Magic Cove News 1999

HOME PAGE---- Written by Stan Marshall ----PAGE 2

Looking back over another successful season at MAGIC COVE!

Thanks to all that made it possible, which made our 1999 season probably one of our best ever overall. Once again we broke all records in more ways than one, several things contributed towards it, but it was mainly YOU. This is like real Magic, a young lads Father quoting his son's remark before they set off for Cornwall. "Dad we are going to the best place in the World, it's Stan's place at Magic Cove" needless to say this is why Magic Cove is different to all the others, and is one of many remarks I get that keeps me going. We haven't acres of space and we have to run a tight ship, I am always nice to the nice people and horrible to the horrible people. The moral of the story is that if you are miserable or always complaining wherever you go, don't come to Magic Cove because if you try it on I could make your life hell and I don't want the hassle.

The Happy People come not only because of the low price and value for money that they are getting. It's because they come back year in and year out, that's because all seem to hit it off with each other and it seems to rub off on the newcomers. Don't forget the man who is steering the ship, yes, I am blowing my own trumpet. Next year is our 20th year, and the strange thing about it is that it seems to get easier to run Magic Cove than ever and has never seemed like a proper job, maybe that's because it's not.

The Miserable People, very few of them I might add, they come expecting everything to be perfect for them and the perfect place does not exist so they are continually moaning. They will not say good morning, afternoon or kiss your ***!*. You come across them all the time when in town or on the beach, their kids are aloud to do anything as long as it disrupts other peoples lives. If anything goes wrong it's always someone else's fault, they only smile when they have got the wind. If the sun does not shine for twelve hours a day, it becomes the worst holiday they have ever had, Oh! you have met them as well.

The Clampets :- We had a family which were given the nickname by one of the comedians staying at Magic Cove. They hold the record for the longest time to erect a tent, 4 hours. When I arrived at the site they were attempting to put it up, I think the tent was either borrowed, stolen or recycled from the local rubbish dump. I lost count on the head count, but it turned out that the extras had a similar tent and also did not have a clue. I had to do my Samaritan job and take an AA victim, who arrived in style the week before on the back of a lorry, to pick up his car. Consequently I arrived back some time later, it was up, but was inside out, I spent an hour sorting it out and pegging it down while they were still searching for a brain. After all that they had come without any money, anyhow the next day I dragged some out of them, then they paid a day at a time. I lent them a broom, the cash flow had dried up again, we are going to get some cash from the bank, (stick em up) must have failed because they did a runner and pinched my broom and tent pegs into the bargain. Apparently it took them just 5 minutes to pack up, obviously well trained in the art, takes practice you know, I will never forget those buck teeth, they won't be back.

Magic Cove Prices for 2000 :- The good news is that the Pitch Fees will remain the same as 1999. The bad news is that the Hook-Up price will go up from £1.50 to £2.00 per night to cover the increased usage. Last year we introduced a charge for visiting cars to cover visitors using the facilities all day, only one family offered to pay, in fact insisted on paying the £2.00. The charge included use of the facilities all day and evening at 50p per head. Cheap you might say, but try and collect it, I have found that it's difficult so have abandoned the idea for now and will leave it to your discretion. However extra cars parked on site remains at £1.00 per day.

The German Connection :- Found us on the World Wide Web, the Pitch See You Later system while I am playing golf did not quite work. The family pitched on a none electric pitch, but ran a cable across the site which was unacceptable. I arrived in time to see the last peg going in. Just as well their English was better than my German, it took a Magician to sort it out, with one of our classic caravan & awning moves without spilling your tea or beer. They had never seen it done before and were surprised at the help that came from all over the site. It was refreshing to be appreciated so much after moving them almost against their will so to speak. They stayed longer than they intended and said that it was the best and friendliest site they had been to in England. Where's that!!? MAGIC COVE.

The Lucky Hikers:- Courtesy of Philip Hossack, yes you made it into the news again Phil. Two hikers called in for an overnight stop, they were lucky to pitch next to the Hossack's, apart from the evening refreshment, they were served breakfast in style. The table was laid restaurant style, including the coffee you should have seen the breakfast, bacon, eggs, beans, toast, mushrooms and all the trimmings. How they could walk with their packs as well I shall never know, this was all served by Philip in his shorts and striped apron. Including the site fees it was £5 inclusive.

The Weather:- It was a pretty good summer despite all the rain we had in August, fortunately the old saying "rain before seven fine by eleven" worked out pretty well.

Holiday:- We went for a relaxing time in Gran Canaria to visit our youngest son who is like a local now after eight years. The weather and water were very warm, the food and wine was excellent and we had a great time. It's shortened the winter by a couple of weeks, not that we have seen any winter this year down here. We came back just in time to post this newsletter, booking form etc.