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veryard projects - innovation for demanding change

Rationality and Collaboration

veryard projects > change > rationality > collaboration

There are two ways for an individual or group to be 'rational' when working with other people: one is to act as if everyone else was rational, and the other is to act as if everyone else might be irrational. The former works if there is a supremely wise adjudicator (e.g. a CEO or market regulator or legal system) who will protect you from the consequences of other people's irrational behaviour; the latter is probably a better bet in most circumstances. My favourite example is in the behaviour of speculative markets. If you were a silver trader, and you read an article in the Wall Street Journal saying that a few superstitious speculators were buying silver at the new moon and selling at the full moon, then you might be tempted to do the same. Not because you thought that the moon really had an influence on the price of silver, or even because you thought that other people might think that it did, but because you thought that other people would read the same article and calculate the same way as you.
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This page last updated on February 28th, 2002
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