The Rossendale Rambler


Dear Walter Waide,

I was delighted to stumble across the Rossendale Ramblers website today, and am impressed both by the contents and the design.

When I unearthed the piece from The Rossendale Rambler, Autumn '98 entitled 'Ellen Strange - Fact and Fiction' , I was still more interested. Reading on, however, I see that you have repeated several errors which John Simpson wrongly attributes to me in his book.

I did indeed direct a performance about Ellen Strange in 1978, and it culminated in the unveiling of the stone which, as you say, is still in situ at the site. However, the performance was not in any way an exorcism - it was a dramatic re-telling of Fawcett Skelton’s ballad. Neither have I ever claimed to have single-handedly saved the cairn and story from oblivion. I have simply stated the facts - that in 1976, when I first visited the site, (which was marked on the old 6" OS map), the stones which constituted the cairn had been distributed over a wide area, presumably eroded by natural 'wear and tear'; and that the cairn, to all intents and purposes, simply didn't exist anymore. I rebuilt the cairn at what appeared to be the centre of the stones, and decided to create a piece of theatre, and erect a marker stone, so that the old story was remembered and the cairn, I hoped, would then remain in better condition.

It was true that some local people criticised these plans, largely because they somehow believed that the intention was a quasi-religious ceremony. However, the vicar of St Thomas's, Helmshore, collaborated with me on the planning of the event and this appears to have calmed any misunderstandings.

I am not a historian, and very much welcome the efforts of people like John Simpson to find out 'the truth' about the story. However, in the meantime, the truth about the string of events which took place in the late 1970's shouldn't themselves become distorted! I undertook my 'Ellen Strange' project because I love and appreciate the Rossendale landscape, history and folklore. I imagine that I share this with you Rossendale Ramblers, and wouldn't like it to be thought otherwise.

My best regards

Bob Frith
Artistic Director
Horse + Bamboo

Dear Walter,

I would like to take this opportunity in thanking you and your fellow ramblers, first of all for your kind words in your editorial, and secondly for your support, solidarity and above all, your friendship that we have received during our time running the Valley View Teashop.

You have mentioned many a time, the difficulties we endured with our struggle against the local planning department, who, unfortunately, cannot see beyond the rule book and go with the will of local outdoor enthusiasts who, amongst others, they are supposed to represent.

We have been residents of Edenfield for only 20 months and in that short time we have found the true meaning of northern hospitality and village community care.

It was all worth it, the letters, the appeals and the petition, just to realise what warmth and solidarity we have received from fellow ramblers. At this point I would like to give a special thanks to Jean and Alan Johnson for their help and advice, and a big hello goes out to Richard Sumner and Toby the dog, who were regulars on our side of the hill.

Anyway, fate works in strange ways! I have managed to find a position working with mentally challenged adults - within this work I will be helping to teach them activities and expedition training and all under the banner of the N.H.S. I truly love this work.

Best wishes to you all for the New Year.
Kindest regards
Stephen Redstone
P.S. Anybody out there want to buy a catering trailer?

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Walter Waide
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Content Copyright © 1998. Walter Waide