make new again, constantly renovate, refresh and cleanse
negative thinking > achieving negative goals > renewal

This is a typical positive thinking strategem. Negative goals, such as the elimination of pollution, are converted into positive goals, such as the renewal of natural resources. Achieving the latter is assumed to be as good as - or better than - achieving the former.

Ecology Instead of thinking about pollution, some ecologists prefer to think about the renewal of positive resources, such as energy, sunlight, minerals, clean water, fish, wood.

Renewal is an active stratagem.  It covers such activity as planting new trees. The passive stratagem - sitting back and hoping that the trees will replant themselves - falls under the stratagem of redemption.

Rebirthing Some therapists offer a service of so-called rebirthing, which provides a symbolic reenactment of the person’s birth. This is supposed to represent a psychological starting-again for the person.
There are three ways to reverse the run-down of inner cities. One is to abandon the inner city for residential purposes altogether, and leave it to tourist attractions and offices. Or you can provide job opportunities for the residents of the inner cities - who then follow the middle classes into the suburbs as soon as they can afford it, leaving the inner city residue poorer and more hopeless than ever. Or you can tempt the middle classes to move back in. Only the third of these three options can really be regarded as renewal.
‘Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.’ [Matthew 18:3]
Page last updated on January 29th, 2001
Copyright © 2000, 2001 Richard Veryard