One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life (Psalm 27:4)
                Bayith Ministries

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"I have heard their groaning, and am come down to deliver them"
(Acts 7:34)

EU Referendum 23rd June 2016

Quotations and Comments

The Referendum Question  |  European Union or Europe?  |  Governance, Sovereignty, Political Control  |  Law, Crime and Justice

Memberships Costs  |  Financial Corruption  |  Finance and the Economy  |  Trade and Industry  |  Single/Common Market

The Commonwealth  |  Businesses, Trades Unions, Jobs, Employment  |  Farming and Fisheries  |  Young People  |  Travel  |  Successes Outside the EU

Borders, Immigration  |  Terrorism and Security  |  War and Peace  |  Armed Forces and Defence

Freedom of Speech  |  Television and Radio Debates  |  Country Before Party  |  David Cameron's 'Renegotiations' and 'Concessions'

Exit Plans  |  Observations  |  The History of the EU  |  A Totalitarian Empire  |  Judgement

Liberty: The Battle for the Very Soul of Britain   |   Norman and Saxon   |   Free Nations   |   The Tower of Babel: EU / UN / NWO

Articles  |  Questions to Consider  |  Websites Books Etc  |  YouTubes and Videos  |  Some Questions for Remainers

The Propaganda War: Articles  |  The Propaganda War: Quotations and Comments

The Disgusting Exploitation of the Murder of Jo Cox MP  |  UK Independence Day 23 June 2016

Further Articles, Quotations, and Comments on the EU

"On June 23rd 2016, the British public will decide whether to remain a member of the EU.
Brexit: The Movie makes the case for Britain to LEAVE the EU"

"Britain's referendum on EU membership will be held on June 23rd.
The latest polling polling information for the 'Brexit' campaign can be found here"

"There have been four major attempts to have a single European state:
The Roman Empire, Charlemagne's Holy Roman Empire, Napoleon's First French Empire, Hitler's Third Reich.
The Nazi project was killed in 1945 or so we thought.
It has been reborn in conjunction with the Frankfurt School of Marxism as the European Union Project"

"Our great nation ... will in practice take over the leadership of Europe.
There are no two ways about that"
[Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda]

"Europe's nations should be guided towards the superstate without their people understanding what is happening.
This can be accomplished by successive steps, each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation"

[Jean Monnet, founding father of the EU]

"There is no question of any erosion of essential national sovereignty" [Edward Heath, PM of Britain, 1970-74]

"When it becomes serious, you have to lie" [Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission]


The Referendum Question:
Should the United Kingdom Remain a Member of the EU or Leave the EU?

"It would obviously be good for us to retrieve national control of trade decisions, tax matters and, most important, immigration policy from this hopelessly undemocratic organisation in Brussels. ... But ... where is the appeal to something more positive, more human, more ardent? ... something greater; something more essential? You could call it self-determination or independence but it is basically the right to plant your feet on the clifftops of Kent, raise your eyes to the cloud-scudding sky, and relish your ancient liberty as a free-born Briton" [source].

" is still rather thrilling to see the British people stirring at last after a long, long sleep" [source].


The Referendum Question

"The question on the ballot paper has been altered slightly from the version that all Conservative MPs approved twice in the last Parliament. The neutral verb 'be' has been replaced with the slightly loaded 'remain'"


European Union or Europe?

"What's a Europhile? Someone who loves Europe? I certainly think so. But, oddly, the term now defines someone who loves the European Union, not Europe. ... the EU has no connection to Europe at all beyond its name. The EU defines a political structure that could be - and increasingly is being - imposed anywhere in the world. It's a globalizer's franchise, like McDonalds. ... The 'European' part of the EU brand is a marketing ploy, nothing else"

"There are many more countries in Europe than there are in the EU. That's part of the problem with calling the EU 'Europe'"   /   "[T]he notion of being EU-sceptic is more to do with doubting the EU's legitimate existence as a government, whereas Euro-sceptic refers to the silly notion that Europe doesn't exist outside the EU"   /   "'Lord Sainsbury ... is providing transitional funding for an umbrella "Yes to Europe" campaign to be launched this year' Who can fault the term "Yes to Europe". I agree with this. You notice they don't say "Yes to EU", which is what the referendum is asking" [comments at: source].

"You will notice how pro-EU types are talking about 'leaving Europe' rather than 'leaving the European Union'. It's all about the lingo. It frames the issue in a certain way in people's minds"   /   "By peddling that emotive language they set up an image of the puny UK being left by itself as the continent of Europe suddenly pulls up the gang plank and steams off into the distance. Totally physically impossible, I know, but look at what people voted for in the GE!  Sensible thinking was obviously on an away day on that day as well" [comments at source].

"[This month] ten million leaflets landed on household mats telling us the benefits of Europe. Not, you note, the European Union. This is a deliberate attempt to confuse in the minds of the British electorate sandy beaches and Sangria with that new unaccountable seat of power in Brussels. It is dishonest in every way" [source].

"If Britain must choose between Europe and the open sea, she must always choose the open sea. We are with Europe but not of it. We are associated but not absorbed" [Winston Churchill].

Europe: Yes.

European Union: No.


Governance / Sovereignty / Political Control

A Question for Remainers:
  Who runs your home, your household?  Who determines its ethos?  Who controls its organisation?  Who decides its practices?  Who manages its finances?  Who oversees its safety and wellbeing?  Who runs its day-to-day details?:
          *  You and the members of your household?
          *  Or your really nice neighbours - with whom you often socialise?
          *  Or the folks who live halfway along the road - at whom you smile and with whom you pass the time of day when you see them in the street or on the school-run, but that's about it?
          *  Or the folks who live right at the end of the street - whom everyone avoids when they see them coming because they just cannot mind their own business but want to interfere in everyone else's business too?
     You do?  Now why is that? 

"The EU Referendum isn't about a European group hug; it's about retaining or relinquishing a way of life that our forebears' fought for - literally - over centuries. In one stroke of a pen on a ballot paper on Thursday, millions of my fellow citizens will vote to cede the sovereignty, freedom and democracy of the United Kingdom to a foreign oligarchy without a shot ever having been fired. One thousand years of the history of these isles will be scrubbed within a moment. In the fullness of time, we shall come to rue the day and may once again be forced to recover our freedom and democracy by force of arms. If, on 23 June 2016, the consensus is indeed for the UK to remain in the EU, history will show it to have been one of the blackest days in the annals of our nation. That so many people still seem to fail to comprehend this is utterly depressing" [source].

"Britain will gradually be pulled down, and the whole English way of life will be in danger" [Sir Captain Charles Upton, VC & Bar, 1962, quoted in BCN, (10 June 2016), p11].

"Your politicians have made money their god, but what they are buying is disaster" [Sir Captain Charles Upton, VC & Bar, 1971, quoted in BCN, (10 June 2016), p11].

"There are some in this country who fear that in going into Europe we shall in some way sacrifice independence and sovereignty. These fears, I need hardly say, are completely unjustified" [Edward Heath, Prime Minister, television broadcast on Britain's entry in the Common Market, January 1973, quoted at: source].

"In a meeting three months before the 1975 referendum, [the then-Prime Minister, Harold] Wilson was urged by his ministers to inform the British people that membership would seriously compromise Britain's ability to govern itself. In the event, the Government's official pamphlet explaining the referendum gave no such warning - and instead assured voters that the 'essence of sovereignty' would be protected by staying in" [source].

"The system of directly applicable law, made by the Community, was a gross infringement of the sovereignty in the sense that political sovereignty rested in the power of a nation to make its own laws. The transfer of Parliament's legislative powers to the Council of Ministers, and even more so to the Commission which was not elected and not accountable to the people of the United Kingdom, represented the most serious attack on parliamentary democracy with which this country was faced. The relationship between Parliament and the Government in relation to European Community business would result in a dismemberment of the authority of the House of Commons. Moreover, the threat to Parliament from Community membership was compounded by the prospect of a directly elected European Assembly" [Minutes of a Cabinet meeting in March 1975, quoted at source].

"This country quite voluntarily surrendered the once seemingly immortal concept of the sovereignty of parliament and legislative freedom by membership of the European Union ... as a once sovereign power, we have said we want to be bound by Community law" [Judge Bruce Morgan, judgment in Sunderland metrication case, April 9, 2001, quoted at: source].

"Membership of the European Union is undemocratic because the European Commission, which is unelected, has the monopoly of proposing all EU legislation which it does in secret. It also has the power to issue regulations which are automatically binding in all member states" [source].

"The EU does need Brexit more than Britain staying in. Only that will shake the EU into finally accepting that democracy must mean the supremacy of national parliaments. The experiment in undemocratic supra-national government has been a complete success in the scientific sense. We now know beyond any reasonable doubt that it doesn't work, that there is still no practical system of government superior to sovereign national parliamentary democracy under the law of the land, the land of a cohesive society of people, ie. a nation. There is still no better way of enabling the freedom of the individual in a civilisation" [source].

"Mr Clegg is, we know, a deeply sincere patriot, to a country called Europe. He believes that the UK would be better served as a province governed from Brussels. His beliefs are heartfelt and honourable. We in UKIP beg to differ. We believe that our country is best governed when it is governed on behalf of the people who live here, by a government that can be removed democratically by the people of our country. We also believe our views are shared by most in this country"   /   "Clegg's accusation of UKIP being unpatriotic is pretty much on a par with calling Anjem Choudry a Catholic.  I think Enoch Powell hit the nail on the head in his speech of 1976 on the EEC, where he said, 'Any person who would wish to see the borders of this great nation removed can call themselves anything they like but they can never call themselves a patriot'." [source].

"EU law overrules UK law. This stops the British public from being able to vote out the politicians who make our laws. EU judges have already overruled British laws on issues like counter-terrorism powers, immigration, VAT, and prisoner voting. Even the Government's proposed new deal can be overturned after the referendum: it is not legally binding" [source].

"The British Parliament is no longer sovereign. With the EU hell-bent on 'ever closer union' and further economic integration likely after the euro crisis, it is best to call it quits before ties deepen" [source].

"Too many of Britain's laws are made overseas by dictates passed down from Brussels and rulings upheld by the European Court of Justice. UK courts must become sovereign again" [source].

"The fundamental problem is that, aided and abetted by the MSM, the public believes that staying in represents the status quo whereas, if Remain prevails, the question will not be whether there is a second referendum, but whether there will ever again be a general election to a UK parliament" [comment at source].

"Is the EU Totalitarian? Most Totalitarian regimes come to power by overthrowing the existing government. We've watched the EU systematically undermine democratically elected governments all over Europe: this has been a slow insidious process. The EU and its member countries are today still trying to maintain the illusion of democracy, but it's getting very thin and will soon disappear if we remain within the EU. The level of deceit and subterfuge that has been used to erode democracy in this way has been unprecedented, but our governments rather than representing the people that elected them, represent the European Union" [source].

"Is the EU Totalitarian? Totalitarian regimes are very intolerant of political views that don't match their own. We've seen the EU remove democratically elected leaders when their views differ from official EU dictats. Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, has recently stated that it is his intention to ban so called Far Right political parties. Far Right is a term the EU uses for any political party that challenges its own official views" [source].

"Take back control over our laws. If we vote to remain, EU laws will overrule UK laws and the European Courts will be in control of our trade, our borders, and big decisions like whether prisoners are allowed to vote. If we Vote Leave, UK laws will have ultimate authority and we will take back control. We should be able to vote out the people who make our laws" [Vote Leave].

"The Euro-fanatics dismiss national sovereignty as a delusion of power (fascists can only think of power over others). But it means democratic self government - and is what 50m people died to restore to Europe in the Second World War 1939-1945" [source].

"It would obviously be good for us to retrieve national control of trade decisions, tax matters and, most important, immigration policy from this hopelessly undemocratic organisation in Brussels. ... But ... where is the appeal to something more positive, more human, more ardent? ... something greater; something more essential? You could call it self-determination or independence but it is basically the right to plant your feet on the clifftops of Kent, raise your eyes to the cloud-scudding sky, and relish your ancient liberty as a free-born Briton" [source].

"Britain must decide whether it is to remain shackled to a corpse or free itself from a moribund economy (the slowest growth rate of any region in the world), a bloated, unaccountable, meddling and self-serving bureaucracy, and inevitable coalescence into an up-dated version of the Soviet Union, a collection of so-called republics slavishly answerable to Brussels" [source].

"The reasons for the UK to leave the EU are as follow: (1) it is not right for EU law to overrule UK law within the UK; (2) The EU is ruled in a way that is of a less democratic nature than is accepted in the UK, and which can make and impose decisions harmful to the people of the UK; (3) Unlike the UK, the union of nations in the EU is not based on a shared Crown and a common culture but is of a Babel-tower nature which is not acceptable to Christians" [Reader's letter, BCN, (13 May 2016), p.11].

"The principle of self-government is more important to me than anything else. So many fought and died to preserve our democracy. It is precious. Yet our birthright has been handed away by the political establishment. Central to my vision of Britain after June 23 is that our Parliament is sovereign, empowered and able to make all of the big decisions, rather than leaving it to those unelected old men in Brussels. By leaving the EU, we would once again be a proper democracy. We would once again the ability to govern our own country" [source].

"The concept of a semi-detached status for the UK is a complete delusion. Parliament cannot serve two masters - the Nations and the EU. 'Ye cannot serve God and mammon' (Luke 16;13). Let us wrest back our lost and further threatened sovereignty and independence and put our wasted £8.5 billion since joining ... to the use of our own citizens [sic]" [BCN, (29 April 2016), p.1].

"This referendum, above all else, is about whether our parliament is sovereign and our law supreme. Are we content with distant managerialism or do we want the ability to elect and reject our rulers? A thousand years of history characterised by defending our independence and fighting for liberty and justice got this country to the point of universal suffrage and democratic accountability yet we have allowed it to be whittled away and surrendered. In doing so we have let down generations past and future. By voting to leave and beginning the long struggle to restore national democracy and self-rule we will hand the next generation a fine inheritance" [source].

"This is not a choice between our materialistic desires and democracy. The two aren't mutually exclusive and we shouldn't back down because of short-term uncertainty. ... The bleatings of arrogant economists isn't enough to stop me trying to get rid of a self-serving Europhile political class. I will defend the independence, right of self-governance, democracy and honour of this island. Whatever the cost may be" [source].

"I think we are about to have the most serious constitutional crisis since the Abdication of King Edward VIII. ... I have to say this isn't the way out I would have chosen, and that I hate referendums because I love our ancient Parliament. And, as I loathe anarchy and chaos, I fear the crisis that I think is coming. I hope we produce people capable of handling it. I wouldn't have started from here. But despite all this, it is still rather thrilling to see the British people stirring at last after a long, long sleep" [source].

"The UK parliament, while it continues to enact ungodly legislation, still has both houses beginning the day with prayers. References to God appear in legislation. It also has at the end of the legislative process, the Royal assent. The position of our Queen may now be very much limited by her unwillingness to stop any legislation, but each week the Prime Minister must meet with her and discuss issues" [source].

"Part of the Queen's Coronation Oath includes the following: 'Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws of God and the true profession of the Gospel? Will you to the utmost of your power maintain in the United Kingdom the Protestant Reformed Religion established by law?'  To which the Queen replied, 'All this I promise to do.'  This is where we as a nation and the EU organisation are different. We have a Christian heritage that many want to see maintained. Coming out of the EU will not make us a Christian nation again, but it will free us from an institution that wants nothing to do with God" [source].

"The Queen's Majesty hath the chief power in this realm of England and other her dominions, unto whom the chief government of all estates in this realm, whether they be ecclesiastical or civil, in all causes doth appertain, and is not nor ought to be subjected to any foreign jurisdiction" [The Thirty Nine Articles of Religion ... as by Law Established, Article 37, quoted at source].


