One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after;
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life  (Psalm 27:4)
© Elizabeth McDonald
Please note that the inclusion of any quotation or item on this page does not imply we would necessarily endorse the source from which the extract is taken; neither can we necessarily vouch for any other materials by the same authors, or any groups or ministries or websites with which they may associated, or any periodicals to which they may contribute, or the beliefs of whatever kind they may hold, or any other aspect of their work or ministry or position.

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Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them ...
is like a [wise] man which built a house, and digged deep, and laid the foundations on a rock:
and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it:
for it was founded upon a rock
(Luke 6:47-48)

Let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.
For other foundation can no man lay that is laid, which is Jesus Christ
(1 Corinthians 3:10b-11)

If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? (Psalm 11:3)


Quotes and Comments

Abortion   |   When Does Life Begin?   |   What Is An Abortion?   |   What Is A Pregnancy?   |   My Body, My Choice

What About Abortion in Cases of Rape or Incest?   |   Post-Abortion Syndrome   |   Stories and Testimonies   |   Life and Forgiveness

The Abortion Industry   |   Myths, Bigotry, Hypocrisy, Ad Hominems, MSM   |   Abortion: Articles and YouTubes

Abortion: Some Scriptures   |   Foundations Index

"Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee"
"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: ... Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect;
and in thy book all my members were written ... when as yet there was none of them"

(Psalm 139:14-16;  Jeremiah 1:5a)

"Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person"
"And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters ... and the land was polluted with blood"

(Deuteronomy 27:25;  Psalm 106:38)

"Every pagan society has engaged in human sacrifice. Abortion is our version of it.
God is judging us with the violence on our streets. The Almighty is warning us through that judgement.
But make no mistake, a greater judgement is coming should we not repent.
Every one of those pagan societies was destroyed and taken over by a spiritually stronger people. Now, who could those be today?"

"Mourning the loss of over 8 million children...
50 years ago today, 27th October, the Abortion Act 1967 was passed ...
It is hard to fathom how many pre-born babies have been killed through abortion.
It is desperately sad to consider all the innocent lives taken and to see God-given life valued so cheaply by so many.
So today we mourn. We pray that God will forgive us. But we also look with faith to God, pleading with Him to stop this evil practice.
And we rededicate ourselves to play our part in ending abortion"
[Christian Concern, 27th October 2017]

8 Million Roses
"I was inspired to write 8 Million Roses after reading an article about a man who walking along the Thames ...
when he came across a group of women throwing red roses into the river. When he asked them what they were doing,
they explained that they were throwing the roses to mark the number of innocent lives lost to abortion on a single working day in England ...
There were 800 roses in the river that day"
[Melissa Hubert]

Cry of the Innocent
"A cry has gone out to the sons of men...  A cry from the throne of God...
What have you done with my little ones?...  Where have they gone?"

Jesus Christ Brings Life and Forgiveness to Anyone Who Has Had An Abortion
"Andrea Williams speaks from Parliament Square on the 50th Anniversary of the 1967 Abortion Act.
'Jesus Christ brings life and forgiveness to anyone who has had an abortion and can restore this picture of death and sorrow'."




"[A]lthough we should uncompromisingly point out the grievous sin of abortion, we must also point out that no sin is unforgivable. Women who have had abortions, doctors who perform them and politicians who vote for abortion liberalization can all have forgiveness - if they come to Christ in repentance and faith"

"[M]ore than 200,000 babies are aborted each year ... over 16,000 a month; nearly 4,000 a week; almost 600 each day"

"These figures do not include early abortions caused by the morning-after pill and some so-called contraceptives, for instance, the IUD, and at times, the pill, which allow fertilisation but prevent subsequent implantation of the embryo in the uterus"

"No fewer than 98% of [the more than 8.5m abortions since the passing of the Abortion Act in 1967 have been] carried out on mental health grounds, although there is no evidence that the continuance of a pregnancy poses any grater risk to the mental health of a mother than an abortion"

