
J4 herbal tincture is often recommended following a Hormone test. This can be carried out using the BEST Screening test, or by collecting saliva samples, which are sent to the laboratory for analysis.

J4 contains herbs that boost both Oestrogen and Progesterone levels in the body. It also contains herbs that help with symptoms related to menstruation, such as painful periods. It tends to regulate the periods, and may help with either heavy or scanty periods.

May be used in conjunction with J1 or J2 for greater effects upon Oestrogen or Progesterone levels respectively.

It is often used in combination with Borage Oil / Starflower, together with other vitamins or minerals, which are recommended by the individual practitioner. Often Calcium and / or Magnesium is recommended, and also Vitamin B6 or a B Complex.

Recommended Dosage

10 drops twice daily.

May be increased if necessary – as advised by a health practitioner.

Cautions / Adverse Reactions

J4 has proven over many years to be safe and well-tolerated, with little or no adverse effects.

Caution needs to be taken in long-term use, as it contains Liquorice, which in large doses over a prolonged period may lead to a loss of potassium from the body, and ultimately high blood pressure. This would be most unusual for J4 as the dosage of Liquorice is quite low.

Avoid in pregnancy and breast feeding.


The tincture contain a propriety mix containing:

  • Vitex agnust castus - Agnus castus / Chaste tree
  • Angelica sinenesis - Dang gui / Dong quai
  • Glycyrrhiza - Liquorice
  • Cimicifuga rasemoca - Black Cohosh
  • Leonurus - Motherwort
  • Trifolium pratense - Red Clover
  • Viburnum opulus - Cramp bark

As with most of our products, contains no artificial preservatives, colours, flavours, no added sugar, salt, yeast, gluten, starch, lactose. Suitable for vegetarians.

Further details available from Better Health Limited.

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