhouse

The MRSA is an integral part of the Midland Railway Trust Limited which is a company registered in England No 1097382 and as a charitable trust No 502278. The MRSA runs the Signal Box Appeal Fund which is recognised by the Inland Revenue as having been established for charitable purposes only.

M R T Signal Box Appeal
Note 1.    I,..............................................................
Note 2.    of .............................................................
           HEREBY COVENANT to the Midland Railway Trust Ltd Signalbox
Note 3.    Appeal for a period of .... years from the ..... day of
           .................... 19... or during my life (whichever period
Note 4.    shall be the shorter) I will pay annually/quarterly/monthly to
           the Signalbox Appeal out of my taxed income such sum as will,
           after deduction of income tax at the basic rate for the time
Note 5.    being in force amount to £.....................................
           ............. day of ........................ 19...

Signature  ...................................................

Note 6.    IN THE PRESENCE OF.................................
Note 7.    ...................................................

Note 1. Full Name in Capitals Note 2. Address in Capitals Note 3. Enter Number of years (minimum 4) Note 4. Delete two and initial the deletion Note 5. The sum (in figures and words) to be paid each year/qtr/month Note 6. Signature of Witness Note 7. Address of Witness
           TO:  THE MANAGER
Note 8.    ................................................................
           Please pay to Yorkshire Bank plc, 30 Oxford Street, Ripley
           Derbyshire, DE5 3AJ code 05-07-15 for the credit of the MRT 
           SIGNAL BOX APPEAL FUND account number 47151265 the sum of £.....
           on the ........ day of ................. 19... and a like sum on
Note 9.    the same day each succeeding year/quarter/month for ...... years
           making .... payments in all and debit my account No.............

Signature  SIGNED ..................................Date...................
Note 10.   Mr/Mrs/Miss/Title...............................................

Note 8. Name and address of your bank in capitals. Note 9. Delete as applicable and state number of years as above. Note 10. Your full name and address in capitals.

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