"Abortion is part of the criminal law precisely because the baby in the womb is a human being who, with its mother, deserves legal protection ... The law is there to protect the vulnerable from exploitation and abuse. In the case of the abortion law it aims to protect both women and their unborn children"

"From being the greatest protectors of innocent human life just 70 years ago, it seems that doctors have now become abortion's greatest proponents and facilitators"

"We rightly understand the physical abuse of a child as morally abhorrent, regardless of the parent's desire to have had that child. As a society, we have been horrified by cases like 'Baby P' and Victoria Climbi
é. The fact that we can see their faces; we imagine their pain; breaks our hearts. The problem with the unborn is that they are hidden. Their voices cannot be heard and their faces are not always seen" [source].

"It is often claimed that 'thousands of women' have been saved since 1967 by not having backstreet abortions ... In the years just before the act came into force there were less than 30 [maternal] deaths from illegal abortions (all certainly tragic), but in the years following the legislation there were still around 30 [maternal] deaths per year due to abortion, with half of those deaths through legal abortions. When we consider these numbers in the light of the nearly 200,000 babies that are aborted each year in this country ... how do we say which lives have more value?"

"[T]he argument that women are dying doing something that was illegal, therefore we should legalise it knowing it will kill many more babies who are not doing anything illegal, just doesn't stack up"

"[E]very man, woman and child has been made in the image of God. God ascribes to each of us value and worth because we are made in His image. No matter how young we are, or how disabled we are, we are still made in God's image ... We could go right back to the root of it and see that as we threw away the idea that we were created by God, in His image; and replaced it with the idea that declares we are all products of chance, there has been a clear effect on society. Life has become cheap, and we have cheapened it"

"Imagine there was an accident where 500 children died; imagine the coverage that would get. it would be wall to wall news for weeks. Well, that happened today: over 500 babies were aborted today just in England and Wales. Over 500 babies will die again tomorrow. There will be no coverage, no mass funerals. But God will see them all. May He give us His heart for these precious young lives"

"Since abortion is a type of murder, it should be prohibited by governments. So a nation that allows unborn babies to be killed is shaking its fist at God, and cannot prosper in the long run"


When Does Life Begin?

"The sperm from the man holds 23 individual chromosomes, unlike the rest of the cells in the man which have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Those 23 chromosomes belong to the man and him alone. It's the same with the egg - only 23 individual chromosomes rather than 23 pairs of chromosomes; they contain information only from the mother. At this point it would be fair to say the egg belongs to the mother ... and the sperm belongs to the father ... But at the moment of conception, when the sperm fertilises the egg, those separate 23 chromosomes come together. They are no longer the father's material and the mother's material. They have become an individual of themselves, now distinct and different from both the mother and the father" [source].

"[H]uman life begins at fertilization. Every cell in the human body contains 46 chromosomes. A male sperm contains 23 chromosomes. A female ovum contains 23 chromosomes. When the two come together, they form a single with 46 chromosomes - 23 from the father and 23 from the mother. The sex of the new human being, his or her physical characteristics, height, colour of hair, colour of eyes, are already determined by the contents of that single cell. Shortly after fertilization the cell begins to divide and multiply. One cell divides into tow, two into four, four into eight. Nothing is added to that single cell until that single cell becomes a mature adult. To prevent the continuing growth of that cell at any stage is to terminate human life"

"Three weeks after fertilisation, the baby's heart starts to beat and the mouth is beginning to open. Six weeks after fertilisation, electrical impulses from the brain can be recorded. By this time the baby has eyes, ears, and internal organs. During the second month, the child begins to move and responds to touch. Facial features are forming., At two months, the baby can swim vigorously in the fluid which surrounds it. He, or she, has fingers and toes. During the third month, the child has fingerprints. He can turn his head, curl his toes, open and close his mouth and make a tight fist. Fingernails and toenails appear. He drinks, digests and urinates. Sexual differences can be distinguished"

