The South Gate Inn

Main Description

Location Refs: Business | Staff | Property: Ground floor & Cellar | Property: Second & Third floors

On this Page: Location and Statistics | Description of Buildings | History of Buildings | Commonly Encountered NPCs

The South Gate Inn is a large, prosperous establishment which accommodates wealthy travellers using the South Gate Bridge to cross the River Es. It is situated off Spar square on the junction between South Gate Street and Merchant's Round, the principle streets of South Isle.

Location and Statistics

Owner:Jerand Construction:Good Business:Inn
Location Ref.:ID175 Material:Masonary Size:9+1
District:South Isle Roof:Hipped Tile Quality:*****
Road:South Gate St. Floors:3+1 Price:High

Description of Buildings.

The South Gate Inn is a structure which appears to be formed from three linked but distinct buildings. The south wing of the building is built of cream masonry three stories in height, this is joined to the north wing by a two story link, the bottom of which is of high quality masonry with the upper, over-hanging, floor being built from timber. The north wing is built from white-washed masonry which shows signs of recent repair. The whole of this building is roofed with reddish brown tiles. The adjacent building to the east of the Inn is also part of the Inn and has been white-washed to match the north wing, it too is off masonry construction but the roof is of grey-brown tiles. Unusually for the district, all the windows are glazed, with some being shuttered on the inside.

See also:

History of Buildings

The North wing constitutes the original Inn, Originally of two floors, the upper story was cut back to form a wide gallery when the extension was built to the south. This extension work was carried out seventy-four years ago. The building to the east of the main structure was acquired by the proprietor some twenty-two years ago and was adapted to house his family and staff, At the same time the existing staff accommodation on the top floor of the south wing was converted for the use of patrons.

Commonly Encountered NPCs

Jerend does not encourage patronage by the rougher elements of Eshaven, many of which can't afford his prices anyway. However, the Inn is popular with the richer society. The following persons are fairly regular customers at the bar;

  • Barmeld, an apothecarist and herbalist
  • Darael, a Warehouse manager (and Priest of Naveh)
  • Fafnord, a adventurer and swordmaster
  • Halda Rufus, a swordmaster and rogue
  • Jerkil, merchant and chandler
  • Karan, a member of the Slayers Brotherhood
  • Milkeal, a member of the city council
  • Tarsis, a sergeant of the city watch
  • Thelnor, Prefect of customs
  • Zelda, a scribe and linguist

  • Copyright ©1996 Jonathan M. Davidson, 25/9/96