Law, Crime and Justice

A Question for Remainers:
  When one of your children comes to you and tells you that your other child has trampled over your rose bushes, ridden their bike through your hydrangeas, and cut the flowers off your prize orchids, but the accused child vehemently denies it, what is your response?:
          *  Is it to take great care to investigate the truth of the matter, and then discipline whichever child did it in accordance with the very fair justice system you have long-established in your home?
          *  Or is to lock your accused child in a dark and dingy cupboard under the stairs whence he will languish for an indeterminate and lengthy time whilst the tale-bearing child just carries on with his life, and you carry on with your's?
     You would do the former?  Now why is that? 

"All the defences and protections against false accusation, arbitrary arrest and wrongful imprisonment, that have historically been enjoyed by defendants in the UK and other common law countries, such as trial by jury; the presumption of innocence; the right to silence; the inadmissibility of hearsay evidence; the withholding of the defendant's previous convictions; press reporting restrictions and (until recently) protection against double jeopardy; not to mention ... habeas corpus, are virtually unknown in continental Europe" [source].

"'The price of freedom is eternal vigilance'. Never was vigilance more necessary than at the present time!" [source].

The European Arrest Warrant (EAW)

"[A]s recently as November 2014, David Cameron re-confirmed Britain's membership of the controversial European Arrest Warrant scheme, under which British citizens [sic] can be arrested and transported to any of the EU's 27 other member states, and detained in prison without formal charge, on the basis of flimsy statements of evidence. He was not required by EU Treaty to take this step, which went contrary to his oft-repeated assertion that he wants to 'take back powers from the EU'."
[Remaining in EU Threatens British Justice, BCN, (13 May 2016), p.1].

"[Cameron reconfirmed the EAW] in spite of substantial opposition from his own backbenchers and while all the time hypocritically saying he wanted to see powers repatriated back to the UK" [source].

"The power that he gratuitously and wantonly gave away to the totalitarian EU is the power of the state to deprive its citizens of their liberty - in other words, the ultimate power of statehood - and he gave it away to a group of nations whose criminal justice systems, with the honourable exceptions of Ireland and Malta, are totally alien to our own and whose shameful record of incarcerating entirely innocent people speaks for itself" [source].

"The European Arrest Warrant allows British citizens [sic] to be sent abroad and charged for crimes in foreign courts, often for minor offences. Exit would stop this" [source].

"The European justice system is hugely cumbersome and painfully slow. There are British citizens [sic] in European prisons who are being denied justice and human rights" [Reader's letter, BCN, (29 April), p.10].

"In February 2010 it was reported that in Spain a Brit, Trevor Wade 65 was arrested in 2007 and was still awaiting trial two years later" [comment at source].

European Law Overrules UK Law and Overrides the British Legal Tradition

"[T]he advocate-general, Damaso Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer ... implied that Mr Connolly's criticism of the EU was akin to extreme blasphemy. ... Mr Colomer wrote ... that a landmark British case on free speech had 'no foundation or relevance' in European law, suggesting that the European Court was unwilling to give much consideration to British legal tradition"

Habeas Corpus / Jury Trial

"Here in the UK, at the moment, it's innocent until proven guilty. My understanding is that under Corpus Juris it's guilty until proven innocent"
[comment at source].

"We're back to the Star Chamber and Acts of Attainder: the rights of defendants are not respected or guaranteed in any way; the offence of seditious libel has been resurrected" [Bernard Connolly, quoted at source].

"A recent legal opinion from barrister Jonathan Fisher QC pointed out forcibly that the EAW 'negates the law of habeas corpus' - the principle of no detention by the state without a formal charge being laid. It remains the case that no-one in the UK may be detained by the state longer than 24 hours without being charged, and then appearing at the next Magistrates Court sitting, except in cases of murder, terrorism or other serious charges - when the period can be extended to seven days" [Remaining in EU Threatens British Justice, BCN, (13 May 2016), p.1].

"The Labour government during its 13-year rule (1997-2010) made several attempts to change this period to 90 days, in an attempt to bring it into line with most other European jurisdictions, and made a number of attempts to restrict jury trial" [Remaining in EU Threatens British Justice, BCN, (13 May 2016), p.1].

"Only Ireland and Malta among EU countries share the basic principles of British justice" [Remaining in EU Threatens British Justice, BCN, (13 May 2016), p.1].

Corpus Juris / Code Napoléon / Inquisitorial System

"The EU's proposed criminal justice system, named Corpus Juris, is modelled on the continental 'Code Napoléon', with its roots in the Inquisition, and recommends that juries are replaced by a system of professional, paid judges for all criminal trials. In addition, the EU plans to establish the office of 'European Public Prosecutor' (EPP), who would have powers over all other EU member state prosecutors. Work on the establishment of the office of EPP is scheduled to start as soon as the British EU referendum on 23 June is out of the way"
[Remaining in EU Threatens British Justice, BCN, (13 May 2016), p.1].

"While in 1215 the barons were prevailing upon King John to approve Magna Carta, the Pope in Rome was imposing the 'Holy Inquisition. To this day the continental systems of criminal justice remain 'inquisitorial', with the onus upon defendants to prove their innocence, which is, of course, totally contrary to the 'adversarial' systems of common law countries where the onus is firmly upon the prosecution to establish guilt" [source].

European Public Prosecutor (EPP)

"Another little known feature of the EU's contingency planning is the establishment of the office of European Public Prosecutor (EPP) who will be superior to all national public prosecutors and who will, of course, do the bidding of his EU political masters"

"Work on the establishment of the office of EPP is scheduled in the current EU work programmed but is highly unlikely to manifest itself before 23 June for fear of frightening the horse (i.e. the British electorate who are, as yet, blissfully ignorant of the repressive legal system which will almost certainly be imposed upon us should we be foolish enough to vote to remain within the benighted EU)" [source].

European Union Police Force (EGF)

"Already in being is the European Gendarmerie Force - an EU organisation with its training facilities at Vicenza in Italy. What possible use could be envisaged for such an armed para-military force other than to ensure that the EU's writ is enforced throughout its territories?"

"James Brokenshire MP, a Conservative Home Office Minster in the last parliament, in answer to a parliamentary question by Dominic Raab MP, sated that HMG would be prepared to invite 'special intervention forces' (aka the EGF) onto British soil if the need arose. The problem with that is that once here the EGF, being answerable only to Brussels, would leave only if ordered by Brussels to do so. In other words we would effectively be under EU occupation" [source].

"Is the EU Totalitarian? No regime of this nature would be complete without its Secret Police, but who knows what EUROGEDFOR could morph into" [source].


Membership Costs in GBP and Financial Obligations

A Question for Remainers:
  Who controls your finances?  Who organises your household's budget?  When you receive your monthly salary or invoices paid from your clients:
          *  Do you determine what percentage of it is necessary to cover your household's bills, groceries, mortgage or rent, holidays, chosen charities, your children's pocket money, any debts, desired savings, etc, and apportion accordingly?
          *  Or do you give a rather large chunk of it to your nice neighbour, or the household you don't know hugely well halfway along the road, or that incredibly profligate family in the next street, and allow them to manage it for you?
     You control the entirety of your finances?  Now why is that? 

"Britain pays direct 'membership' costs of £17.4bn, which equate to an annual net contribution of £6.7bn and dramatically rising owing to Tony Blair's surrender of a sizeable part of the British rebate" [source].

"The EU costs us £350 million a week. That's enough to build a new NHS hospital very week of the year. We get less than half of this money back, and we have no control over the way it's spent - that's decided by politicians and officials in Brussels, rather than the people we elect here" [source].

"The safe option is to spend the £350 million we hand to Brussels each week on our priorities" [Matthew Elliott, Vote Leave, at source].

"Our money, our priorities. We send over £350 million to the EU every week - enough to build a modern hospital every week of the year. If we vote to remain in the EU, we will keep sending this money to Brussels each week. If we Vote Leave, we can spend our money on our priorities - like the NHS, schools, and housing" [Vote Leave].

"It seems that many of the 'inners' see the EU as the extremely generous institution that has thrown grants to development projects across Scotland, large and small, over the years. They don't however see, for whatever reason, that all this money put together is money that is rightly ours anyway. All the projects they dangle before our eyes deserve to be fully funded by money from Brussels, because of the mega billions we annually, and foolishly, give them" [Reader's letter, BCN, (29 April 2016), p.10].

"People ought to be reminded that the UK only receives back around 10 billion of the 19 billion pounds we generously throw to them every year. And they have every good reason for not giving back the other 9 billion pounds. They have desperate need for it, not to dish out to other needy nations in the EU, but to feed their own hidden, and passionate, secret agenda ... to create a federal United States of Europe" [Reader's letter, BCN, (29 April 2016), p.10].

"We are essentially little more than a cash cow for the European Commission" [source].

"He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it: and he that hateth suretiship is sure" (Proverbs 11:15).


Financial Corruption

"For 20 years the EU's Court of Auditors has refused to sign off its accounts. This irritation for Eurocrats dates back to 2002 when the EU was compelled to employ professional auditors. Previously, its auditors had included an engineer and a dentist. Even a chap running a miniscule mail order firm from his garage could not expect to get away with such an arrangement, but that is how the countless billions thrown into the yawning maw of Brussels by hardworking taxpayers were accounted for. In 2012 the Court of Auditors detected that £89bn of EU spending it examined was 'affected by material error. The following year, angered by another unfavourable (i.e. honest) audit, EU president Herman Van Rompuy told the auditors 'the court might want to give some further thought as to how it can encourage more nuanced reporting'.  ... The acknowledged scale of EU misspending is almost 5 per cent of its budget. We may be confident that, if all the books were transparently open, the true scale would be considerably higher. Considering that the EU budget is currently 142.6 billion euros, we may also be confident more than 7 billion euros is being spent 'inappropriately', with no attempt whatsoever at reform. We need to get out of this thieves' kitchen at the earliest opportunity. That will come before the end of 2017, if the British people have the wit to see where their interests lie"


Finance and the Economy

"I see the world as a huge opportunity for the UK, but we're underachieving by concentrating on Europe, which is growing too slowly. This will not lead to economic growth in the UK"
[Dr. Nigel Wilson, chief executive, Legal & General, quoted at: source].

"Talk of capital flight is nonsense. London will remain a leading financial centre outside the EU and banks will still want to be headquartered in Britain due to low tax rates" [source].

"Christine Lagarde of the IMF [has] issued dire warnings of turbulence for the British economy including the possibility of London losing its position as the centre of world finance. This is the same IMF that completely failed to anticipate the credit crunch crisis of 2008, a crisis that caused a worldwide recession. The same IMF that's still struggling to sort out the mess it and the EU is wholly responsible for creating in Greece. Even worse, the IMF is demanding that the Greek government impose even more austerity on its people to make them pay for the catastrophic failures of the IMF and the EU" [source].

"The Bank of England has warned that the British economy face[s] severe risks after Brexit. ... These are the same people who issued similar warnings to justify Britain's disastrous entry into the European Exchange Rate Mechanism. It seems they've all forgotten about 16th September 1992 when the British government had to withdraw the pound from the ERM because it fell below its determined lower limit. On that day, known as Black Wednesday, the irresponsible decision to shackle the pound to the ERM cost the British economy a staggering £3.3 BILLION. ... While these fear-mongering charlatans warn of doom and gloom hitting the British economy following Brexit, the British national debt stands at an astonishing £1.6 TRILLION and growing at £5,000 a second" [source].

"Is the EU Totalitarian? [One] Totalitarian objective is to control the economy. The thin end of the EU's Totalitarian wedge was called: The Common Market, a supposed trade deal that initially imposed protectionist trade policies. Then along came a politically motivated currency called the Euro, this has proved to be an economic disaster, but the EU needs it to further subsume the democracy of its member countries" [source].

"The EU is in decline... When the UK joined the EU in 1973, the bloc accounted for 37% of world GDP. By 2025 the EU will account for just 22% of world GDP" [source].

"Privately, former Bank of England governor Lord (Mervyn) King is known to believe that the British economy would function well outside the constraints of the EU. But he has refrained from saying so publicly because he is an old-fashioned figure who passionately believes that the Bank of England (like the monarchy) should never be drawn into political debate. I admire Lord King's sense of propriety. Nevertheless, I am now convinced that he should break his self-imposed silence ad tell the public what he thinks. This is because of the appalling conduct of the current governor Mark Carney, who is a politically ambitious Canadian who cares little about British constitutional propriety. In poodle-like obedience to the man who appointed him, Chancellor George Osborne, he has abandoned Bank of England independence and opportunistically turned it into a cheerleader for the Remain campaign. This being the case, Mervyn King, a genuinely distinguished bank governor, is entitled to male his views known" [Peter Oborne, Daily Mail, 04 June 2016].

"Britain must decide whether it is to remain shackled to a corpse or free itself from a moribund economy (the slowest growth rate of any region in the world), a bloated, unaccountable, meddling and self-serving bureaucracy, and inevitable coalescence into an up-dated version of the Soviet Union, a collection of so-called republics slavishly answerable to Brussels" [source].

"The reason given for the UK to remain in the EU is that leaving would separate the UK from an economic and political position of power in the world. This is not necessarily true, but even it if were true it is not an argument from principle but more like an unfriendly threat" [Reader's letter, BCN, (13 May 2016), p.11].


Trade and Industry

"In 1950 Clemet Attlee, the Labour PM, refused to join the forerunner of the EU, the Coal and Steel Community. He said there was no way that Britain could accept that 'the most vital economic forces of the country should be handed over to an authority that is utterly undemocratic and responsible to nobody.'  The decline of our industries and the near extinction of steel production under 40 years of EU control testify to his wisdom"
[Reader's letter, BCN, (29 April 2016), p.11].

"Profitable trade and political union are not joined at the hip. Russian and American companies trade with companies in Europe without being part of a political union. Business investment depends on profits, not politics" [source].

"I would certainly welcome Great Britain into EFTA [European Free Trade Association]. An entry into EFTA could be a good solution for Great Britain and would be equally good for EFTA. We would at all events be open to taking the British back into EFTA" [Prime Minister of Iceland, S.D. Gunnlaugsson, to a question about Cameron's promise of an EU referendum in an interview with the 'Liechtensteiner Vaterland, 09 May 2015, quoted at: source].

"Europhiles maintain loudly that the UK is too small to prosper outside the EU, too small to go it alone. Yet that belies our history, it belies the facts of our global trade and it belies the strength of our country. It is also an insult to most countries of the world, smaller than the UK, which remain independent and free" [source].

"Norway, with a non-existent car industry has a seat on the UN vehicles committee, we, a major car maker don't" [comment at source].

"Agree to a trading area and get a totalitarian superstate. Voting to stay in Europe is giving them a black cheque, no mater what they may say" [comment at source].

"The prospect of Britain floating free scares our enemies, both at home and abroad, but the possibility that we might form something better with our friends absolutely terrifies them. There are countries with whom we share culture, history and blood. Imagine how strong a true union of Britain, Canada, and New Zealand would be; who knows maybe Scandinavia and the Netherlands would join as well. We do not need to be part of the undemocratic EU in order to build something wonderful! Such a move would seriously wound the EU and put us smack bang in the middle of the three largest trading blocks. We have never been truly happy since our leaders abandoned our brothers in favour of the EU; we need to reestablish our historical bonds before they vanish forever" [comment at source].

"While we're in the EU, the UK can't make trade deals on our own. This means we currently have no trade deals with key allies such as Australia, New Zealand or the USA - or important growing economies like India, China or Brazil. Instead of making a deal which is best for the UK, we have to wait for 27 other countries to agree to it" [source].

"You don't have to a member of the EU to trade with it. Switzerland is not in the EU and it exports more per person to the EU than we do. The big banks and multinationals might be lobbying to keep us in the EU, but small and medium-sized businesses feel differently. Only 6 per cent of UK firms export to the EU, yet all have to abide by EU regulations on their businesses" [source].

