Liver Cleanse

The Liver Cleanse is a specific product designed to cleanse the liver and biliary tract, including the gall bladder. It is often recommended following a BEST Screening test, particularly when it indicates problems with the gall bladder.

It is always recommended to follow a Parasite Eradication Programme prior to carrying out the Liver Cleanse as this will improve the effectiveness of the cleanse.

The Liver Cleanse is carried out following a specific protocol, and a separate leaflet is available detailing the procedure carefully.

There are two products – Liver Cleanse 1 and Liver Cleanse 2.

Recommended Dosage

Follow the instructions given in the Liver Cleanse leaflet.

Cautions / Adverse Reactions

The Liver Cleanse is usually well tolerated. It is a cleansing process which gives rise to loose motions on the second day of the cleanse, after taking Liver Cleanse 2, although some people have loose motions with Liver Cleanse 1.

There are no known contra-indications, provided the procedure is followed closely, although caution should be taken in very ill or frail people, and in diabetics. As there is a period of fasting, this should be undertaken only on medical advice or supervision in insulin-dependent diabetes.


200mls contain a propriety mix containing:

  • Liver Cleanse 1: Epsom salts
  • Liver Cleanse 2: Pink Grapefruit, Olive Oil, Black Walnut tincture

As with most of our products, contains no artificial preservatives, colours, flavours, no added sugar, salt, yeast, gluten, starch, lactose. Suitable for vegetarians.

Both products should be kept refrigerated, and used within one week of purchase. (Liver Cleanse 1 will actually keep for 1 month refrigerated, and Liver Cleanse 2 will keep for 1 month frozen.)

Further details available from Better Health Limited.

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