Community Events

(Where events are open to the public please check with the venue before travelling.)

NB Over the really busy periods I won’t be able to update this site but all the commissions and events available are detailed on Children’s Poetry Adventures


I am hoping to repeat residencies in Teeside, Sheffield  and Bridlington as these went really well in 2002


Halifax Piece Hall - Saint and Bard Day

Sunday April 20th all day, come along to the Dragon tent and join me in poetry adventures. You might even feel brave enough to join me on the big stage later in the day.

We will be meeting dragons and sea serpents and dying grisly deaths in Hamlet among lots of other exciting things.


 Habitats, Homes and Humans

This is a really exciting project for Kirk Ella School near Hull. Part of Creative Context, this crosses all the artforms and brings out personal creativity and the desire to excel.

There will be a sculpture working with the children to create creatures around the grounds.

There are plans to make mod-rock busts of well-known people, and figures from local history. 

A willow sculptress will be working with the children in the nature reserve. 

There will be lots of local history research done including visits to the graveyard and local forge. 

In among all this (and all the bits I've probably missed out) I will be working with three classes: 

We've planned that one group will keep a mood diary prior to my visit imagining the feeling of whatever they are involved with.

Another group will be creating directional thin poems for around the school's exhibits and for the final exhibitions, they will also work with shape poems and creating a comprehensive list of feelings to work with.

The final group will be looking at local history including characterised circle time ending in choral poetry, conversation poetry and blank verse ballads. 

Plus if there is time we will all be having a go at Haiku (about nature of course). Sounds great doesn't it - I can't wait. Look out for the final exhibition, I'll let you know details but I think it’s planned for Beverley Minster.

 I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside

Another exciting project, this time for a school in Bridlington, (my birthplace). I seem to get to the Hull area and Bridlington more than anywhere, including being Bridlington's Writer in Residence for a while. Who knows, I might be able to get this new project round all the schools in the area, I'll have to get chatting to the people who put me on the beach and those who recommended me for this latest thingy.

Anyway here it is - I'm commissioned to write a poetry drama for reception children on the theme of the seaside with a final performance for the whole school (brave kids).

Valentines in Smiths

Do I say yes to everything? Yes. Well I'm a poetry pro!? Am I a hopeless romantic? Yes - er - No 'Hopeful!'

I couldn't resist this one. Saturday the 8th of February I'm going to be in the Monks Cross branch of Smiths (That’s near York) helping you write a poem for your valentine. Do come and see me and buy a card and I will improve your love life immensely! Matt from the Evening Press is coming along so you might even get your photi in the papers.




                                    See also









Michael Thornton’s Bridlington website contains the Bridlington Writer in Residence results: