406th Battery of the 561st Coast-regiment, R. A.

The graphic below is based on two aerial photgraphs of Oldside Shore, taken by the RAF shortly after WWII. The battery camp was still present on 16th January 1946, but most of the buildings had been removed by the time the second photograph had been taken on 19th May 1948. Remaining were the Power-Plant, and the guard-house - next to where the path leading onto the battery camp bends at right-angles (lower right).

The concrete terracing (3) and the sea-barrier (10) probably pre-date the battery, and were not built as part of it, but maybe by the Ironworks company to shore up the embankment behind it. These structures are still extant. Of the remains of the battery, there is a largish concrete slab where (12) was sited - probably the base of the ZAA Magazine, and the remains of one of the gun-floors lying shattered at the foot of the cliff, upon which it once stood. A clump of twisted steel reinforcing bars and concrete can be found in the grass at the northern edge of the car-park.

a graphical illustration of the Workington Coast-Battery and defence of the Dock.

I took the aerial photograph of the shore and docks below in summer 1985. The section shown is marked up for identification purposes, with respect to the graphic. Intriguingly, a concrete slab is visible, but it is not possible to discern (either from the image here or the original transparency) whether it is lying there, or still part of a building. I assume it to be merely lying, as I can't remember noticing the remainder of the building when down that way.

1985 aerial view of part of the battery site

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