veryard projects - innovation for demanding change


veryard projects > system > simplicity
challenges systems material
There is a popular and natural preference for simple explanations


An authentic encounter with the Real does not hold with simple explanations
Simplicity versus Complexity

veryard projects - innovation for demanding change

Beyond Simple Explanations

veryard projects > system > simplicity > explanations



Good people do good things.  Bad people do bad things.
Behind every act of corporate infamy, there is an act of individual infamy.
Corporate infamy can emerge, even if people are individually decent and well-meaning.
Even in Enron, there were no doubt many sincere, honest and well-intentioned people, who believed they were doing the right things.
more The Algebra of Infamy

veryard projects - innovation for demanding change veryard projects > system > simplicity
This page last updated on December 3rd, 2003
Copyright © 2003 Veryard Projects Ltd