hypa is famous for it's global analysis which looks at issues relating to current events and helps us fill our web pages with stuff. hypa has access to sources of information from all over the world, and from many diverse contacts. Each week we look at an issue connected to our chosen topic of the week.


Privacy, the World Wide Web and YOUR government

As our current theme involves technology, hypa has decided to take a look at your privacy on the internet.

While you might think that your use of the internet is a private matter, and that the web sites you visit are confidential, you may not realise that all western governments (ie. all those with the computing power to do so) keep a record of all telephone calls that leave their borders.

This means that even though your connection to a foreign site may take a very circuitous route, your government will undoubtedly have logged it and traced it back to your home/office phone number.

So remember, only visiting domestic sites can really guarantee your privacy.


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