"Even pro-EU campaigners have had to admit that if we vote Leave we will secure a free trade deal, despite their constant efforts to do down Britain's economy. We are the EU's biggest market so they will want to continue trading long after we say no to Brussels. There's a free trade zone  from Iceland to Turkey and as the 5th largest economy ion the world we will be a part of that" [Matthew Elliott, Vote Leave, at source].

"Britain's links with the EU are holding back its focus on emerging markets - there is no major trade deal with China or India, for example. Leaving would allow the UK to diversify its international links" [source].

"Whatever is the decision of the UK we will adapt to it. I don't think there is a reason to worry" [Carlos Ghosn, CEO, Renault-Nissan, January 2016, quoted at source].

"Liberal values are global - and should not be limited just to one continent. The insularity of the EU has meant that Britain has turned its back on the rest of the world, especially the Commonwealth. ... the liberal principles of free and open trade are the best way of increasing prosperity in developing countries. But far from promoting trade, the EU imposes punishing tariffs on countries like in places like Africa and Central America, seeking to sell their goods in Britain" [source].

"Free to trade with the whole world. At the moment, the UK has no trade deals with important countries like China, India and Australia. If we vote to remain in the EU, we won't be able to make our own deals. We'll keep having the same old rows about bailing out the euro. If we Vote Leave, we can have a friendlier relationship with the EU based on trade, as well as regain our set on global bodies like the World Trade Organisation" [Vote Leave].

"If we left the EU with no trade deal - inconceivable given the tariff-free zone from Iceland to Turkey - our exports would face EU tariffs averaging just 2.4%.  But our net contribution to the EU budget is equivalent to a 7% tariff. Paying 7% to avoid 2.4% is mis-selling that dwarfs the PPI scandal" [Peter Lilley, MP and former Trade Secretary].

"In the last 10 years the UK's export growth to Ukraine/Russia/Turkey was 7.9%, to Asia 6.5% and to EFTA (Norway, Switzerland, Iceland) 7.2%.  By contrast the increase to the EU was a pathetic 2.5%.  Only 6% of UK companies export to the EU and only 12% of our economy is traded with the EU - but 100% of our economy is burdened with EU regulations" [source].

"Greenland decided to leave the EU (EEC in 1984). Their politicians recognised the wanton vandalism coming their way, and understood how other Member States did not follow the same procedures of handling their fish catches. In the Seventies, Britain and Greenland held around 80% of fish stocks. In comparison, nations such as France, Spain and Italy had destroyed stocks in the Mediterranean. With such a small population so reliant on one industry, Greenland saw no other option but to leave the EU. How is the nation doing now? Having ignored the scaremongers at the time, the islanders have found their average income on par with other rich Northern European states, and they have benefited from the lack of EU red tape. ... Greenland successfully negotiated favourable terms for their exit, and now enjoy favourable trade deals with the EU. If a nation of 57,000 can do it, why do we often hear that Britain, a nation of 65 million, cannot do the same?" [source].

"The EU's existence has created barriers of trade to other parts of the world. This has made Africa poorer as well as many of our Commonwealth nations whom we abandoned to gain access to the EU. By coming out of the EU, we would be free to create trade deals with Africa and enable them to trade their way out of poverty rather than being so reliant on foreign aid" [source].

"The vision for Brexit Britain is a global one. The way that we have treated many of our traditional allies in the world by locking ourselves into the inwards-looking EU is a disgrace. After leaving the EU we would be able to treat all who wanted to come here on an equal basis, strengthening our proud ties to our kith and kin in the Commonwealth. It is shameful that we have discriminated against those countries in favour of the EU. That would end. We would no longer be acting as Little Europeans, but a Global Britain" [source].

"Being represented on the world stage by EU bureaucrats who think that they know what's best for us - that would end too. My vision is a Britain engaging in global trade, forging ahead with new relationships and deals that would make Britain an engine room for job creation, rather than being constrained by the EU's outdated customs union" [source].


Single / Common Market

"Mightn't we negotiate a deal with the EU which leaves us in the single market but able to reject the things we don't like, such as the Common Agricultural and Fisheries Policies, the harmonisation of tax rates, the multi-billion-pound budget contributions, the open borders, the supremacy of EU law, the political assimilation?"

"To get a common market rather than a common government, we shall have to vote 'No'. Voting to leave the political institutions in Brussels means voting for a Switzerland-style relationship with the EU; one based on commerce and collaboration rather than political fusion" [source].

"[The Single Market and the European Union] are not the same. In fact, the Single Market isn't even the EU. The area defined by the territories of the 28 Member States is the 'internal market', the customs union. The Single Market defines the 31-members European Economic Area. ... we aim to continue our membership of it. And with that, most of the FUD [Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt - the lynchpin of the pro-EU campaign] ceases to have any relevance" [source].

"In 1975 I entrusted my vote to support the Conservative vision of staying in the EEC and for a common single market that would allow Britain to do what Britain does best, trade with other countries. That trust has been misused and abused by successive governments as Europe has federalised, losing us control of our won borders and sovereignty. What has become the EU, a country called Europe, now controls every aspect of our lives and blocks us from protecting our own way of life" [Steve Bell, Vice President of the National Convention of the Conservative Party, quoted at: source].


The Commonwealth

"In 1961, 43% of British exports went to the Commonwealth, as against only 17% to the ten Common Market. In 1960, the UK had taken more than half of New Zealand's exports and a quarter of those from several other Commonwealth countries including Australia and India. Yet the essence of joining the Common Market was that the UK would have to raise barriers against these Commonwealth imports, while the UK's new Common Market partners would soon be able to export their goods to Britain tariff-free"

"As the price of Britain's entry to the Common Market, we and our Commonwealth partners were expected to abandon much of our existing trade with each other. These were countries which, less than 20 years before, had sent 4 million of their citizens [sic] to fight alongside Britain in WW2. Now they were to be dealt a mighty economic blow which most were to see as incomprehensible betrayal. Harold Macmillan was the Tory Prime Minister of the time" [source].

"It was the disgraceful manner in which we treated New Zealand in particular that caused me to vote OUT in the 1975 referendum on remaining members of what was then the EEC"   /   "I've heard it time and time again from my Antipodean friends. They laid down their lives for us in the World Wars, including Maoris, but now it's hard for them even to get an extended visa to stay in the UK. However if you're a raping, thieving, murdering person of a certain ethnic origin who despises us, hates us and is dedicated to our destruction; they'll let you straight in, cloth you, feed you and give you a free house. Something is wrong somewhere"   /   "You cannot embarrass our political class they are now beyond that, the depth of their treason is unprecedented. Cameron and his gang are no more than EU stooges" [comments at source].

"Liberal values are global - and should not be limited just to one continent. The insularity of the EU has meant that Britain has turned its back on the rest of the world, especially the Commonwealth. This is reflected in our immigration policy, where it is almost impossible for people to move to the UK from outside the UK" [source].

"The vision for Brexit Britain is a global one. The way that we have treated many of our traditional allies in the world by locking ourselves into the inwards-looking EU is a disgrace. After leaving the EU we would be able to treat all who wanted to come here on an equal basis, strengthening our proud ties to our kith and kin in the Commonwealth. It is shameful that we have discriminated against those countries in favour of the EU. That would end. We would no longer be acting as Little Europeans, but a Global Britain" [source].


Businesses, Trades Unions, Jobs, Employment

"It has been happening for the past twelve years and continues to slip off the tongues of European Union supporters and spin doctors in newspaper, on television and during broadcast interviews: '3 million jobs depend upon the EU' whilst avoiding, of course, providing evidence"

"It is interesting that one of my potential MEP's and my potential MP both sent out questionnaires asking 'What do you think'.  However neither want to know my real views, they are just their OWN views re-packaged such as 'Do you think it is a good idea to retain 3 million jobs by remaining in the EU?'  That is classic 'When did you stop beating your wife?' stuff and shows the total contempt in which the electorate is held" [comment at source].

"The danger to jobs has been over-exaggerated. By incentivising investment through low corporation tax and other perks Britain can flourish like the Scandinavian countries outside the EU" [source].

"WAGES WILL FALL:  The greatest threat to wage-levels is uncontrolled immigration from Eastern Europe as the euro-zone falls deeper into recession" [source].

"Immigrants working for less than the living wage are taking jobs away from the British nationals" [Reader's letter, BCN, (29 April), p.10].

"Big businesses that employ a lot of semi-skilled workers support the EU Directive of unrestrained immigration as it reduces their wages bill. ... This 'low wage' economy is aided considerably by the dumbing down of our [children's] education. They then have a pool of unemployed semi-educated Brits and immigrants to keep the wages down and earn megabuck profits. It also enables them to pressurise the majority of middle class workers to work excessive overtime - often with no extra pay" [source].

"UNEMPLOYMENT WILL RISE:  Like it has in the euro-zone, to insane levels, especially under-25s, where it has hit 50% or more in some places?" [source].

"Many small businesses maintain they will be better off and have greater opportunity to engage with the world market" [Reader's letter, BCN, (29 April), p.10].

"Big unions also support the idea of pan EU unions as that will give the union leaders gold plated jobs for life - so long as they 'stay on message' and give their full support to the EU rather than to their union members" [source].

"It is part of my vision that after a Leave vote, by controlling our borders and stopping a flood of unskilled migrant labour into the country, wages would rise for British workers. The minimum wage would no longer be the maximum wage for so many of our citizens. Our younger generation would have a proper chance of getting their foot in the door, with employers encouraged to train them, rather than simply relying on cheap migrant workers" [source].


Farming and Fisheries


"FARMERS WILL LOSE THEIR CAP SUBSIDIES:  Actually, the subsidy paid to farmers by Brussels is half what HMG pays into the CAP. It could double the subsidy without additional cost to the UK taxpayer"

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) costs the UK £18 billion a year. Once this is stopped considerable sums will be available to UK farmers" [Reader's letter, BCN, (29 April), p.10].

"[The] EU has brought serious decline to British agriculture with too many petty rules. The regulations for the production of duck eggs is said to run into twenty-seven thousand words!  EU regulations did not stop the horse meat scandal across Europe" [Reader's letter, BCN, (29 April), p.10].


"[The] EU has crippled [the] British fishing industry by issuing quotas and restricting catch levels"
[Reader's letter, BCN, (29 April), p.10].

"With the release of Government papers under the 30 year rule we now know that Geoffrey Rippon, fisheries minister at the time told Ted Heath, 'If we want to enter the EEC (as it was) we will have to sacrifice Britain's fishermen.'  The Common Fisheries Policy was suddenly introduced while Britain was negotiating membership" [comment at source].

"The Common Fisheries Policy has been synonymous with the huge decline of our fish stocks, deterioration of the environment, wasteful discarding of fish, and the destruction of Britain's fishing industry and communities ... many coastal towns have gone into economic and social decline through the loss of thousands of jobs" [source].

"Under the Common Fisheries Policy, the fishing industry in Britain has dramatically declined. Recent statistics indicate that the number of vessels decreased from 10,295 in 1994 to 6,406 in 2012, with a reduction in fishermen from 20,751 to 12,450 in the same period. With fewer fishermen and vessels, the amount of fish landed in UK ports has dropped dramatically. In 1970, 948,000 tonnes of fish were landed from British vessels; by 2008 that had dropped to 417,000 tonnes" [source].

"With a declining catch and at the same time rising demand for fish, the UK has since 1984 become a net importer of fish - to the tune, currently, of £2.66 billion worth of seafood annually - two thirds of what we eat. This is an astonishing result for a country surrounded by rich waters and with a long seafaring tradition. We are in this situation not because of our own fishermen but because politicians have bartered away our inheritance for a mess of potage. Outside the EU, the UK can run its own fisheries with a sensible conservation strategy which will avoid the Tragedy of the Commons in our waters at least and thus ensure that there is enough fish for future generations" [Europe of Freedom and Democracy Group, quoted at source].

"As the United Nations Law of the Sea states: 'The exclusive economic zone shall not extend beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines.'  Yet Britain's fishing rights have now been reduced by the EU to a mere 12 miles" [source].

"British fishing policy is determined by the political imperative of European integration. The objective is to create an EU fishing fleet catching EU fish in EU waters under an EU permit system controlled from Brussels" [source].

"Norway, for instance, CHAIRS the UN fishery committee; we haven't even got a seat" [comment at source].

"As from 1st January 2016, Britain's recreational sea anglers face a six month ban on catching and keeping sea bass. ... A breach of this ban could result in a fine of up to a staggering £50,000. ... Last year [2014], a Cornish Skipper and his crewmate were fined over £3,000 in Truro Magistrates Court for fly-tipping after throwing a box of fish heads over a harbour wall. The skipper said it was a travesty of justice, as it looks after the bottom of the food chain, including small bass and is 'gold-standard recycling'. A couple of months earlier, at Bodmin Magistrates Court, a Dutch super trawler found guilty of illegally fishing for mackerel in UK waters was fined 10% of a catch worth an estimated £430,000. A report at the time stated that the owner and skipper of the vessel got to keep the catch. Even with costs, a substantial profit was made by an unlawful practice - in a British court! When a person is fined £50,000 for landing a single fish, a skipper fined for recycling and a foreign trawler profits for illegal fishing, it is hard not to see that criminal activity ultimately lies with continued, nonsensical and unworkable policy made in Brussels" [source].

"Greenland decided to leave the EU (EEC in 1984). Their politicians recognised the wanton vandalism coming their way, and understood how other Member States did not follow the same procedures of handling their fish catches. In the Seventies, Britain and Greenland held around 80% of fish stocks. In comparison, nations such as France, Spain and Italy had destroyed stocks in the Mediterranean. With such a small population so reliant on one industry, Greenland saw no other option but to leave the EU. How is the nation doing now? Having ignored the scaremongers at the time, the islanders have found their average income on par with other rich Northern European states, and they have benefited from the lack of EU red tape. ... Greenland successfully negotiated favourable terms for their exit, and now enjoy favourable trade deals with the EU. If a nation of 57,000 can do it, why do we often hear that Britain, a nation of 65 million, cannot do the same?" [source].

"As certain nations receive a better deal out of the EU, it is clear the industries of national importance to other member states have never been under threat or willingly reduced by their own politicians. From French wineries to the German automotive industry, it is clear other member states do all they can to protect important sections of their own economy and heritage, while British politicians willingly give away one of our own" [source].

"With current polls showing that there is a fairly even split among the general population between those wishing to remain and leave, we found no such split among fishermen. As many as 92% intend to vote to leave the EU - a uniformity of opinion that is unmatched by any other economic or social group in the UK" [source].

The Farage Flotilla 15 June 2016

"The Common Fisheries Policy is sorted out on the principle of equal access to a common resource - which means what is rightfully ours we have to share with the rest of the EU. We're only allowed to catch 20% by value of the fish that swim in what should be our territorial waters ... this industry has been destroyed. And actually, if we go on inside the EU, [who] knows where it will be in five or ten years' time. Brexit is the only solution for our fishing industry"
[Nigel Farage at source and source].

"What multi-millionaire Mr. Geldof did is show absolute contempt for the men and women who have come here today, from right across the UK, asking, demanding to be listened to as their communities are destroyed by the Common Fisheries Policy. I think, frankly, as a spectacle it's pretty disgraceful ... what Mr. Geldof did was to show the depth of his ignorance ... What we've seen today ... is the establishment protesting against us and trying to drown out the voices of ordinary people who are saying, 'please help us'." [Nigel Farage at source and source].

"One man on a fishing boat was almost shaking with anger as he shouted across to us how the quota system was destroying his industry. He didn't want to be lectured by Geldof, who seemed more intent on calling Nigel Farage a ****** than expressing a genuine interest in the fishing industry" [source].

