Edinburgh Skyline

Welcome To My Home Page !

     Hello! I'd like to welcome everyone who's managed to find their way to this page. My name is Colin Cameron and this, of course, is my homepage. You won't find too many graphics, frames or fancy effects here, my aim is to keep it fairly simple and quick to load.

     No doubt you will be expecting to find some sort of list of what is to be found on these pages - So I'd better not disappoint you.

     My (very) unofficial guide to Edinburgh is my attempt at introducing visitors to my home city. If you haven't figured out that I drive a taxi then the number of plugs here should soon convince you.

     70 Wild Miles is a charity event organised to raise money for Cancer research.

     My taxi page is a short plug for the purpose-built hackney ("London") cab as used in Edinburgh and several other british cities, not just London! This section also includes a pages on cab driving in Edinburgh.

     Edinburgh Taxi Trade's Handicapped Children's Outing is a yearly event which is enjoyed by children of all ages - particularly the older ones driving the Taxis!

     My Skinner,s Page is a tribute to the series of detective novels by Quintin Jardine based, of course, in Edinburgh.


Links To Favorite Pages.

Please email me and tell me what you think of this site, don't worry I can take criticism (as a taxi driver I get plenty practise). It's always nice to get some recognition outside of the occasional police identity parade.

Last updated - Saturday, March 18, 2000 03:13 PM
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