The Devi Centre Workshops
Reiki cont. MahaReiki©Workshops

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Ò Benefits

· Reiki can be a powerful support to you in times of illness, helping to bring relief to chronic conditions, supporting the body's own ability to heal itself.

· Reiki can also be very effective at relieving stress. It can promote deep relaxation and a profound sense of well-being which is one of the reasons why it is so popular today.

· Reiki helps to restore and strengthen the individual's life-force, bringing you back to a natural state of harmony, working on the whole person, not just the symptoms.

· Reiki can help you deal with special situations in your life such as exams, job interviews, major decisions, bereavement, and changes in relationships.

· Reiki can fine-tune you, putting you in touch with your own innate creativity and inner wisdom, acting as a catalyst to expand your awareness and further spiritual growth.

Ò Treatment

- How is Reiki given?

Reiki is given in a very simple way. You remain fully clothed throughout the treatment and usually receive Reiki lying down (although this is not absolutely necessary so long as you are relaxed and comfortable). The Reiki practitioner then lays their hands on or just above the various parts of the body and allows the energy to flow. Because the energy is "intelligent" it goes to where it is needed and gets to work by itself. That's it! Simple and powerful in it's effect.

Reiki is very amenable to adaption and sometimes the session may be combined with other forms of complementary therapy, at the discretion of the therapist and with the permission of the client. A typical session lasts one to one and a half hours.

- Absent Treatment

Specific Reiki techniques are used for distant treatment, which may be used instead of or in addition to treatment in the therapy room. Absent treatment is just as effective as hands-on treatment and may take place over several days more.

Copyright © C. Deefholts 1995 The moral rights to this publication has been asserted.