"Angry would be an understatement. We went to the Thames to make a peaceful demo to campaign for the Brexit leave campaign because fishermen have been suppressed by the EU for many years. Whether it was a personal attack on Mr. Farage, at the end of the day it wasn't a UKIP event.  Mr. Farage was there supporting the fishermen.  Mr. Geldof's gesturing and everything about it was so wrong. I was on the boat standing next to Nigel Farage when this happened and I could hardly speak. I've seen a lot in my 56 years but I've never seen hard-working people attacked like this. They were trying to torpedo our peaceful, quiet demonstration. Words fail me. I think he was completely wrong and he should apologise" [Jimmy Buchan, Peterhead skipper, quoted at source].

"Geldof fired up the stereo again and then loudly repeated his attack on Farage. But now it seemed slightly less entertaining. Around us were people who feel negatively affected by the UK's EU membership, and Geldof was shouting over them. Is that why he was there? Just to shout at Farage?" [source].

"'A load of rich kids' [Farage] muttered to himself as he surveyed the Remain campaigners" [source].

"Perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps over the years Geldof has often spoken of the impact of the EU fishing policies on Britain's coastal towns. Perhaps today was the culmination of a long period of work and campaigning. Because of course if today was just Geldof taking the opportunity to get on a boat with a load of his friends and hurl abuse at people who want to vote leave, that wouldn't be a very good look for the Remain campaign would it?" [source].

"On a boat with Bob Geldof and it's awful. I may vote remain, but don't support jeering at fishermen worried about their livelihoods ... As someone who was on Bob Geldof's boat, and left with others in protest, I can tell you it is everything wrong with Strongerin ... Fisherman, please know that most Labour remain people on Geldof's boat left in disgust. Not why I'm here at all. ... Left Bob Geldof's boat in disgust. Fisherman, the Labour Remain presence sincerely apologises" [Bethany Pickering at source and source].

"Gosh: I wonder which group is more likely to enlist the sympathy of ordinary people still unsure which way to vote. Will it be:
          a)  Farage's Pro-Brexit flotilla - comprising boatloads of fishermen whose livelihoods have been all but eradicated by Britain's EU membership?
     or  b)  Vote Remain - a gin palace commandeered by a multi-millionaire pillar of the global elite (who isn't even a British subject and therefore not entitled to vote in this referendum) and packed to the gills with pro-EU reporters and members of the [elite], blaring out noise from its extravagant sound system and pouring scorn on the smelly fisher proles nearby?
My personal guess is that it won't be b)"

"What Sir Bob proved today is that there is a very ugly, sneering side of the Remain campaign. In fact, that's its backbone: people who claim 'the world has moved on' from the fishermen up and down the country struggling to make a living despite how much their industry means to the British economy. ... There's a very, very ugly side of the Remain campaign. And I think, going into the last week of campaigning, we're about to see a lot more of it" [source].

"[T]he photograph of multimillionaire Bob and his hangers-on laughing and jeering at decent working-class fishermen will surely become ... an iconic ... image of divided referendum-era Britain and the bullying, disdainful nature of the Remain campaign" [source].

On the one side is the culture of metropolitan Liberalism, of the smug, selfie-taking narcissist, contemptuous of others less well heeled or or places to benefit from globalisation than himself. On the other, the quiet, masculine dignity of what might be termed traditional Britain, of working class trawlermen, stoically sailing on in a deeply unfashionable and dangerous industry for little reward, largely forgotten and disregarded by society at large. Hopefully, this image will bury not only the Remain campaign but in time condemn the elite that spawned it: even today, maritime imagery is especially potent to most British people, extolling as it does a sense of courage, self-sacrifice and adventure that makes up so much of our Island story. Only a culture as self-absorbed and as historical [sic] as Metropolitan Liberalism would think it safe to mock it" [source].

"While Mr. Geldof is reportedly worth more than £100 million, the job done by the fishermen at whom he sneered has been dubbed 'the most dangerous job in the UK'.  That means that while Mr. Geldof bathes in media praise for parroting establishment political lines, fishermen in Britain have a one in 20 chance of being killed on the job during their working lives" [source].

"Considering Geldof is Irish and doesn't pay full tax with no vote, what's it got to do with him? It's disrespectful and he should be stripped of his titles" [Will Clark, managing director of a Peterhead fish processing firm who supported the flotilla, quoted at source].

"A picture paints a thousand words, and the words that picture paints are so very ugly. They are words of arrogance and contempt, of belittling disdain, of loathing and snobbery, of truly Inhuman Remains" [source].

"Many observers had described the spectacle of small wooden boats manned by working men, facing off with shiny new speed boats filled with students as an appropriate metaphor for the EU referendum campaign so far" [source].

"It's very interesting. We used to protest against the establishment. Now the establishment are protesting against us" [Nigel Farage at source].

"In Britain, as in the US, people are beginning to wake up to the fact that it's not about left and right any more. It's about the people against the Establishment elite" [source].

How will the UK's fishermen vote in the referendum?  See here and here and here and here


Young People

"I tick virtually every would-be remainer's box. I am in my twenties and had the immense good fortune to be privately-educated. I am shortly to leave Britain to become a graduate student (in an eurozone country no less!). I am one of those whose career may genuinely be hamstrung by a British Exit... and I am voting to Leave. Who are my generation to give away the parliamentary democracy we have inherited? It is simply not about me. I am sorry for my like-aged friends, who may have to explain one day to their children what they did"
[comment at source].

"It is part of my vision that after a Leave vote, by controlling our borders and stopping a flood of unskilled migrant labour into the country, wages would rise for British workers. The minimum wage would no longer be the maximum wage for so many of our citizens. Our younger generation would have a proper chance of getting their foot in the door, with employers encouraged to train them, rather than simply relying on cheap migrant workers" [source].

"[T]he establishment has adopted an ideology which threatens us (maybe not oldies like me, but certainly the young and yet to be born) quite literally in terms of life and death and national survival" [source].

"This referendum, above all else, is about whether our parliament is sovereign and our law supreme. Are we content with distant managerialism or do we want the ability to elect and reject our rulers? A thousand years of history characterised by defending our independence and fighting for liberty and justice got this country to the point of universal suffrage and democratic accountability yet we have allowed it to be whittled away and surrendered. In doing so we have let down generations past and future. By voting to leave and beginning the long struggle to restore national democracy and self-rule we will hand the next generation a fine inheritance" [source].

"They tell swing voters to think of their children and grandchildren and the extra cash they might otherwise have ... It has become received wisdom that the more progressive metropolitan young are betrayed by backwards old voters who shouldn't be allowed a say on the future. But is it right to set an example for future generations that we sold off democracy for a few quid? When we think of future generations should we not want to cling to higher principle even tighter?" [source].

"With their characteristic good sense, a good many of [the British people] have seen through the desperate politicking and made up their minds that no, it's in their own interests, and even more so their children's and grandchildren's interests that Britain should regain her sovereignty" [source].

"Today I spent 45 minutes talking to a couple in their seventies who were in despair about Brussels. It was real despair. They confided that the youngsters voting had no idea of history and would likely cause our defeat in ignorance. They were upset at a recent poll of college students in our Woking locality which had come out with 85% in favour of voting to remain under the control of Brussels. 'What can we do?' they entreated. I told them to vote and spread the word as to why they were voting. Silence on this issue is not golden" [Reader's letter, BCN, (13 May 2016), p.9].

A Tweet From a Young Remainer:

Amidst all the mainstream and social media's sanctimonious virtue-signalling and grotesque Brexit-blaming for the murder of Jo Cox MP on Thursday, was this nasty little tweet by one Remainer, who, from the content of his well-thought out 'opinion' on the matter, I suppose to be fairly young:

"I see an elderly Brexit nutjob has shot + stabbed a pro-EU MP while shouting 'Britain First'. Truly a credit to the Brexit demographic :/" -- Alex P (@alexperryman) June 16, 2016

This young man does not realise that the 'elderly Brexit' voters he so arrogantly despises are not voting for our future - we will soon be gone and out of reach of the tyranny of the anti-democratic EU monster; we are voting for the future freedom of this young man, as our forebears fought against the very same evil regime last century for our freedom.  They made the greatest sacrifice possible in the bloody battles of the Somme and of Normandy; we receive mere childish name-calling from the ignorant.  I think we can withstand such pinpricks.

I have several nephews whose parents have raised them to know the utmost importance of understanding history, to respect the sacrifices of their forefathers - for their sakes, and to strive to be honourable in all their ways.  I am quite sure that there are far more young people like my nephews than there are like this boastful young man.  If Britain does indeed remain in the EU, then some day, when he has grown a little older and is mourning his freedom lost for ever under the oppressive totalitarian jackboot of the New World Order, I hope he may also have grown a little wiser and a little more humble, and will look back with bitter regret for his proud disdain for the 'Brexit demographic' who, in reality, knew far more than he.

Until then, he might care to ponder this: "Men fight for liberty and win it with hard knocks. Their children, brought up easy, let it slip away again, poor fools. And their grandchildren are once more slaves"

...and to think on this from a man much older and wiser and more knowledgeable and tested than this young Remainer:

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God ... ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth ... their folly shall be manifest unto all men" [EMcD].



"Easyjet and Ryanair will still be running if Britain leaves the EU and there will still be holiday insurance (which is required at the present time anyway) as indeed there was before"
[Reader's letter, BCN, (29 April), p.10].


Successes Outside the European Union

"You can't help noticing that the Swiss are doing pretty well. They top the European wealth league and, according to the United Nations, have the second-best quality of life in the world - with the first position going to fellow EFTA member Norway. The Swiss are so happy with their current deal that their pro-EU campaign has admitted defeat and ceased operations. Now here's the clinching statistic. Switzerland sells four-and-a-half times as much, per capita, to the EU as we do ... from the inside. If eight million Swiss are able to flourish, trading with the EU but governing themselves, how much more might 63 million Britons - a maritime people, linked by habit and history, by language and law, to every continent?"

"Greenland decided to leave the EU (EEC in 1984). Their politicians recognised the wanton vandalism coming their way, and understood how other Member States did not follow the same procedures of handling their fish catches. In the Seventies, Britain and Greenland held around 80% of fish stocks. In comparison, nations such as France, Spain and Italy had destroyed stocks in the Mediterranean. With such a small population so reliant on one industry, Greenland saw no other option but to leave the EU. How is the nation doing now? Having ignored the scaremongers at the time, the islanders have found their average income on par with other rich Northern European states, and they have benefited from the lack of EU red tape. ... Greenland successfully negotiated favourable terms for their exit, and now enjoy favourable trade deals with the EU. If a nation of 57,000 can do it, why do we often hear that Britain, a nation of 65 million, cannot do the same?" [source].


Borders / Immigration

A Question for Remainers: 
Do you have a front door (and perhaps a back door too)?  When you are at home, when you go to bed each night, when you're out for the day, or away on holiday:
          *  Do you shut your front door and ensure that it is firmly locked to secure the privacy and the safety of your household?
          *  Or do you leave your front door and all your windows wide open with a huge sign on your gate inviting your nice neighbour, the folks along the road whom you don't know hugely well, and the angry and violent young man with the bull mastiff on the other side of town, to all come in and take up residence with you and your family?
          *  To signal your virtue to your new 'tenants' do you turf your children out of their bedrooms, deprive them of their food and clothing, and take away their toys, and give all these things to the new residents of your house, and expect your children to love their new situation?
          *  Do you simply smile benignly and defer with demur when one some of your new residents bar you entrance into 'their' rooms, refuse to acknowledge the rules of your household, and, further, begin to try to impose their own very questionable 'rules' onto you and your family - in your own house?
          *  Do you "see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil" when your sons are murdered and your daughters are raped by some of the members of your new 'family'?
          *  Indeed, do you even go so far as to rush out into the streets to gather many more of these poor guests into your home?
     You secure your home, and you favour and protect your children?  Now why is that? 

"Not only is [immigration] a top issue on the doorstep, but it is a clear and accessible example of the way in which perverse EU regulation creates serious economic and social consequences ... despite the efforts of the left to demonise anyone who mention[s] it" [source].

"Britain has given away control of immigration within the EU to the EU, and retains the power only to control non-EU immigration. This has led to huge disparities where Commonwealth citizens with family in Britain struggle to obtain visas whilst EU citizens with little link with the UK can automatically work here" [source].

"But the real concern when it comes to immigration should be the sheer numbers coming into the country. During the election campaign, ... I borrowed an idea found on Twitter. It shows the domino, or knock-on effect of EU membership. 'One Thing Affects Everything' it starts, before showing the domino of the EU affecting immigration (open borders), GP appointments (overcrowding), school places (concentration of migrants), housing crisis (overcrowding), lower wages (wage compression), and, just in case you didn't get it... overcrowding" [source].

"[T]here is a Government in Brussels that is giving away 70 million visas to a non-EU country. You've got to get over this thing of racism and see that there is this tsunami coming toward us... We have got ourselves in a predicament that as a democratic nation we have lost the ability to speak" [source].

"The Government has failed to secure the key renegotiation requirement, namely, that we should regain control of our borders. I shall therefore be campaigning to leave the EU" [Frank Field, MP, quoted at source].

"More than a quarter of a million people came to the UK from the EU in the 12 months to September 2015 - the equivalent of a city the size of Plymouth or Newcastle in just one year" [source].

"In the week [in which] ministers sought to bury the news that 800,000 people arrived in Britain from the EU last year (and some respected sources say the figure could be even higher), former PM Sir John Major tells Tory Brexit campaigners to stop harping on about migration. How depressingly typical of the political class. Do they really believe that if they suppress debate on this issue, so crucial to the referendum, nobody will notice the demographic upheaval all around us?" [Daily Mail Comment, 14 May 2016].

"Britain can never control immigration until it leaves the EU, because freedom of movement gives other EU citizens an automatic right to live here" [source].

"Uncontrolled immigration and open borders is one of the most serious issues in the remain-out debate. Yet here we have a former Prime Minister [John Major] trying to stifle debate by [insinuating] that objection to uncontrolled immigration is racism. But of course, globalist, corporatist lackeys like Major, a man who signed the Maastricht Treaty without consulting the British people and a man who cost the UK economy £3.3 billion, doesn't suffer the effects of uncontrolled immigration. Unlike the victims of Paris, Brussels, Cologne or working people who have to compete for jobs at the lowest level. Or truckers, drivers and the people of Calais who face the harsh reality mass immigration brings" [source].

"The first of the major TV debates threw up plenty of heat and not much light. The general agreed-upon highlight was when one member of the audience, one Emily Wood from Poole, complained that her elderly, disabled mother cannot get the council bungalow she needs because immigrants are being 'bumped up the list'.  Ms Wood may have expected some sympathy because of her mother's situation, but any such feeling was swiftly dissolved by the fact that Ms Wood was white and working class with insufficiently open-borders views in immigration. Fortunately for the programmers, one Asma Butt from Aberdeen was on hand to berate Ms Wood. 'The EU is not some kind of scapegoat for you to keep blaming for your problems' Ms Butt scolded Ms Wood, further adding, 'It's funny how you have selective memory. Just remember how immigrants like my family and people in this audience have built this nation'.  This of course got an ecstatic and righteous ovation from the studio audience. This is strange. For although nobody need understate the contributions of some immigrants to this country, Great Britain was not in fact built by immigrants like Ms Butt's family, but by the people who were already here. If some immigrants have bought some additional benefits then that is well and good, but one need not pretend that the UK was a failed state until the Windrush arrived. Clearly young people are educated to believe otherwise" [source].

""Uncontrolled immigration threatens to deconstruct the nation we grew up in and convert [the UK] into a conglomeration of peoples with almost nothing in common - not history, heroes, language, culture, faith, nor ancestors. Balkanization beckons" [quoted at source].

"Build a fairer, safer immigration system. If we vote to remain in the EU, we'll be stuck with an out-of-control immigration system which is bad for our security. The European Courts will be in charge of who we let in, and who we can remove. Imagine if Turkey joins this broken system. If we Vote Leave, we will be able to have a fairer, more humane system based on the skills we need. We'll be able to control numbers without having to turn away talented people from outside the EU who want to contribute" [Vote Leave].

