Breckenbrough School - School History

This history was written in 1985 by Jean Calvert to commemorate the fiftieth anniverary of the school.

by Joyce Pickard

From Dunnow to Breckenbrough, via Ledston; and from Arthur Fitch to Roy Laing, through Frank Forrest and John Ridger - these are some of the landmarks on the fifty year journey described in these pages by Jean Calvert.

Nobody has sat down to ask how it all happened, or to gather together memories of those who shared in the shaping of Breckenbrough School. Everyone has been too busy seeing to the immediate needs of the people who make up the community, planning, encouraging, extending, supporting, to be able to look back. The place is about today and tomorrow, not yesterday.

In the life of every individual, but also of every institution, there comes a time when it is right to stand back and take stock - to ask "How did we get to this point? How should we build on the foundations that are there?".

The fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the original co-educational school at Dunnow Hall has given such an opportunity to gather all the records and minutes and piece together this short account of the first half-century, noting also that twenty-five of those years have been at Breckenbrough Hall itself.

Perhaps the clearest strands in the story are the increasing range of activities and the outside contacts which have opened up over the years, not only in sport and outside pursuits, but also in music, art, photography, and extended trips made possible by the minibus which has taken boys to France and Scotland as well as neare venues. However the most important influence throughout has been the changing pattern of people, young and old who have brought their skills, their enthusiasms, and their quastionings and have shaped the community we know today.

This little account is dedicated to them all, and to their successors, in gratitude and confident hope.

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