"Scientists from Northwestern University in Chicago - who generously gave us permission to use these amazing images - found that human life begins in a flash of light, as an explosion of tiny sparks erupts from the egg at the exact moment of conception. The study ... found that as the zinc is released from the egg, it binds to small molecule probes, which emit light in fluorescence microscopy experiments. The rapid zinc release can be followed as a flash of light that appears as a spark. Something amazing happens at conception, and now scientists have seen it too. These amazing images should remind us that human life is amazing and miraculous, that God who spoke light into the universe also speaks life into the very tiniest version of you and me"

"[E]ven a rank atheist would have to agree that conception is the only indisputable point at which life begins. Any other point is arbitrary and therefore spurious. Anyone arguing in its favour would have to explain why a foetus is still merely a part of a woman's body at 23 weeks (the legal limit for abortion in the UK), but an autonomous human being at 23 weeks plus one day"


What Is An Abortion? Methods of Abortion

"An abortion is the medical process of ending a pregnancy so it doesn't result in the birth of a baby"
[NHS, source].

"Most abortions are carried out between 9 and 12 weeks"

"There are two main types of abortion: (1) Medical abortion (the 'abortion pill') - taking medication to end the pregnancy; (2) Surgical abortion - a minor procedure
[EMcD 'minor'? How 'minor' is the 'procedure' for the baby?!]  to remove the pregnancy" [NHS, source].

"According to the NHS website: 'An abortion is the medical process of ending a pregnancy so it doesn't result in the birth of a baby. The pregnancy is ended either by taking medications or having a minor surgical procedure.' This is a deliberate action, rather than a miscarriage. We can see in the definition that they use the phrase 'ending a pregnancy'.  There is a clear and deliberate attempt to define abortion in a way that avoids any reference to the child"

Vacuum Suction

"The majority of surgical abortions are performed by vacuum suction. The cervix is dilated, a tube inserted into the uterus and a powerful suction machine suctions the baby in pieces from the womb into a container. Selective termination of one or more, but not all, fetuses in a multiple pregnancy is also permitted" [source].

"...all the while the baby is conscious and [its] heart is beating. No effort is made to reduce the impact and effect on the baby"

Dilation and Curettage (D&C)

"Some babies are aborted by dilation and curettage (D&C). The cervix is dilated, a loop-shaped steel knife is inserted in the uterus and the baby scraped out in pieces"

Dilation and Evacuation (D&E)

"In later pregnancies, dilation and evacuation (D&E) is used. After the cervix is dilated, forceps are used to pull the baby out in pieces. An instrument is then inserted to crush the skull so the head can be removed"

"D&E leaves 'no possibility of denying an act of destruction ... it is before one's eyes. The sensations of dismemberment run through the forceps like an electric current'."
[quoted at source].

"The body parts must be reassembled outside of the mother's body to be sure all was removed from the womb. If some body parts are missing, then the abortionist must continue to search for the missing body parts and retrieve them"

"An anaesthetic injection is administered to numb the cervix, which makes the procedure less painful for the woman, but no anaesthetic is administered to the unborn child"

The Abortion Pill

"Some babies are aborted using RU486, also known as the abortion pill" [source].

Medication and Poisons

"In late pregnancies, the mother will be given prostaglandin, inducing labour in order to produce a dead baby. A poison may be used to prevent a live birth" [source].


"An alternative is hysterotomy, a surgical procedure similar to a Caesarean section, but with the intention of producing a dead baby rather than a live one"

"[W]hat I never see discussed in these debates and demonstrations is the horrific and agonising slaughter process these unborn infants endure when they are killed. Commercial slaughter houses processing livestock ... have to abide by legislation which is enforced ... If it is so hard to control or prevent abortion through legislation, how come more hasn't been done in forcing the legislators to bring in laws that make pain relief mandatory for infants scheduled to be aborted?"
[comment at source].  [EMcD: Probably because that would admit that the preborn child is not just a 'clump of cells' but a living and sentient being - a human child, and once that is acknowledged what argument is left for abortion?...]


