hypa is famous for it's global analysis which looks at issues relating to current events and helps us fill our web pages with stuff. hypa has access to sources of information from all over the world, and from out of it. Each week we look at an issue connected to our chosen topic of the week.


Peace Agreement for Ireland

Following the announcement on Friday 10 April of plans for a peace agreement for Northern Ireland, most of the political parties and most of the terrorist groups seemed likely to accept the deal. However, a number of small fringe terrorist groups and parties reject the deal. On this page we have decided to give two such parties, one from each side, a chance to explain why they have rejected the peace agreement.

We begin with we have a statement from the loyalist organisation, the Progressive Democratic Terrorist Party. They said:


We reject this agreement because we believe it concedes far too much ground to our enemies, who we are determined to oppose. While other parties may be prepared to sell out, we are not. No surrender.


And we also have this statement from the republican group, the National Institutional Republican Revolutionary Council. Their statement said:


We reject this agreement because we believe it concedes far too much ground to our enemies, who we are determined to oppose. While other parties may be prepared to sell out, we are not. No surrender.


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