Okay, here goes nothin'.. Nice architecture guys, flying butresses and gun emplacements, now thats what I call style..


It would appear that in order to put pay to the bad guys for good I need to fly my craft deep into the enemy planetoid and destroy the core, in a manner not dissimilar to that seen in the last (proper) Star Wars movie.. Ho hum..

Whooa!.. Another vertigo-inducing camera angle
as you dive deeper down into the core.. This bit
can actually make you feel a bit funny if
your'e playing on a big telly.


Jeez! How deep does this thing go? Further and further down you go, and still the enemy attacks are unrelenting. No time to catch your breath
in this game..


And when you finally reach the bottom of the complex you find a whole blimmin township down here. Where the natives are definitely not the friendly sort. And I was just about to take my finger off the fire button and say 'hello'..


Well well, lots and lots of power ups seem to be available on this bit.. could it be that we are just about to face a particularly nasty boss?

..Was I right or was I right? This must be it. Looks harmless enough really, this will be a snip. ;)


Yowzers! It's alive! This is 'Extra Mode' which requires you to blast away at the reactor
till it glows red and starts to overload. And then blast it some more..

Forward to
Final Stage!
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