What Is A Pregnancy?

The NHS refers to abortions as "ending a pregnancy" and "removing a pregnancy".

"Here we see the language used ('pregnancy') is neither accurate nor scientific, yet this is the NHS's own information on abortion. It's one thing to be sensitive with women who may be seeking an abortion; it's entirely something else to use terms that deceive or deliberately hide the reality of the situation and none more so than when medical procedures are involved. What is a pregnancy? An embryo is not a pregnancy; the small developing baby is not a pregnancy. A pregnancy is the condition belonging to the mother - the mother is pregnant. What's growing inside her is definitely not a pregnancy. The use of this term is unscientific, as is talk of continuing or not continuing with the pregnancy, because it ignores the nature and purpose of a pregnancy, which is to grow and develop a baby"

"Sadly, the reality in our nation is that babies in the womb only have value, personhood and rights if they are wanted. If you do not want your baby, the NHS describes it just as a pregnancy. If you do want your baby, it's a baby every visit and contact antenatally. Is this an acceptable way to decide an individual's rights? Is it moral? is it just?"

"Scans are amazing as they help mums, dads, and even other family members bond with their baby. There is nothing quite as emotional as seeing your unborn child moving inside you, and these MRI scans are taking images to the next level. They are truly breathtaking"
[Cathy Ranson, editor of, quoted at source].


My Body, My Choice

"[A]bortion is not a matter of a woman's right to choose. It is a matter of the life or death of a human being made in God's image"

"If it were your body, then you would be the one killed in an abortion. But it is not you who dies, but your baby. And of course if choice is such a terrific good, why not try extending choice to everyone, including the unborn baby? They sure do not get any choice in the matter. Why not?"

"Here in the U.S., I always am amazed by the stupidity of the liberal argument that 'women should have the right to control their own bodies and the right to make choices about their reproductive health.'  The basic truth is that they should have exercised such control when they contemplated having sex in the first place. If today's women are so smart and independent, they should have a sense of achievement, a healthy identity, and worthwhile goals in life so that sex would not be such a huge part of their existence. They need to sublimate their energy and find something better to do with their time while reserving intimacy for marriage"
[comment at source].


What About Abortion in Cases of Rape or Incest?

"[I]ssues of rape ... are without doubt hard - but we still shouldn't punish the child for what the father did. We should punish the criminal to the full extent of that law and help and support the mother"

"As horrible as it would be to become pregnant as a result of rape/incest, is the murder of a baby the answer? Two wrongs do not make a right. The child who is a result of rape/incest could be given in adoption to a loving family unable to have children of their won ... the baby is completely innocent and should not be punished for the evil acts of its father"

"Right throughout Scripture, murder - that is the intentional killing of innocent humans - is regarded as a heinous sin (Exodus 20:13, Matthew 19:18, Romans 13:9). Since abortion kills an innocent human being, it is nothing less than murder. So all the usual 'hard cases' pushed by pro-abortionists, e.g. 'What if the woman was raped?', 'What if the child is deformed?', 'What if she can't afford to keep the child?' are completely irrelevant. We should also remember Ezekiel 18:20, which prohibits executing a child for the crime of his/her father - this means that even the tragic cases of pregnancies due to incest or rape are no justification for killing the innocent child conceived"

"Once a person sees that the Bible clearly teaches that it is wrong to kill a child for the crime of his or her father, that frees the person to get beyond the cliché and look more closely at the actual result of abortion for incest. ... abortion for rape and incest emboldens those criminals and increases such crimes against women. ... Abortionists then cover up the crime of incest. Often, they actually send the victim back home to her rapist. And even worse, they often send her home with her rapist, the same criminal who brought her to the clinic to dispose of the 'evidence' and help him get away with his crime"

