veryard projects - innovation for demanding change

Fetish & Fetishism

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A fetish is a simplified view of the world, in which a property of a relationship or system is reduced to a property of a thing.

Fetishism is the tendency to describe something as a property of an isolated entity, instead of describing it through relationships with other entities.

It can be regarded as a mode of misplaced concreteness akin to reification.

Marx identified economic forms of fetish, Freud identified psychological forms. Both Marxian and Freudian forms of fetish share the same logical structure.

Pseudo Objectivity. The tendency to describe subjective judgements as if they were objective facts.

The tendency to focus on specific articles or devices.

The tendency to describe technical artefacts or commercial products as if they were independent of any socio-economic context.

The tendency to overlook the blood, sweat and tears that went into something.


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veryard projects - innovation for demanding change

Pseudo Objectivity

veryard projects > technology management > fetish & fetishism > pseudo-objectivity

In models of business, and in information systems, it is common to identify various business objects, and attribute various properties to them. For example, an EMPLOYEE may be described as having certain PROMOTION PROSPECTS, while a PROJECT PROPOSAL may be described as having an ESTIMATED BENEFIT.

Both these examples involve a logical fetish. PROMOTION PROSPECTS and ESTIMATED BENEFITS are not pure objective properties of EMPLOYEE and PROJECT PROPOSAL respectively. They are subjective judgements.

The fetish involves overlooking the source of these judgements - the subject making them. Promotion prospects should not be regarded as an isolated property of an employee, but says something important about the working relationship between an employee and his/her manager - among other things. Assessments and estimates are not dry facts but charged opinions. People commit themselves to these opinions, and are then motivated to make them true.

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Page last updated August 23rd, 2003
Copyright © 2003 Richard Veryard