"After the hysteria and scaremongering, this was the week the spotlight of truth finally shone on one of the greatest issues of our time. ... As found in poll after poll, mass immigration has long been the public's gravest concern. Yet for decades, politicians and the BBC censored debate, branding as 'racist' those who voiced anxieties about the erosion of our national identity or the pressure on jobs, housing, schools, and healthcare. This week, they could avoid the subject no longer, as the campaign focused mercilessly on our impotence to control our borders under the EU's free movement rules and crazy human rights regime:
          * Prisons packed with foreign criminals we can't deport, thousands of others on our streets,
          * EU migrants flocking to the UK at a net 184,000 last year, bringing officially recorded immigration to more than 3x David Cameron's 'no ifs, no buts' target (sorry, 'ambition'),
          * Illegal migrants picked up by the boat and lorryload, suggesting many times more are undetected,
          * Hundreds camped on the French coast, waiting to attempt the crossing... many of them openly contemptuous of UK border controls,
          * Meanwhile, the mass exodus to the EU from the Middle East and North Africa gathers pace.
No wonder the Prime Minister appears so uncomfortable in the migration spotlight, snapping at interviewers and changing the subject when questioned about promises he can't keep. In his televised grilling on Thursday night, he even resorted to deception, claiming Britain has the right to deport jobless EU nationals after six months. Has he so quickly forgotten that Angela Merkel overruled him when he begged for such restrictions on free movement? How ironic that this was the week the German Chancellor warned [that] countries 'at the bargaining table' get better deals than those 'outside the room'. Is it cruel to point out that when the PM was inside that room, our partners simply ignored his modest requests? Instead of fibbing and squirming, Mr Cameron should come clean. He should unequivocally declare that if we wish to retain EU membership, uncontrollable immigration is the price we must pay. Voters will decide if it's worth paying"
[Editorial Comment, Daily Mail, 04 June 2016].

Question to David Cameron Regarding No-Go Zones in the UK: "I have no GP, as all of them are full in my area. I can't get onto the housing ladder and have three kids in one room. My kids' school is growing in size every year but not in staff. The place where I grew up was a lovely area but is now a no-go zone. So how is the EU and uncontrolled immigration working for me, a 41-year-old-Brit who has been working full-time since I was 16, and my community? ... I voted for you in the last election because one of the things in your manifesto was to get immigration down. You are not allowed [by the EU] to do that. That is the bottom line. I can see my standard of living going down because of this influx that we can't control. I am sorry to say but your closing statement last week was that if we leave the EU, we are rolling a dice with our children's future. I think quite the opposite, I think you have rolled the dice already by telling us to stay in" [Asian-background Harry Bhopara to David Cameron, 07 June 2016].

"We can all vote against the heedless, arrogant snobs who inflicted mass immigration on the poor (while making sure they lived far from its consequences themselves). And nobody can call us 'racists' for doing so" [source].

"As for the clueless drivel about independence campaigners being hostile to foreigners or narrow-minded, this is mere ignorant snobbery. I'll take on any of them in a competition as to who has travelled most widely, in Europe and beyond. Good heavens, I've even read Tolstoy and like listening to Beethoven. And I still want to leave the EU. Do these people even know what they are saying when they call us 'Little Englanders'?  England has never been more little than it is now, a subject province of someone else's empire" [source].

"In a devastating intervention, Labour's John Mann highlights how his party is turning its back on its core working-class supporters, especially in the North. As he eloquently points out, these are the people who suffer most from the pressures of mass immigration - uncontrollable while we remain in the EU - on jobs, wages, housing, schools and the NHS. No wonder polls show almost half of Labour voters want out. Yet Mr Mann is one of only a handful of Labour's 229 MPs to declare for Brexit. Meanwhile, the hierarchy's metropolitan elite, with their east European nannies and gardeners, side with the giant corporations in the Remain camp against British working families. Indeed, the word from Labour HQ is: 'Don't even mention migration!'.  Throughout this campaign, attention has tended to focus on the damage the Tories are doing to themselves. But the wounds self-inflicted by Labour, as it abandons its traditional voters, may yet prove more deadly" [Editorial Comment, Daily Mail, 11 June 2016].

"The Guardian ... clearly thinks in terms of supposed idealism that the growing presence of Islam in Britain is a good thing; that if you disagree with this you are evil, and that if barbarism is to be kept at bay we should support Jo Cox and reject political parties which think Islam presents a clear and growing threat" [source].

"The values and commitment so glowingly attributed attributed to Jo Cox by The Guardian are in reality the commitment, (however well-intentioned) to strip Britain of her culture, traditions, history and people, and to replace them with a people, culture and ideology from the 7th century in terms of real, genuine barbarianism. Exhibiting sanctimonious virtue toward Muslims is all that matters in left-liberal land you see, whilst the future and the feelings of the native English merit no consideration at all. But this is most certainly not the 'idealism' shared by the majority of the country, even if it encapsulates the Guardian class" [source].

"The Guardian never stops to consider whether there could be a downside to Islamic expansion within Britain; never stops to consider whether Jo Cox was completely and utterly wrong with regard to her values and beliefs and never stops to consider whether the 'far-right' think the way they do because they were born monstrously evil (as left-liberals think) or because they have impartially evaluated the situation and reached an informed conclusion which fails to agree with the ill-informed and emotional conclusion shared by Jo Cox and such people from our ruling elites" [source].

"It is perfectly reasonable for Britain to stop importing people from an utterly alien culture and civilisation who fanatically ascribe to a religious ideology which has no intention of co-existence and every intention of total, brutal domination" [source].

"Alex Massie suggests it [is] hysterical to present politics as a matter of life and death and national survival; but suppose that is exactly what politics has become in the second decade of the 21st century? What can only be the logical consequences of a demographically dying Europe which unasked and against its will was forced to accept a demographically exploding culture and people with a history of fanatical enmity toward Christian Europe? Unless human nature is no longer human nature and unless history never repeats itself and unless inter-ethnic, inter-religious warfare is 100% a thing of the past then surely this is about life and death? Surely this is about national survival? [source].

"[T]he group-think, the cultural hegemony of the entire Western establishment [is to] see evil amongst those who quite naturally, morally and ethically wish to survive as a race and culture, and [to] see only virtue and celebratory diversity in those who wish to destroy us" [source].

"The Left, and by extension, some elements of the Remain campaign, want to shut down debate over immigration. For many years, they achieved that goal, not least by insisting that anyone troubled by mass migration and the pressures it puts on our country, was a vile racist, not fit for polite society. Political correctness was a stifling blanket succeeding for too long in denying Britain, which virtually invented free speech, the right to debate openly the impact of importing on a vast scale unfamiliar cultures and attitudes. One bonus of the referendum debate has been to throw off that blanket and rediscover the value of vigorous and unfettered argument" [source].

"The predictable quarters described [UKIP's new Leave poster] as 'fundamentally racist', ... Nicola Sturgeon chose the adjective 'disgusting' ... 'vile xenophobia' according to Treasury Minister Harriet Baldwin. ... The poster isn't racist in that the depicted crowd shows a broad demographic cross, although Muslims do seem to feature more widely than any other group [EMcD: Islam isn't a race anyway; it is a political and religious ideology that not only is *not* restricted to one race but seeks to convert *every* person of *every* race to its desired world-wide Caliphate]. Yet it's hard to argue against the visual statement on those grounds because Muslim immigration is indeed huge, and, more important, potentially more damaging than any other. At what cut-off point does Miss Sturgeon think objecting to Britain's Islamisation stops being xenophobic and becomes common sense?" [source].

"When Cameron et al say Britain should be 'open and tolerant and compassionate' what he means is that you, dear voter, should be open to having your maternity services over stretched, your primary school turning away your child, and your wages stagnating. It will not be the Chipping-Whatever set who are opening their homes (I imagine that part of the woods is pretty closed when it comes to planning and building new houses). Do you think the private schools will be opening up their doors to all the state school students who cannot secure places at their local school? Do you think these politicians will pack a free refugee with them when they fly off on their half-term ski trip? No, as you open up your community to unsustainable immigration (and remember second and third generation immigrants are with us on this) where do you think Cameron will be in five years time? On a yacht dear reader, mark my words" [source].

"Love of one's country, its historical, moral, religious and cultural foundations, doesn't ipso facto presuppose uncontrollable fear of foreigners. Sturgeon, Baldwin et al may believe, and are welcome to argue, that such affections aren't in conflict with welcoming millions of people alien to our civilisation and, typically, hostile to it. But arguing that opposite point doesn't make the person - or party - either 'disgusting' or 'xenophobic' or anything else disagreeable. What's truly disgusting is trying to score political points off a horrific tragedy" [source].

Is the EU Totalitarian? Totalitarian regimes seek to control the population, either by increasing or decreasing it. Angela Merkel has been more successful at this than any other Totalitarian leader in history. Merkel has increased her country's population by over a million in just a few months and is expecting other EU countries to do the same. When Eurocrats tell us that immigration is beneficial, they mean it's beneficial to their aims and objectives. For us, ordinary folk, it's a disaster. Immigration is stretching our Health Service, housing, Social Security, etc. Population is the real issue here: how many people can we support on a little island?" [source].

"EU immigration is changing the culture of Europe by allowing the establishment [of] large ethnic ghettos of people who do not share European values of democracy, tolerance, and equal rights. The Christian heritage which for centuries has been the backbone of European nations is slowly being replaced by politically correct non-theistic liberal views and extremist religion" [Reader's letter, BCN, (29 April), p.10].

"Thou shalt not remove thy neighbour's landmark, which they of old time [first, previous, before, formerly, ancient] have set" (Deuteronomy 19:14a).

"When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance ... He set the bounds of the people" (Deuteronomy 32:8).

"And hath made ... all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth ... and the bounds of their habitation; That they should seek the Lord" (Acts 17:26-27).

For more on Immigration please see here, here, here, here, here, and here


Terrorism and Security

"A section of the current debate on the EU surrounds security. In 2003 the EU laid out its own European Security Strategy. It considered the threats to the security of the EU. ... The document probably rightly lists terrorism first in its key threats, but what does it plan to do about it? It talks with the same rhetoric that has had no impact on the terror threat posed. One thing is sure: the EU's strategy on tackling terrorism has failed. Since [the] production [of the ESS], we have had:
          * the Madrid bombing (2004),
          * the murder of Dutch film maker Theo Van Gogh (2004),
          * the 7/7 London bombings (2005),
          * the Glasgow airport attack (2007),
          * the Stockholm bombing (2010),
          * the Frankfurt airport shootings (2011),
          * the Toulouse and Montauban shootings (2012),
          * the Bulgaria bus bombing (2012),
          * the Lee Rigby killing (2013),
          * the knife attack on French soldier (the day following the murder of Lee Rigby) (2013),
          * the Jewish Museum of Belgium shooting (2014),
          * the two attacks in France - one with a knife and using a car (2014),
          * the Paris attacks on Jewish targets (2015),
          * the Copenhagen shootings (2015),
          * the shooting of a French woman (2015),
          * the beheading in Lyon (2015),
          * the Amsterdam to Paris train attack (2015),
          * the series of attacks in France (November 2015),
          * the bombing in Brussels (2016).
The idea that we are somehow safer within the EU from terrorism is unfortunately unfounded. Indeed, the Schengen border arrangements give terrorists free movement throughout much of the EU, and while we are not part of it at the moment, it allows free movement right up to our coastline"


War and Peace

"Propagandists claim the EU will safeguard peace in Europe, yet creating a political and economic union of disparate and diverse countries within a generation or two creates fissures and tensions that could erupt into serious and widespread unrest and has already done so in Greece"

"Far from providing security in an uncertain world, the EU's policies have become a source of instability and insecurity. Razor wire once more criss-crosses the continent, historic tensions between nations such as Greece and Germany have resurfaced in ugly ways and the EU is proving incapable of dealing with the current crises in Libya and Syria" [Michael Gove, MP, quoted at source].

"Aggressive EU policy led by Germany has provoked Russian intervention in the Ukraine" [Reader's letter, BCN, (29 April), p.10].

"The EU is provoking war with Russia, ... Leaving the EU is not just about saving ourselves - it is the first step to saving democracy in Europe and preventing a war" [source].

"Many analysts ... believe that the EU's advance eastwards has been seen by Russia as an act of aggression against [it], and part of the cause for [Russia's] advance into Crimean region. If there is a flash point coming in Europe, it will undoubvetdetly be where the empire of Europe has advanced into the former USSR. There is already unrest within Latvia and Estonia. As the EU seeks further ties with Ukraine they certainly are not improving the chances of maintaining peace within Europe" [source].

"The blatant use of Jo Cox's death and Bob Geldof screaming obscenities at some fishermen has brought home exactly why I wish to leave. ... It was Jo Cox's death that finally made the penny drop, because collectivism, togetherness, one nation idealism is dangerous. The remain supporters are lovers of blood and power even whilst they reject it. ... The larger the state, the bigger the war, the poorer the people" [comment at source].

"Of late it feels like I am saturated with the crowd. I'm stuck in a group wanting to leave and this is not my natural home, I yearn to be free of it, to find space, even in the passion of campaigning I feel the need to find shelter. Yet, I see from the other side, a strident need to keep war going at all costs. The remainers are not passionate, they do not tire of collectivism, they do not seek the peace, they want violence and want to create it from peace. This is the fundamental difference between the two sides. We really do want Britain to sail away from Europe, because we know instinctively what large crowds do. We know what large states and empires do, and and like Frodo in Lord of the Rings we realise that the 'fellowship of the ring' is largely a convenient illusion for war which must be broken. Only now do realise what that final part of Lord of the Rings was really saying" [comment at source].

"If we stay in the EU it will inevitably lead to conflict with another nation sate. The EU is intent on building its army and threatening Russia with poking from the USA. If we stay in the EU it will be war. If we leave, then we douse the fires for a while at least. Our departure will break the union and there will be peace for a time" [comment at source].

"War is a collectivising process, and large-scale collectivism is inherently warlike. If not militarist by national tradition, highly centralised states must become so by the very necessity of sustaining at home an inordinate, 'unnatural' power concentration, by the threat of their governmental mobilization as felt by other nations, and by their almost inevitable transformation of commercial intercourse into organized economic warfare among great economic-political blocs. There can be no real peace or solid world order in a world of a few great, centralized powers. People like to come together for an event, for a short time to accomplish some task, but they don't like to remain together. The first thing people do after being in a crowd of people is to head for somewhere alone, quiet and peaceful" [Professor Henry C. Simmons, quoted in reader's comment at source].

"Asa did that which was good and right in the eyes of the LORD his God. For he took away the altars of the strange gods, and the high places, and broke down the images, and cut down the groves: And commanded Judah to seek the LORD God of their fathers ... and the kingdom was quiet before him ... the land had rest ... and he had no war in those years; because the LORD had given him rest ... [Asa] said unto Judah, 'because we have sought the LORD our God, we have sought Him, and he hath given us rest on every side.' So they built and prospered" (2 Chronicles 14:2-7).


Armed Forces and Defence

"Britain could soon be asked to contribute to a EU Army, with reports suggesting Angela Merkel may demand the Prime Minister's approval in return for other concessions. That would erode the UK's independent military force and should be opposed"

"We now hear that Brussels has parked plans for an EU defence force until after the referendum for fear of the British reaction. This begs a huge question. What is the raison d'etre? The defence of Europe is the task of NATO. There are only three countries, Britain, France and Poland, with the military capacity to be effective in a major conflict. So what would this rag-tag of un-battle ready, under-equipped, under-funded warriors actually be for that was not the business of NATO? Could it possibly be for 'internal security', the repression of populist uprisings, especially amongst people who have known dictatorship in the recent past, and are not buying it again? Is the EU defence force for the protection of the Brussels oligarchy from the hoi-polloi?" [source].

