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New patterns of business and systems. Therefore a  new agenda for data and information management.
  • Negotiating and exchanging data across organization boundaries.
  • Connecting systems with radically different data models.
  • Managing ontological diversity.
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Problems supporting business interpretations and judgements with complex data?

Business intelligence cannot be accessed. 

Business decisions not supported by information systems.

Information / knowledge systems not used.

Lack of fit with business process.

Modelling process gets stuck. 

Impossible to merge rival models.

Models don't make sense to business users.

Models cannot be implemented.

How well does information support each of the five elements of intelligence?

Cognition How well does the organization process information about itself and its environment?
Memory How does the organization retain experience in a useful and accessible form?
Learning How does the organization develop and improve its knowledge, capabilities and processes?
Communication How do the members of the organization exchange information and knowledge?
Reasoning How effective are the processes of collective thinking and decision-making?

Problems connecting systems and services across people and organizations with different vocabularies?

Enterprise lacks connection or integration - for example, after a series of mergers.

Legacy systems and services poorly accessible.

Poor communication - clashes of intention and interpretation between partners.

Errors in business process management and delegation.

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Articles, White Papers and Other Resources

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more PDF Documents
Information Notions (90k)
Data Modelling CribSheet (165k)
Reading List (15k)
Information Architecture (46k)
Data Mapping (60k)
Data Model QA (100k)
If your browser works like mine, you'll need to right-click your mouse to download and print them.
notion finder Information Notions (htm) - Provocative glossary with links to lots of other material.
Information Coordination (html) - Links to material about coordination and model management.
more I have contributed several items on data modelling to the CBDi Forum and to its monthly journal Interact. Registration is required - bronze membership is free and gives access to about half the material.

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Books on Data and Information

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selected titles comment ordering
Books by Richard Veryard
Pragmatic Data Analysis  (1984)
Information Modelling: Practical Guidance  (1992)
Information Coordination: The Management of Information Models, Systems and Organizations  (1994)
Sadly these books are all out of print. Some of the material from these books has been updated and published on this website.
John Carlis & Joseph Maguire, Mastering Data Modeling

Addison-Wesley, 2001. 

ISBN 020170045X
An excellent introductory guide to data modelling. 

Joseph Maguire’s website is at

Detailed review by Richard Veryard

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David Benyon, Thomas Green & Diane Bental, Conceptual Modelling for User Interface Development

Springer, 1999.

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Len Silverston, The Data Model Resource Book. 

John Wiley, 2001.

First published 1997 in one volume.  Revised edition now in two volumes, with CD-ROM. 
more Full Reading List (pdf)

Other books: General, Components, Patterns, Project Management

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Elsewhere on the Internet

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When you've finished browsing our site, here are some suggestions for your next destination. Please return soon.
Data Modelling Joseph Maguire
The Data Administration Newsletter
Notations and Standards Schemas: BizTalk ebXML

MDA and UML are maintained by the OMG

Ontology Ontology.Org

Z Cui, V A M Tamma and F Bellifemine , “Ontology management in enterprises”. BT Technical Journal, Vol 17 No 4 October 1999.

Date Warehousing Bill Inmon

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This page last updated on June 27th, 2003
Copyright © 2001-3 Veryard Projects Ltd