hypa is famous for it's global analysis which looks at issues relating to current events and helps us fill our web pages with stuff. hypa has access to sources of information from all over the world, and from out of it. Each week we look at an issue connected to our chosen topic of the week.


The Space Aliens

The Space Aliens are here. Let there be no doubt about it. Your government already knows, and now you do to.

The first recorded official denial by a government concerning Space Aliens dates back to 23 B.C. when the Roman Senate declared "that no creatures from the heavens do exist" after a public scare involving what one of the observers at the time called "cigar-shaped objects" in the sky.

Some historians claim that these records must be fakes because cigars had not been invented in 23 B.C. However, these records are carefully preserved at the Holy Church for the Welcome of Space Friends (in Los Angeles), and they have been examined by the Church's own experts who have declared them to be genuine.

The Space Aliens have been watching the development of us humans all this time while they decide what to do with us. They are looking for evidence that we are worthy enough creatures to admit to the Universal Organisation of Peace-Loving Races (a loose translation from alien-speak). It is thought that they are not too impressed with the evidence so far, although they do think that Henry Kissinger deserved that Nobel Peace Prize in 1973.

However, all is not lost yet because they have instructions to continue monitoring us for a further 42 years, giving us time to improve out poor record to date. However, documents in our possession indicate that the Space Aliens are starting to think that a colony of amoeba-like creatures on a meteorite circling Alpha Centauri may be showing more promise.


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