hypa is famous for it's global analysis which looks at issues relating to current events and helps us fill our web pages with stuff. hypa has access to sources of information from all over the world, and from out of it. Each week we look at an issue connected to our chosen topic of the week.


Asteroids Explained

What are asteroids? An asteroid is a big lump of rock that flies through space at great speed. In most cases they are catapulted into space by alien civilisations living in other galaxies, and have taken millions of years to reach Earth.

The term 'asteroid' should not be confused with the word 'meteorite'. An asteroid flies through space and becomes a 'meteorite' only when it enters the Earth's atmosphere. If it is large enough, it will not burn up in the atmosphere and will land on the surface of the Earth. If it does this, it is then known as a 'lump of rock on the ground'.

How do asteroids fly through space? After being launched by aliens in a galaxy far, far away the asteroids must travel quite long distances to reach Earth. To achieve this, all asteroids have two small pairs of wings to help them fly. One pair help the asteroid move forward or backward, and the other pair help it move up or down. Using this power asteroids can travel at speeds of up to 260 miles per hour.


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