"Incest is a particular kind of rape ... This principle as recorded by the Hebrew prophet Ezekiel explains that a good man would love and protect the baby, but instead many lawyers and others will treat the rapist with respect and protect him, but kill the baby"

"What about pregnancy resulting from incest or rape? Daddy rapes his little girl, she conceives, is she still supposed to keep the child? Now 190,000 abortions are performed in Britain every year. I'd guess that no more than a few hundred of them involve rape or incest. Yet this kind of reductio ad absurdum always comes up, along with equally rare situations, such as the foetus showing signs of a mental or physical disorder"


Post-Abortion Syndrome 

"[W]omen seeking abortion are not told that what is within them is a living child. Doctors seeking to spare women's feelings tell them 'It's just a clump of cells.'  Abortion clinics tell women it is not yet a baby. Women are often not advised of the nature of the operation. They know that they are to have an abortion, but very often do not understand that it involves the dismembering of a living child. Women are often not warned of possible ill effects of abortion"

"The feeling immediately after an abortion is usually one of relief. But emotional reactions may follow which can surprise the woman in their intensity. They may surface at different times - even a considerable time after the abortion - and in different ways. They may include grief, feelings of guilt and remorse, anxiety, depression, anger at husband, partner, family, doctor or other children, feelings of low self-worth, loneliness, emptiness or despair, sleeplessness, constant crying, excessive activity, eating disorders, or problems with sex and relationships"

"The emotional effect of having an abortion ... is huge. There are two victims of state-sanctioned abortion: the baby who dies, and the mother who lives with the anguish of that decision. We should protect women who are so vulnerable at this time, by not presenting them with a choice that often causes further distress and even depression further down the line, for a quick fix"

"We know from anecdotal data that the psychological fallout from medical abortions completed at home can be severe, partly because women usually see the foetus, which they have to flush away themselves, whereas a surgical abortion keeps the foetus hidden from view of the woman. Moreover, the reminder of the abortion is always in the home, not in an anonymous clinic that they can leave behind"


Stories and Testimonies

A medical abortion at home... "The day she took the final pill and came back to my flat to wait for it to pass truly drew a new line in the sand. The hours of pain she suffered, it utterly ripped me apart to see her writhing in agony, interspersed with trips to the toilet as the process started. It culminated in one trip from which she didn't return, all I heard was sobs, drained of energy she couldn't even cry with the force the pain deserved. I soon discovered that it wasn't the pain the sobs were for, it was for what she had seen in the toilet. A recognisable shape. Then flushed away"
[A boyfriend's testimony, quoted at source].


Life and Forgiveness

"[A]lthough we should uncompromisingly point out the grievous sin of abortion, we must also point out that no sin is unforgivable. Women who have had abortions, doctors who perform them and politicians who vote for abortion liberalization can all have forgiveness - if they come to Christ in repentance and faith"

"[W]hile the 'act' of abortion is outside of God's love neither the aborted baby nor mother are outside of God's love. In the traumatic aftermath of having aborted a baby, many women have found forgiveness in and through the Cross of Jesus Christ: 'For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God' and 'If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness'."


The Abortion Industry

"Fewer than half of the abortions in the UK are performed on NHS premises, and the remainder in private abortion clinics, owned most often by companies like the Pregnancy Advisory Service, British Pregnancy Advisory Service, and Marie Stopes. Because these companies are usually registered as charities, they are are exempt from direct taxation, and receive substantial financial support, indirectly from the taxpayer, for abortions contracted out to them from the NHS. There are some 70 referral agencies licensed by the Government to offer advice on abortion The majority of them are controlled by the same proprietors as the abortion clinics"


Myths, Bigotry, Hypocrisy, Ad Hominems, MSM

"There is a nauseous irony when you juxtapose the fascistic efforts of the anti-smoking Gestapo to terrorise smokers by forcing them to see fake images of decomposing body parts with the fascistic efforts of pro-abortionists to terrorise pro-lifers by refusing to let them display genuine images of babies vacuum-suctioned to death in the womb"

