hypa is famous for it's global analysis which looks at issues relating to current events and helps us fill our web pages with stuff. hypa has access to sources of information from all over the world, and from out of it. Each week we look at an issue connected to our chosen topic of the week.


Performance Enhancing Drugs

Everyone was shocked when the World Swimming Championships in Australia were over-shadowed by athletes failing drugs tests. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg - and there is a Titanic steaming straight towards it.

Not only are performance enhancing drugs being widely taken in sport but their use is now creeping in to other areas of life. In areas like politics and big business many are turning to drugs.

hypa can reveal that in the world of politics top politicians are using performance enhancing drugs. Sources speaking off the record said they knew candidates and elected politicians in all areas who had resorted to the use of these drugs.

With the stresses and long hours of the modern campaign trail, combined with the need to always be alert to that difficult question from a reporter, having the stamina to cope can be the difference between success or failure. This is why performance enhancing drugs are increasingly being used.

The drugs can give politicians the ability to make it through that one extra rally or one extra press conference. They also have the effect of giving the user bright shiny eyes which, research suggests, TV audiences like to see. Those politicians who aren't taking these chemicals are being 'forced' to take them in order to compete against those who already are.

To compound fears about what this means for the electoral systems of countries around the world, scientists are increasingly concerned that the chemicals involved (clemdrolhydrate and bi-chloropetercide) have terrible side effects. Evidence suggests they are stopping politician's brains from functioning properly - and this may soon result in a world governed by brain-dead idiots if action isn't take soon.


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