The Wolfenstein 3-D Utilities Page



3DBase 3D texture mapping game engine. For the creation of games like Wolfenstein 3-D and Blake Stone. Some minor bugs.

Basilisk II ROM Run Mac programs on a PC. For more info see also

Brandon's Wolfenstein 3D Utility A very extensive utility which makes it easy to switch between all your Wolfenstein 3d add-ons.


Captur 22 Screen grabber with timer - saves GIF's.

ChaosEdit A multi-purpose Wolfenstein editor. Edits graphics, sounds and maps for Wolf & Spear shareware and full versions.

Creator Mission generator. Creates an entire 6 episode game.

DesignerWalls1 For Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear. GIF format.

DesignerWalls2 For Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear. GIF format.

Floedit Multi-purpose editing tool for Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear. Made by Flo. More info available here. Flo's 5 level demo (made using Floedit) is MegaDemo.

A Pacman replacement, made using MegaDemo.


formati11 Graphics conversion and editing utility. By Jan.

Graphics Set A collection of no less than 83 separate graphics, mainly new wall designs, made by by Ken O' Brien, who did Erlangen and some other Spear sets. Text file included. For Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear. GIF format.

Graphics Set 3 Another set of 50 separate graphics, with some new brick wall designs, by Ken O'Brien. For Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear. GIF format.

Icons Set Set of Wolf3D related icons by Peter Johansson.

Imf2mid Convert Wolf3d songs to midis with this program. There's a readme file in the zip that should be read first.

LZexe Compresses EXE files. Used by id Software to compress wolf3d.exe file.

Mped 42 Map editor for all Wolfenstein 3-D versions.

Maped 70 Map editor for all Wolfenstein 3-D versions.

Maped 7.2 New map editor for all Wolfenstein 3-D and Spear versions, including the Spear demo. Has an f1 help function, and some other changes from the 7.1 version.

Maped 84 Map editor for the registered version only.

Maped 85 Map editor for the registered version only. A modified Maped 84 (doesn't need TPpatch to run on fast machines).

Mapedit/Slovak Language Map editor for the registered version. Instructions are in the Slovak language.

Mo'Slo Slows down a too fast PC. Several versions of the program are available here.

Operation: God Hand Wall Textures A set of 8 texture packs from Spiritblade's cancelled project 'Operation: God Hand'. They include Streaming Grey/Red Brick, Prison Walls, Grey Brick, Blue Brick and Steel. Most of the textures are for general use but please check with SB first if you plan to use them.

PKUnzip Unzips ZIP files.

SDMedit Map editor for the Spear demo.

SGE Saved Game Editor Package Contains a Wolf 3D saved game editor, its source, and a 10 level map set for shareware Wolf 3D. Included with the editor are doc files (in English and in Russian), and 2 example saved games made with the editor (one for shareware and one for the full version). By N. Korroveen.

Sw3dgfx This zip contains more than 30 actor pics converted from 'Doom'. Instructions are included.

TPpatch A patch to use with old DOS programs to avoid Runtime Errors on newer computers.

W-EDIT v.1.2 Polish VSWAP editor. It can't modify objects, but for wall editing it's far better than Wolfedit, because it has some cool filters, rectangle drawing tools and a clipboard. And it can also play sounds, though you can't modify them. It's not compatible with Vswap's previously edited with Floedit. Dates from 1995.

W6patc 11 Converts the registered v1.0 set to v1.1.

W6patc 12 Converts the registered v1.1 set to v1.2.

WallPack WallPack2 WallPack3 Three sets of wall designs put together by Giorgio. There are roughly 200 images in the first pack, 40 in the second and 200 in the third. Bitmaps format (suitable for Floedit).

Wlfaud 11 Sound editor for the shareware set.

Wolfed 21 Graphics editor.

Wolfmusic v1.0 A DOS program that plays all of the imf tunes from Wolfenstein and Spear Of Destiny. By Martin Fernandez.

Wolfsnd Sound editor for the registered set.


Jans Freeware Has a number of freeware utilities.

3D Gamers - Utilities More utilities here.

NewWolf - Wolfenstein 3D For OpenGL By DarkOne. Has a new version of 'NewWolf for OpenGL'. Also available are several utilities including 'IMF Tools' (for adding sounds), and a colour palette convertor.


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