"So far our military have been able to keep their ethos. However, when he was president of the EU Romano Prodi said 'there will be an EU army and only an EU army.'  EuroCorps intends to take over and absorb the British Armed Forcers. To this end the morale, capability and facilities of our armed forces are being steadily degraded by our own political elite. It will soon be at a point where the only option left will be to hand over our armed forces to EuroCorps as they will [be] incapable of functioning as a military unit" [source].

"Look on this issue of a European Union army, we would have a veto on that. There is not going to be a European Union army. There is absolutely no need for one" [Chuka Umunna, quoted at source].


Freedom of Speech

"[T]he end of free speech alone is enough to warrant leaving. That fact alongside the loss of democracy, sovereignty and potential loss of Habeas Corpus should be the prime drivers to leave, whilst we still can. They define our way of life"
[comment at source].

"It is already almost a crime here, via political correctness, to criticise the EU. In the sense that if you speak out you are instantly condemned to a hail of abuse, condescension and/or ridicule from all quarters; especially the self-righteous and trolls, the full spectrum of the MSM, the Left and those bought-and-paid-for on the Right. It ranges from the absurd 'Little Englander' tag and the malign xenophobe charge, to the crime of being 'aged' (gaga rather than worldly wise, of course) or hankering after a lost empire (can't see how breaking free of a nascent empire can be empire building), or of being ignorant (which they could correct by argument if they indeed knew better, but they don't so they don't), or it is simply childish name calling" [comment at source].

"I remember the Bernard Connolly case. I thought he was victimised, hounded out; didn't realise criticism of the EU was literally unlawful" [comment at source].

"[T]he advocate-general, Damaso Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer ... implied that Mr Connolly's criticism of the EU was akin to extreme blasphemy. ... Mr Colomer wrote ... that a landmark British case on free speech had 'no foundation or relevance' in European law, suggesting that the European Court was unwilling to give much consideration to British legal tradition" [source].

"We're back to the Star Chamber and Acts of Attainder: the rights of defendants are not respected or guaranteed in any way; the offence of seditious libel has been resurrected" [Bernard Connolly, quoted at source].


Television and Radio Debates

Farage v Cameron 'Debate', ITV, 07 June 2016:

"The audience, supposedly representative of the people at home who wanted to hear the answers of Farage and Cameron, was decidedly not representative of the UK's 81.9% 'white' population. Of the front row, at least half seemed to be ethnic minority, mostly Muslim. The front row looked stacked, as it was (when pressing pause) - the most 'mixed' row. Coincidence? This could be excused considering the event took place in London which is now minority white and has a Muslim mayor, but this referendum is not about London, it's about the whole country"

The 'Waycist' Card:
 "Before every major event, be it the local elections, the General Election, or this referendum - just before the TV debates or the polls, you can rely on the mainstream media to create a faux-controversy regarding UKIP, Farage or the eccentricities of one or more UKIP members. Larger controversies from mainstream parties are diluted or ignored, and UKIP's are inflated to distort the image to the public and to dictate the narrative. The other purpose is to play the racist/sexist/bigot/Little Englander card [insert PC thoughtcrime here]. This means that questions can be brought up about THAT, to put UKIP on the defensive and take airtime away from the message they want to convey on their actual policies. It's to personalise it and make it about personality politics and not policies. Right on cue, the media whipped up a fake narrative about Farage's 'racist' comments about [the] potential for Cologne-style sexual assaults and rapes in the UK unless we can get a grip on uncontrolled mass immigration, ... If it [Taharrush] is a new phenomenon happening several times in Germany, and in Sweden then it is logical to assume it could happen here"

The 'Women' Card:  I do not believe it is coincidental that the two most aggressive questioners were women. This is an old technique. If you are an 'older white male', and aggressively questioned (in front of millions) by a younger ethnic female - you are automatically on the defensive ... It is very dicey to discuss any emotive or controversial issue like immigration or sexual assault when you a man speaking to aggressive ethnic minority women who clearly have an agenda - knowing the massive audience at home (and fully understanding, as [Farage] did, that he was being set up and was on thin ice)" [source].

The 'Little Englander' Card:  "Cameron managed to get this dig in twice, linking Farage's approach with the PC meme that to be Eurosceptic is to be old-fashioned, xenophobic, isolationist, 'Little Englander'. It is of course complete nonsense. There are numerous reasons to believe that  we could be MORE engaged with the rest of the world, in particular our abandoned Commonwealth friends. By taking back control of our own country, our ability to trade, set laws, control borders and determine our own destiny - we can engage with the world on our own terms, not [on] those set by an unelected Elite in Brussels. Somehow, all this this gets slurred as Little Englander - and by default Cameron is slandering every person voting Leave. But, as he knows, using the PC-thoughtcrime slur, it will echo back into the media allowing them to brainwash the masses" [source].

Interruptions from Audience and Moderator:  "If we are to believe [that the questioners] were not 'plants' in the audience - what are the chances that so many people would behave in such a rude and aggressive way? Very slim. Yet we saw it repeatedly. ... In contrast to her respectful silence during Cameron's answers [the moderator] interrupted Farage constantly, and on at least three occasions either asked questions FOR the audience, or personally critiqued his answer which is not her role (or shouldn't be). She also rushed him mid sentence to complete his answers, particularly when he was making a good point" [source].

Audience Bias:  "The two ethnic minority women who were the main weapons against Farage ... were highly political active Leftists: Firstly, Tola Jaiyeola: Community activist, Buzzfeed, Guardian, Britain Stronger in Europe campaign, Labour Party, Sadiq Khan = Leftist, EU, politically correct Establishment-created metropolitan culture. Secondly, Imriel Morgan: 'diversity advocate', Black Millenials [sic] podcast, Huffington Post blogger = called anyone who criticised her 'racist'." [source].

The Politically Correct Narrative:  "We have just seen the first salvo in the Establishment attempts to manipulate the debate into Politically Correct narratives - by slurring 'Leavers' as racists, Little Englanders, etc. they are attempting to associate any discussion of immigration - by FAR the most important issue to the electorate - as tantamount to inherent racism. This will massively backfire. However, the media and Elites are far too detached from the common man to understand that this is no longer working, and indeed every time they double-down like this more people have their PC goggles removed and wake up to the betrayal. ... The PC control grid illusion is beginning to crack and fall apart, right throughout the West. It has been used to bully and manipulate and lead by the nose for decades, but has become so extreme - and so contrary to common sense - that the masses are rejecting it. Even the term 'racist' has become so overused that people roll their eyes and reject the message of the person who wields it so casually" [source].

Conclusion:  "Poll after poll of immediate reactions to the Farage v Cameron event show the overwhelming majority of viewers felt Farage won. Comment sections show the majority, even on the Guardian, acknowledge the ITV debate was an ambush and a disgrace, yet the media is still pushing the PC memes ... Total ambush from the media. And total disconnection from the public. ... the mood of the public is stirring, and change will come" [source].

Question to David Cameron regarding No-Go Zones in the UK: "I have no GP, as all of them are full in my area. I can't get onto the housing ladder and have three kids in one room. My kids' school is growing in size every year but not in staff. The place where I grew up was a lovely area but is now a no-go zone. So how is the EU and uncontrolled immigration working for me, a 41-year-old-Brit who has been working full-time since I was 16, and my community? ... I voted for you in the last election because one of the things in your manifesto was to get immigration down. You are not allowed [by the EU] to do that. That is the bottom line. I can see my standard of living going down because of this influx that we can't control. I am sorry to say but your closing statement last week was that if we leave the EU, we are rolling a dice with our children's future. I think quite the opposite, I think you have rolled the dice already by telling us to stay in" [Asian-background Harry Bhopara to David Cameron, 07 June 2016].

Live Brexit Townhall, Sky, 02 June 2016:

Question to David Cameron regarding Turkey's membership of the EU:
"They are under such heavy accusation by the entire Middle East for funding ISIS. How can you reassure us of staying in the EU and saying there are no risks, when there are clear risks? Especially when it comes to ISIS? ... You're not answering the question. ... No, no, no, no, no. Let me finish now because I've seen you interrupt many people before hand. I'm an English literature student I know waffling when I see it, ok?" [Graduate Soraya Bouazzaoui to David Cameron, 02 June 2016].


Country Before Party

"Everything I now hear suggests that the votes for Leave are piling up, while the Remain cause is faltering and floundering. The betrayed supporters of both parties now feel free to take revenge on their smug and arrogant leaders. It has been a mystery to me that these voters stayed loyal to organisations that repeatedly spat on them from a great height. Labour doesn't love the poor. It loves the London elite. The Tories don't love the country. They love only money. The referendum, in which the parties are split and uncertain, has freed us all from silly tribal loyalties and allowed us to vote instead according to reason"

"Winning the referendum on our membership of the EU matters far more to me than any allegiance I have to my own party. I'm interested in country before party and I hope that genuine eurosceptics in the labour and conservative parties will take the view that the independence of this country matters more than criticism from colleagues who wear the same coloured rosettes" [source].

"I cannot duck the choice which the PM has given every one of us. In a few months time we will all have the opportunity to decide whether Britain should stay in the EU or leave. I believe our country would be freer, fairer and better off outside the EU. And if, at this moment of decision, I didn't say what I believe I would not be true to my convictions or my country" [Michael Gove, MP, quoted at source].


David Cameron's 'Renegotiations' and 'Concessions'

"He has achieved no concessions whatever from the EU because that is impossible without a treaty change and that just isn't going to happen. He knows that so he makes a lot noise at home and goes along with the 'project' in Brussels. Of course, he, or any other PM could make a difference, he just has to quit the EU!  We could then take up our OWN seat on the UN committees which direct much of what the EU acts on instead of being represented by an EU place-man, who will follow the collective EU line, which may not be in our interest"
[comment at source].

"Why does Cameron say the choice is between #Brexit and a 'reformed Europe'? The latter is not an option on the table for British voters" [Julia Hartley-Brewer, Journalist, quoted at source].

"Forty years ago [1975], the public were denied the benefits of a genuine renegotiation by those by those who were determined that our future lay in the European Community regardless. We must learn the lessons of the past to ensure that Britain is able to seek a genuinely improved deal from the EU today and that people are given a fair and informed choice in any EU referendum" [Robert Oxley, campaign director of Business for Britain, quoted at source].


Exit Plans

"Clause 50 is where, if we wished, we can leave the EU but it would probably take over 5 years and enable the EU to spend millions of euros on spin, bribery and deception to ensure the UK public will be conned, yet again, to stay in. No funding (as yet) will be available for an Exit Campaign. All the other member countries would have to agree to the country leaving and the financial penalties would also be horrendous"

"It is also very important to understand what will happen if the UK wishes to leave the EU by implementing Clause 50. It will be decided by a committee of all the member countries but the UK will be excluded from those discussions and have no input into the decisions. Even if we were we would be outvoted 26 to one" [source].

"The UK ... has the opportunity to withdraw by repealing the 1972 European Communities Act. This could be done within 24 hours if our MPs are so minded. And there would be no financial penalties but it would take a major effort to disentangle the mess we are now in. The UK can then freely negotiate a Common Market Agreement with the EU, the Commonwealth, and the rest of the world" [source].



"Everything I now hear suggests that the votes for Leave are piling up, while the Remain cause is faltering and floundering. The betrayed supporters of both parties now feel free to take revenge on their smug and arrogant leaders. It has been a mystery to me that these voters stayed loyal to organisations that repeatedly spat on them from a great height. Labour doesn't love the poor. It loves the London elite. The Tories don't love the country. They love only money. The referendum, in which the parties are split and uncertain, has freed us all from silly tribal loyalties and allowed us to vote instead according to reason"

"If you took a blank sheet of paper and wrote down all the benefits that derive from EU membership, you'd still have a blank sheet of paper" [Peter Hargreaves, co-founder Hargreaves Lansdown, quoted at: source].

"You could not find a cause more representative of the interests of the global oligarchy than the European Union. Leeching wealth from member states, disbursing billions of euros to those who know how to work the system, providing generously for countless hangers-on, increasingly extinguishing the national sovereignties and identities of member states and imposing a PC tyranny on an entire continent - from a liberal-left perspective, what's not to like?"

"The case against the EU is not nostalgic, fearful or petulant; it's optimistic, modern and global. We are a buccaneering nation, able to see opportunities beyond the stagnant trade bloc on our doorstep. We are a secure democracy, which finds no reason to accept the primacy of unelected foreign officials. We are a forward-looking people, who have outgrown the EU's Fifties-style corporatism. We are a trading county, our eyes fixed on more distant horizons. We can do better" [source].

"Dave never made any secret of his intent to campaign for the IN vote, provided he could extract some mythical concessions from Brussels. He and his ilk pretend not to realise that the EU is a totalitarian set up and, as such, will only ever offer temporary and meaningless concessions if Brexit looks likely otherwise. Once those crumbs off the Brussels table have been thrown in our direction, Dave feels that the combined weight of our own and EU propaganda will swing the vote his way, burying British sovereignty for any foreseeable future. Now he has let it be known that he plans to hold the referendum even earlier than the promised date of late 2017. Why such sudden haste? The educated guess is that Dave wants to exploit the euphoria that supposedly followed his electoral victory. As one of our dailies put it, he can now take the Tory party anywhere he wants. And since he wants to take it to the IN vote in the referendum, his erstwhile adversaries on the left will joyously march in step" [source].

"Actually I never wanted an EU referendum, and I think those who called for it will one day wish they hadn't.  It's a trap.  A referendum is almost always a device by which governments get the voters to endorse what they wanted to do all along. I remember the 1975 referendum, in which I voted 'No'. I changed my vote at the last minute because the evening paper I then worked for refused to print a news story I had written which showed the local 'Yes' campaign in a bad light. Until then, like almost everyone else, I had been completely beguiled by a 'Yes' campaign which was (as it will be this time) hugely richer and smoother than the 'No' side. I had been fooled by claims that we would be better off in, fooled by claims that opponents of the Common Market were all swivel-headed extremists. Then, as now, the BBC and the whole of the important print media were on the side of staying in, and covered the battle in ways that helped the 'Yes' movement and hurt the 'No' campaign. Of course this time will be cleverer. Mr Cameron will feign toughness in 'negotiations', which will win a few token concessions much like those 'won' by Harold Wilson in 1975. Then his 'triumph' at late-night Brussels talks will be praised by the same people who praised his non-existent economic miracle. And the vote will be got in by the same costly, clever methods, combined with scare stories, that won a Tory majority on May 7. And the trap will snap shut, and the issue will be closed, not for 40 years, as it was last time - but for ever" [Peter Hitchens, Mail on Sunday, 24 May 2015].

"The last time secession was tried in an agreement with no 'exit' clause, the 'Union' declared wart on the secessionists, and upon defeating them, proceeded to destroy them economically to make sure it never happened again; all that culture just 'gone with the wind'. I suspect that even if there is a positive 'get out' vote, it will only be the beginning of the struggle. Socialists are not famous for fair play, and to them, the ends will justify the means. Hungary 1955, Czechoslovakia 1968 should not give us confidence that Bexit will happen without a struggle, and the fact that Cameron is staunchly pro EU (and a closet socialist) means that we should expect to be seriously shafted" [comment at: source].

"None of these pro-EU timeservers have one iota of self-respect, nation-respect, British people-respect, love for or pride in our country and all it has achieved in the world through hundreds of years of striving, developing, improving and inspiring. They would sell us all out for a mess of potage and a nice EU pension for despicable services rendered. How do they sleep at night? Badly I hope" [comment at source].

"It's worth noting that the marxist interpretation of history is all to do with 'class warfare'. What we are witnessing is an EU class of fat cats shafting the rest of us, yet the marxist historians evidently have a blind spot"   /   "A new slogan should be created for the EU. How about 'theft without borders'?"   /   "Voleurs sans frontieres" [comments at source].

"[T]his is our Waterloo; but, ours is such a different fight. [The] fight is easier and [the] vision clearer when our enemies are apparent to us and willing to face us 'mano y mano'. Our war is very different: our enemies are within us and among us, some of whom may be our friends and-or family members, or colleagues on whose opinion and goodwill can determine whether our children are adequately fed or not. It is one thing to enter a sword-fight and quite another to fight a slow and insidious infection that has reached our vital organs" [comment at source].

"The one huge problem we have today and which Wellington didn't is the fact that the British government has been taken over and is being run by a pack of neo Bonapartists. That our media is now riddled with presstitutes proclaiming the virtues of the Napoleonic dream of a United Europe - the only difference - being run by the Germans not the French. In that they are pure Hitlerite. Another mover of a conquered and neutered Britain. There is a famous saying that Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton. The same Etonians now dangle to the EU tune. I am greatly concerned we are about to see Britain lost, sovereignty, independence and democracy - for ever - lost on the playing fields of Eton given away by a pack of tenth rate Bullington boy politicians to whom arrogance, greed and treason seem second nature" [comment at source].

"Let's not exaggerate the importance of endorsements. I'm writing this piece from South Carolina. The two politicians doing best in the presidential race so far have almost no endorsements between them. Donald Trump and Bernie Saunders have almost no support from sitting senators, Congressmen or Governors in their respective parties. But their various messages that big business needs bringing down to size, that the little guy is overlooked and that existing trade arrangements aren't working are resonating. The Brexit campaign needs this anti-status quo, anti-establishment message more than it needs ... any 'Top Tory' or politician. Even more than the Washington DC that is hated by so many US voters, Brussels is hated more. It is a huge source of inequality, decline, unwanted immigration and political remoteness" [Tim Montgomerie, former MP, quoted at source].

"The EU is ... financially, economically and politically corrupt to its core; riddled by the dissent of its member states; beset by increasing internal violence; overrun with mass illegal immigration; and about to implode because of its precarious and dictatorial nature. The EU is an utter disaster - a gigantic sinking ship which more and more member states want to abandon" [BCN, (29 April 2016), p.1].

"The EU is a failed experiment. It is a conspiracy. It is corrupt. It has used dishonest claims of 'economic benefit'. It is population-engineering for an undisclosed Superstate agenda. It is undemocratic and unaccountable" [comment at source].

"We have the opportunity to leave the EU before the temple comes crashing down" [Lord David Owen].


The History of the EU

"In all sorts of ways [the New Republicans] will be influencing and controlling the apparatus of the ostensible governments ... we can weave a world system of monetary and economic activities, while the politicians, the diplomatists, and the soldiers are still too busy with their ancient and habitual antics to realise what we are doing ... [It is] not a project to overthrow existing governments by insurrectionary attacks, but to supersede them by disregard. It does not want to destroy them or alter their forms but to make them negligible by replacing their functions""
[H.G. Wells, The New World Order, (1939)].

"[T]he unity of the Reich was in fact forged on the battlefield. In the process a whole lot of peculiarities of individual states, prejudices, limitations and parochial ideas were done away with. They had to be overcome ... We were only able to achieve political unity because at that time we broke down the barriers that were constraining us" [Joseph Goebbels: source].

"I am firmly convinced that just as today we smile when we look back at the parochial quarrels that divided the German peoples in the 40s and 50s of the last century, so in fifty years' time future generations will be no less amused at the political disputes that are now going on in Europe. The 'dramatic national conflicts' of many small European states will seem to them no more than family quarrels. I am convinced that in fifty years people will no longer think in terms of countries ... In those days people will think in terms of continents" [Joseph Goebbels: source].

"In my view a nation's conception of its own freedom must be harmonised with present-day facts and simple questions of efficiency and purpose. Just as no member of a family has the right to disturb its peace for selfish purposes, in the same way no single European nation can in the long run be allowed to stand in the way of the general process of organization" [Joseph Goebbels: source].

"It has never been our intention that this new order or reorganization of Europe should be brought about by force ... it is ... not in our interest to infringe the economic, social or cultural individuality of, say the Czech people. But a clear basis of mutual understanding must be created between the two nations. We must approach each other either as friends or as enemies. And I think you know well enough from the past experience that the Germans can be terrible enemies, but also very good friends. We reach out our hand to a friend and cooperate with him in a truly loyal spirit, but we can also fight an enemy until he is destroyed" [Joseph Goebbels: source].

"[O]nce England is overthrown the Axis powers will not permit any change in the power-political situation of a Europe reorganized in accordance with great political, economic and social ideas. ... it makes no difference at all whether you approve this state of things or not. Whether or not you welcome it from your hearts, you cannot do anything to alter the facts ... you are already members of a great Reich which is preparing to reorganize Europe, tearing down the barriers that still separate the European peoples and making it easier for them to come together. [Germany] is performing here a work of reform which I am convinced will one day be recorded in large letters in the book of European history" [Joseph Goebbels: source].

"While the Nazis were forging ahead with their concept of a single political Europe, Frenchman Jean Monnet and an English diplomat Arthur Salter were working on a quite separate and parallel course to achieve to a similar unelected supra-national government. The future EU" [source].

"In the 1920s the seeds of the concept of a parallel federal supranational Europe began to be sown by [Jean] Monnet and based on the ideas of the English diplomat Arthur Salter. This was quite unconnected with the Nazi movement. However its concept was very similar in that it was to be completely undemocratic" [source].

"There was a third movement - In 1922 a rather shadowy character Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi founded the 'Pan-European' movement in Vienna, which aimed to create a New World Order in Europe" [source].

"The 1940 IG Farben Patent Strategy for The 'European Reich':  (1) Europe under leadership of Nazi/IG Farben;  (2) Common Currency;  (3) Common Patent Law;  (4) One EU Appeal Court under control of the German cartel ... Nazi and IG Farben men designed the European Commission as the 'Politburo' of the Pharma Cartel's postwar rule over Europe ... Today, the shadows of IG Farben are still lingering over Europe" [source].

"By 1942 [the Germans] were confident that they were about to win the European War. They held a conference in Berlin on how they were going to run Europe after the final victory. The name of this meeting was Europaische Wirtschafts Gemeinsschaft (EWG) - the European Economic Community or EEC (destined to become the first draft of the European Union in 1957 chaired by Walter Funk and Walter Hallstein (a committee member later to become the first EU president). Within this was the aim to de-industrialise the UK and reduce it to serfdom. Essentially what the EU is doing now" [source].

"[T]he Nazi option ended abruptly in 1945 ... leaving the way open for Monnet's alternative federal Europe" [source].

"In the late 1940s the Marxists of the Frankfurt School and several other European Marxists and European socialists (Monnet, Paul-Henri Spaak, Altiero Spinelli) began to plan the EU. Starting off as the European Coal and Steel Community in 1950 it became the EEC in 1957. The 1942 German EWG document seems to have been used as a first draft of the post-war EEC document ... [The] German bureaucrats (many of whom had worked enthusiastically for Hitler and had not been deNazified) ... worked very closely with EU founder members Monnet, Spinelli (an Italian communist) and Spaak (a Belgian communist)" [source].

"It would not be far from the truth to describe the EU as the Fourth German Reich" [source].

"The drive towards the EU began in the 1920s and 1930s and was based on a combination of socialist-tinged Utopianism, federalism, and a concomitant drive to emasculate nation states. One of the main theoretical bases of this idealism was a paper written in 1931 by Arthur Salter, British civil servant, called 'The United States of Europe'. He envisaged - on the basis of how the League of Nations operated - a 'secretariat, a council of ministers, an assembly and a court'.  Crucially, the secretariat, would be an international body of civil servants to which nation states would be subservient - countries and national governments would be reduced to the role of municipal authorities. The route towards establishing this framework would be a common market, based on how Germany had been united in the 19th century. Salter thus laid down the blueprint for the EU and what has unfolded since then through the Treaty of Rome and beyond is in many respects a fulfilment of his core ideas" [source].

"The truth is that the history of the last couple of thousand years has been broadly repeated attempts by various people or institutions ... to rediscover the last childhood of Europe, this golden age of peace and prosperity under the Romans, by trying to unify it. Napoleon, Hitler, various people tried this out, and it ends tragically. The EU is an attempt to do this by different methods" [Boris Johnson, quoted at: source].

"Philip II of Spain, Louis XIV of France, Napoleon and Hitler all wanted to create a single European power. What Boris has said is the EU is following the footsteps of these historical figures but using different means" [Jacob Rees-Mogg, quoted at: source].

"From the Romans, Charlemagne, Napoleon, there have been all sorts of attempts to dominate Europe and these have all floundered because Europe is not naturally one entity" [Lord Norman Lamont, quoted at: source].

"It's true that some of the trappings of the Third Reich, those revolving around mass murder, are so far absent from the everyday practices of the EU. However, much too often, when talking about either Reich, people concentrate on the consequences of the founding principles, rather than the principles themselves. Far be it from me to suggest that these are identical in the EU dominated by today's Germany and wartime Europe dominated by Nazi Germany. Yet it takes a blind man, or else Lord Heseltine, not to realise that they're remarkably similar. That was the gist of the remarks Boris Johnson made the other day, those Lord Heseltine called 'obscene'. I'd call them factual" [source].

"What is the EU? It is a trial run for a UN-led world government - it is there to see in the publicly available Agenda 21 text. ... the UN will appear to be 'in control', but its strings will be pulled by the same people pulling the EU-apparatchik's strings - 'the globalists': ... bankers, multinationals, and the 62 people who already own 50% of the world's wealth. And, of course, with world-wide government, democracy is next to impossible. Even if 'democracy' is allowed to survive in a sham form (a bigger sham than the existing EU sham), just think of the diversity of parties that would appear, and their inability to form any kind of ruling coalition - so then the 'technocrats' would run things for them. Let us pray that if Britain escapes from the EU, and it collapses, ... that this world government will never ever happen" [comment at source].

"The EU at the moment looks very much like the Soviet Union did in the 1980s. It is suffering from the very serious systemic problems, and its ruling and intellectual elites have no solution for them. The European rulers and mainstream intellectuals are every inch as ideologically rigid as Soviet Communists were. And as far removed from reality. Maybe even more so - they have more money and it gives them an illusion of power. But there always comes a moment in history when money no longer helps" [comment at source].

"The EU is an unholy alliance alliance of communism, nazism, fascism, and corporatism... they even have the bare-faced gall to call it 'communitarianism' which suggests, as usual, the exact opposite of what it actually [is]. You won't need to look much further than the Bilderberg Group and Common Purpose to find out who's pulling the strings. Cameron, Clegg, Brown and Blair are all Common Purpose 'graduates' and Cameron is also a member of the Bilderberg Group" [comment at source].

"The EU is essentially a reincarnation of the Nazi 1942 Europaische WirtschaftsGemeinsschaft combined with the Frankfurt School of Marxism" [source].

Please see here and here for information on Communism, Nazism, Fascism, and Corporatism.  See here and here for information on Common Purpose.  See here and here for information on Agenda 21.  See here and here for information on the Bilderberg Group.


A Totalitarian Empire

"If you love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen"
[Samuel Adams, Philadelphia State House, 01 August 1776].

"Is the EU Totalitarian? Most Totalitarian regimes come to power by overthrowing the existing government. We've watched the EU systematically undermine democratically elected governments all over Europe: this has been a slow insidious process. The EU and its member countries are today still trying to maintain the illusion of democracy, but it's getting very thin and will soon disappear if we remain within the EU. The level of deceit and subterfuge that has been used to erode democracy in this way has been unprecedented, but our governments rather than representing the people that elected them, represent the European Union" [source].

"Is the EU Totalitarian? Totalitarian regimes are very intolerant of political views that don't match their own. We've seen the EU remove democratically elected leaders when their views differ from official EU dictats. Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, has recently stated that it is his intention to ban so called Far Right political parties. Far Right is a term the EU uses for any political party that challenges its own official views" [source].

"Is the EU Totalitarian? [One] Totalitarian objective is to control the economy. The thin end of the EU's Totalitarian wedge was called: The Common Market, a supposed trade deal that initially imposed protectionist trade policies. Then along came a politically motivated currency called the Euro, this has proved to be an economic disaster, but the EU needs it to further subsume the democracy of its member countries" [source].

"Is the EU Totalitarian? Totalitarian regimes seek to control the population, either by increasing or decreasing it. Angela Merkel has been more successful at this than any other Totalitarian leader in history. Merkel has increased her country's population by over a million in just a few months and is expecting other EU countries to do the same. When Eurocrats tell us that immigration is beneficial, they mean it's beneficial to their aims and objectives. For us, ordinary folk, it's a disaster. Immigration is stretching our Health Service, housing, Social Security, etc. Population is the real issue here: how many people can we support on a little island?" [source].

"Is the EU Totalitarian? No regime of this nature would be complete without its Secret Police, but who knows what EUROGEDFOR could morph into" [source].

"[T]he advocate-general, Damaso Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer ... implied that Mr Connolly's criticism of the EU was akin to extreme blasphemy. ... Mr Colomer wrote ... that a landmark British case on free speech had 'no foundation or relevance' in European law, suggesting that the European Court was unwilling to give much consideration to British legal tradition" [source].

"We're back to the Star Chamber and Acts of Attainder: the rights of defendants are not respected or guaranteed in any way; the offence of seditious libel has been resurrected" [Bernard Connolly, quoted at source].

"Even the most sycophantic admirers of the EU admit that it has a 'democratic deficit'.  The European Commissioners, appointed not elected, are trusted with the sole power of initiating the introduction or repeal of any law. Once enacted, the Commission alone is the enforcer of that law, commanding the institutions of member states to its will" [Reader's letter, BCN, (29 April 2016), p.11].

"On appointment Commissioners renounce any loyalty to their native countries and, in effect, pledge allegiance to themselves alone, as a corporate body" [Reader's letter, BCN, (29 April 2016), p.11].

"When the trade commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom recently received a petition of 2 million signatures against the TTIP treaty which will open public services to commercial privatisation from America, she responded, 'I do not take my mandate from the European people'." [Reader's letter, BCN, (29 April 2016), p.11].

"In 1950 Clemet Attlee, the Labour PM, refused to join the forerunner of the EU, the Coal and Steel Community. He said there was no way that Britain could accept that 'the most vital economic forces of the country should be handed over to an authority that is utterly undemocratic and responsible to nobody.'  The decline of our industries and the near extinction of steel production under 40 years of EU control testify to his wisdom" [Reader's letter, BCN, (29 April 2016), p.11].

"Europe is to be run by 'a higher authority free from control by elected politicians',  i.e. the unelected European Commission. Any elected politicians will be completely neutered. The EU will be ruled by coercion not by consent - similar [to] Stalin's and Hitler's governments" [source].

"It is important to understand [that] the EU never operates directly in a country. It operates by proxy through national institutions that have been hollowed out and stuffed with bureaucrats who are bribed with excessive salaries and pensions 'so long as they stay on message'." [source].

"For the EU is as much of a political expression of socialism as the Soviet Union was. Vladimir Bukovsky, who has found himself on the receiving end of both tyrannies, calls this wicked contrivance 'the EUSSR', and I wish I had thought of it first. The idea of a giant, bossy, supranational, unaccountable state riding roughshod over local customs, traditions, and interests, with neither countries nor individuals having much of a say in their destinies, is Marx on wheels. This is socialism in a nutshell, and - tossing aside with contempt the mendacious mock-Christian sloganeering favoured by socialists - that's all socialism is about" [source].

"Our state church wants all communicants to pray for our constitutional monarchy to dissolve itself in a giant socialist enterprise. ... if, for a church to plunge headlong into political rough-and-tumble is dubiously Christian, doing so on this particular side is manifestly anti-Christian. ... Socialism is the child and rightful heir to the Enlightenment, the catastrophe that left the West Western only in the strictly geographical sense. And hatred of Judaeo-Christianity was the main, possibly only, animus of the Enlightenment. Its explicit goal was to debunk God and turn man himself into a logically impossible blend of creature and creator. Hence a Christian church praying for the socialist abomination called the EU is akin to the Rabbinical Council praying for Hamas, Hezbollah and ISIS" [source].

"The Soviet, the EU, the Frankfurt School, and Hitler's National Socialist systems of government are, in practice, very similar indeed and attract the similar sort of people. The state is controlled by an unelected wealthy elite with a complicit, unaccountable and overpaid (state bribery?) bureaucracy implementing their edicts. They all have a police force accountable to the state not the people" [source].

"It was very easy for the ex-National Socialist bureaucrats of Hitler to work post-war with the EU Frankfurt Marxist bureaucrats for their own advantage and to the detriment of the general public. The philosophy of Marx was to release the workers from the subjugation and oppression of the political elite of Russia and Victorian England. It is ironic that all Marxist governments become even more brutal oppressors of their 'working class'." [source].

"We now have the political elite of the Frankfurt School and the political toffs of the US and UK intending to come together to try to covertly establish a New World Order. This is to be run by [an] unelected, unaccountable, obscenely wealthy and privileged political elite with elected parliaments neutered and the plebs kept in their place" [source].

"[The EU is] run by unelected, unaccountable elites, whose power is vast. This is not a myth, as some may claim. The EU itself was created by an undemocratic treaty and it is high time people woke up to see the 'one main thing' that is on their agenda. ... to create a federal United States of Europe. ... The 'European government' already has a flag, a Parliament, an anthem, Presidents, currency, a legal system and legal status" [Reader's letter, BCN, (29 April 2016), p.10].

"Only the [European] Commission has sole right to propose legislation. And it does so in consultation with 3,000 secret committees staffed mainly by big business and big capital and all the legislation is proposed in secret. Once something becomes a European law, it is the European Commission alone who have the sole right to propose, repeal or change that legislation - nobody else. This is not democracy but dictatorship. Democracy doesn't work unless legislation is considered in public. But every stage of the legislation that is now imposed upon us from Europe is conducted in secret, and nearly every stage is conducted by people whom we do not elect. Not only is this all very sinister and chilling, it is also unacceptable. The reality is that the EU is a dictatorship. ... It is time for the people of Scotland, and the UK, to wake up and stand against this tyranny before it is too late ... It is high time we left, never to return" [Reader's letter, BCN, (29 April 2016), p.10].

"The real nature of the EU has been exposed in depth by this newspaper, but is dishonestly ignored by the Brussels-compliant corporate media. What nation with any sanity, self-respect or national pride would knowingly and willingly sacrifice its sovereignty on the altar of a political monstrosity which aims to destroy the very concept of the nation state as such?" [BCN, (29 April), p.1].

"In truth the EU is a bloated, overgrown monster that is slowly devouring the nation states of Europe, digesting them and excreting a turgid, foul smelling mess that bears no resemblance to the Europe we knew. ... it bears a [great] resemblance to the defunct USSR: undemocratic, unaccountable, overly bureaucratic and grossly inefficient. It's time to destroy this monster before it consumes us all" [comment at source].

"We are supposed to be a Christian nation. 'Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and ye receive not of her plagues' (Revelation 18:4)" [BCN, (29 April 2016), p.1].

"It seems every politician talks of reforming the EU, that they want to see it changed; that they are not satisfied with it the way it is. The problem is, they have tried and failed to reform the EU. If we leave, we will be able to bring back powers to these shores and away from the 28 unelected commissioners. If we choose to remain, we choose to remain in whatever the EU becomes in the future. It has been 41 years since we had a vote on our relationship with this European institution. The changes have been huge. What will the next 41 years within the EU look like? None of us know[s] what is ahead of us in or out of the EU, but we know One who does. We need to seek Him in prayer" [source].



"Such considerations as immigration, national sovereignty, the constitution, our legal system, business prospects and the integrity of our country, are enormously important. But for us the decisive arguments is a religious one. Do we want to be part of a Roman Catholic superstate, committed (as they never tire of reminding us) to ever closer union? Our freedom to live by the Bible and its laws and call upon other people to do so and to engage in Scriptural worship and preach the Gospel will inevitably be severely curtailed. It is our Christian duty to pass on to the next generation the liberties that God gave us - liberties that our forbears won at such awful cost and which have been entrusted to our care. Never mind us. Our children's birthright is not to be bartered away for a mess of European pottage. 'Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free' (Galatians 5:1).  'And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye receive not of her plagues' (Revelation 18:4). ... [W]e must pray that God will overrule to His glory, the furtherance of His kingdom and the good of His people"
[Editorial, BCN, 10 June 2016, p12].

"Are we as a country past the point of no return where God's judgment has to fall, as we wander from one level of depravity to another? If we are not yet past the point of no return, we are very close to it. God does not change, ... If we vote to stay in the EU I will regard that as a clear sign of God's judgment on this country. These blind guides, who tell us that we must stay in the EU 'for the sake of the economy' will discover that God isn't primarily concerned about 'the economy'; the 'economy' will crash sooner rather than later, and then the words of Job 3:25 will thunder in their ears: 'For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.'   'How could this happen?' they will cry.  Didn't we put our trust in the EU?  Yes, you did. But you should have repented and put your trust in God, who alone is our security. If we vote to leave the EU, it will be a sign that He has heard the cry of the faithful remnant and that He is prepared to give Britain one last chance, probably for a short time., before judgment falls - if the Biblical model ensues. Scripture reminds us that Josiah was a Godly king, who did 'all the right things', one who came after Manasseh; but it was not enough to prevent the judgment of God falling - because of the sin of Manasseh... for all that he did in Jerusalem (Jeremiah 15)" [Reader's letter, BCN (10 June 2016), p.11].

"The Lord has allowed us to be in the situation we are in, which seems, ... that we come under the control of another power, the power of the EU. Of course we understand there are principalities and powers at work that hold us within that control. Our only hope for deliverance is in God; we cannot deliver ourselves. If God has handed us over to the EU, the question is, is He willing to deliver us at this point in time? Time and time again throughout Scripture we see Israel and Judah forsaking the Lord, the Lord handing them over, the people humbling themselves and crying out to God for deliverance, and God showing mercy" [source].

"If we are to come out of the EU, the battle will not be won with clever arguments about the economy. The battle is in the heavenlies, and we need to cry out to God that He would go into battle for us. We deserve judgement for the way we have turned our backs on the Lord. We must come confessing the sins of the nation, and to seek His face, that He may be gracious to us as a nation. Praise God, if we remain within the EU, God is mighty to keep His people, just as He kept those who honoured Him, in Babylon" [source].

"How we need God's wisdom at this time, His discernment, and to be like the sons of Issachar, who understood the times they were living in, and had a knowledge of what Israel should do. I pray that God may lead and guide each one of us, and give us understanding as we pray" [source].


Liberty: the Battle for the Very Soul of Britain

The following is an extended extract from Battle for the Very Soul of Britain

"Nine hundred and fifty years ago, between two hillocks at Hastings, an Anglo-Saxon king took an arrow in his eye and England surrendered her independence. That was our last - should I say most recent? - defeat on home soil. King Harold's forces fought valiantly but they had been exhausted by two earlier battles ... A shrewd and ruthless Frenchman, Guillaume of Normandy, seized power and London's Witan parliament was never heard of again. ...

"I have been contemplating poor King Harold a fair amount recently. ... As a schoolboy I visited the northern French town of Bayeux to see [the] tapestry and remember a sting of sorrow as I saw the needlework images of vanquished Anglo-Saxons. It was always the same when I read history yarns about British chieftain Caractacus fighting the Romans on his hilltop and later being paraded in Rome as a chained captive; or gallant ... Boadicea, Queen of the Iceni tribe, charging towards the Roman lines in her chariot ... In such accounts, I always rooted for the Brits. ... I always wanted the dwellers of our dank and foggy, sea-set isle to seize the day. Was it a nascent sketchwriter's inate bias or inherited love of country from my fiercely patriotic parents? Was that love wrong? Is that love wrong? I still feel that way.

"The likes of Mr Cameron and his fellow Europhiles ... presumably feel something different when they look at the Bayeux tapestry. I suppose they experience  a glow of quiet satisfaction that William and his forces of European integration over came the locals. ... A deep-rooted part of me rebels against that. ... I grieve for the freedoms that were squashed. And I feel just the same when I look at an castle built by English lords to crush dissent in Scottish and Welsh territory. My sympathies lie with the invaded. ...

"Hereward the Wake [a] Lincolnshire freeman ... had his lands taken by the Normans and decided to do something about it. For a few years after 1066, Hereward and his small army operated out of the Cambridgeshire town of Ely, then an island. They were beaten only after a treacherous monk showed the Normans one of the secret paths to Ely through the Fenland marshes. ... Almost a millennium after the event, I feel a lively indignation on Hereward's behalf. What a cur that monk was to betray him. What if Hereward had continued to oppose William? Could he have combined with the still unconquered Celts and Northumbrians to drive out the 'ingengas'? Or was Norman rule as inevitable as supporters of the EU now say their governing body is inevitable? As for that treacherous monk, was he a sort of Roland Rudd of his day ... the City PR smoothie pulling strings for the Remain camp? ...

"My support for Hereward may reflect a surfeit of foolish romanticism. But it may also echo enduring truths about the importance of self-determination and of remaining true to one's ancestral heritage. For what are we if we deny the past? What is the point of being British if we are not able to say who governs us? And let there be no doubt: if we vote to stay ion the EU, we will not be able to dislodge the elite that runs Brussels. They will be impervious to our democratic disapproval. They will be as safe as William and his shaven-headed Normans were in their mighty castle keeps. ...

"The Leave campaign ... has urged voters to quit the EU for a range of reasons ... Hereward the Wake ... would have heard Vote Leave talk of how we must 'take control' and would surely have thought 'I don't really want control - I want liberty.' ...

"It would obviously be good for us to retrieve national control of trade decisions, tax matters, ... immigration policy ... But where is the optimism in Leave's campaign? Where is the appeal to something more positive, more human, more ardent? The hearts of Hereeward the Wake and his 'green men' would have burned for something greater; something more essential. You could call it self-determination or independence but it is basically the right to plant your feet on the clifftops of Kent, raise your eyes to the cloud-scudding sky, and relish your ancient liberty as a free-born Briton. ...

"I think of my grandfathers. One was wounded three times on the Western Front in World War I. The other landed in Normandy - Normandy! - just before D-Day to clear the beaches of mines. They fought for king and country, yes, but they fought most of all for an idea: freedom. The days of ancestral sword and scramasax may have passed but that powerful notion of liberty, the spirit of British dissent which flared so wonderfully in the East Anglian fens 950 years ago, must never be allowed to die. Without it, we would be an island without pride, an island shorn of soul"

[End of Extract]


Norman and Saxon

"'My son,' said the Norman Baron, 'I am dying, and you will be heir to all the broad acres in England that William gave me for my share
when we conquered the Saxon at Hastings, and a nice little handful it is. But before you go over to rule it I want you to understand this:

"The Saxon is not like us Normans. His manners are not so polite. But he never means anything serious till he talks about justice and right.
When he stands like an ox in the furrow with his sullen set eyes on your own, and grumbles, 'This isn't fair dealing,' my son, leave the Saxon alone.

"You can horsewhip your Gascony archers, or torture your Picardy spears; But don't try that game on the Saxon; you'll have the whole brood round your ears.
From the richest old Thane in the country to the poorest chained serf in the field, they'll be at you and on you like hornets, and, if you are wise, you will yield.

"But first you must master their language, their dialect, proverbs and songs. Don't trust any clerk to interpret when they come with the tale of their wrongs.
Let them know that you know what they're saying; let them feel that you know what to say. Yes, even when you want to go hunting, hear 'em out if it takes you all day.

"They'll drink every hour of the daylight and poach every hour of the dark. It's the sport not the rabbits they're after (we've plenty of game in the park).
Don't hang them or cut off their fingers. That's wasteful as well as unkind, for a hard-bitten, South-country poacher makes the best man-at-arms you can find.

"Appear with your wife and the children at their weddings and funeral and feasts. Be polite but not friendly to Bishops; be good to all poor parish priests.
Say 'we', 'us' and 'ours' when you're talking, instead of 'you fellows' and 'I'. Don't ride over seeds; keep your temper; and never you tell 'em a lie!"

[Poem by Rudyard Kipling]


Free Nations

The following is an extended extract from Freenations

"Free nations, like free people, are the condition for democracy, free trade and international peace. No system based on freedom under the law and majority votes in elections can exist without a common language, history, [and] religion which form the basis of the law and a predominant culture to which immigrants must gradually assimilate. Such are the achievements of the Nation States. Supranational States achieve the opposite - war, internal conflict, economic failure, financial collapse and social decay, as the USSR, Nazi Europe and the EU today so clearly demonstrate. ...

"The great wars of the 20th century were fought to free the nation states from the hegemony of imperial powers, from fascism and from communism. The years of general peace after 1945 coincided with the rapid growth in the number of nation states, and the UN Convention on Civil and Political Rights of 1966 affirmed the rights of all peoples to self determination. But gradually over the last 50 years the power of supranational government (the EU being the most aggressive) and multinational corporations frustrated and overturned the will of voters and the power of the consumer. They formed that combination of corporate and State power that has always destroyed democracy and nationhood and has always been associated with the rise of fascism ad German imperialism in Europe.

"From the Single European Act of 1986 and the Maastricht Treaty of 1992, conflict and wars, ethnic cleansing, the break up of nations and inter-nation tensions have risen in Europe. The results of the wars which freed the nations have been reversed with the political map of Europe now looking remarkably like 1914 and the height of Nazi hegemony in 1941. The EU has now extended further East than even Hitler was able to venture as recent agreements between the EU and Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova testify. Those agreements - like the early trade agreements of the European Common Market - have already required constitutional surrender by those nations and now there is built by German Europe from the West something akin to the Russian Europe which Stalin built from the East. ...

"Corporatism and Fascism are cross party. They combine the left, the right, and in particular the unthinking centre. ... Therefore the solution is cross party. ...

"Nationism [describes] the (non-nationalistic) concept of the democratic sovereignty of nations trading and co-operating peacefully with other nations. Self-governing and democratic at home and free trading and cooperating abroad, there is nothing aggressive about the nation state.

"NATIONISM: (a) democratic people, (b) equality of nations, (c) cultural homogeneity to ensure democracy, (d) free movement of goods and capital, (e) diffused political and economic power, (f) stable money for people to save.

"NATIONALISM: (a) political State power over other nations, (b) multicultural imperial supranational power, (c) controlled trade to ensure political control, (d) central political and corporate control, (e) inflation for the State to reduce its debt"

[End of Extract]


The Tower of Babel: EU / UN / NWO

"These are the families of the sons of Noah, after their generations, in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood.  And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.  And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there.  And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar.  And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.  And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.  And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.  Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.  So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.  Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth" (Genesis 10:32-11:9).




"The Queen's Majesty hath the chief power in this realm of England and other her dominions, unto whom the chief government of all estates in this realm,
whether they be ecclesiastical or civil, in all causes doth appertain, and is not nor ought to be subjected to any foreign jurisdiction"
[The Thirty Nine Articles of Religion ... as by Law Established, Article 37, quoted at

"And I do declare that no Foreign Prince Person Prelate, State or Potentate hath or ought to have any Jurisdiction
Power Superiority Preeminence or Authority Ecclesiastical or Spiritual within this Realm.  So help me God"
[The Bill of Rights, 1689, Costin & Watson, The Law & Working of the Constitution, Documents 1660-1914]



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© Bayith Ministries