"My favourite quote on [the interview with Jacob-Rees Mogg concerning abortion] was Suzanne Moore's piece in (where else?) The Guardian: '...such appalling bigotry has no place in public life.'  Jacob Rees-Mogg, in that interview, also said that his views (on abortion) were probably in the democratic minority and as such, he wouldn't seek to impose them. Suzanne Moore, on the other hand seeks to ban such views from public debate. 'Bigotry', as defined in the OED, is an intolerance of the views of others. So here we have a regular columnist in one of Britain's broadsheets who is not only unaware of the definition of 'bigotry', but her writing points the accusing finger squarely at herself!
[comment at source].

: "If you do not believe in abortion then simply don't have one.Response: "One might as well say, 'If you do not believe in murder than simply don't do it' or 'If you do not believe in rape then simply don't rape anyone' ... If something is wrong, it is wrong whether you personally do it or not ... One could turn this phrase around and say, 'If you do not believe in prolife marches then simply don't attend one'" [source].

"Religious nutbags with their crazy beliefs and invisible friends have NO business telling women what to doResponse: "The issue of abortion must be debated on its own merits, and not dismissed because of who are concerned about it [ad hominem attack]"

"Today, on a forum where the [Brisbane Pro-Life] march was criticized with all the usual junk reasons why abortion is a women's 'right' and those standing up for life was ridiculed, I responded with some facts, and then had to laugh as the response I got was not about countering those facts but about my 'grammar & spelling' being bad (English is my second language ... ) Just shows when you take apart their straw men and myths with facts and logic their only weapon is personal attack"
[comment at source].

"It is really interesting that there is an Australian wide push to stop child abuse which is highly admirable and commendable. However I consider abortion to be the ultimate in child abuse, but very few stand against it"
[comment at source].

"Have you ever seen pictures of aborted babies in full colour in the MSM? Have you ever seen the burnt-out remains of a baby after a saline poisoning abortion? Have you ever seen the dismembered bodies of unborn babies after being cut up in a Dilation and Curettage abortion? I suspect that you haven't. And there is a very good reason for this. The MSM is overwhelmingly left of centre, including on the abortion issue. Because most people in the MSM are pro-abortion, then of course they don't want the dirty little secrets of the abortion industry to get out. They want to help perpetuate the myth that abortion simply removes a clump of cells or a bit of tissue, not a real live baby. That is why they refuse to show abortion aftermath images ... They want to keep pushing their pro-death agenda and keep the masses in the dark"

"If the MSM did begin publishing pictures of aborted babies - or even if they described in detail how abortions are performed - no doubt there would be a public outcry. Yet if they did, one suspects that such an outcry wouldn't be because of the revelation to the public of just how horrid abortion is - rather, the outcry would be one of being offended by the 'unjustified' images and there would follow a barrage of defensive arguments in favour of abortion. And that's where the double-standard is: graphic images can be used when they support your views, but how dare you use them when they challenge your views!"
[comment at source].

"...there is nothing new under the sun, human kind hasn't changed much. They did the same in the book of Acts after they heard Stephen point out their guilt in crucifying the Just One. It says, they were cut to the heart and then they went out of the city and stoned him.'  It just shows the condition of the human heart. When we are shown our guilt, we can react in two ways: either harden our hearts further or repent. True repentance is not possible without acknowledging the Lordship sacrifice and Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ"
[comment at source].





"I will give no deadly medicine to anyone if asked nor suggest such counsel,
nor in like manner will I give a woman a pessary to produce abortion"

(The Hippocratic Oath)

"I will maintain the utmost respect for human life from the time of conception,
even against threat I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity"

(The Declaration of Geneva, 1948)

"Although there have been many changes in medicine, the spirit of the Hippocratic Oath cannot change ...
co-operation in the destruction of life by murder, suicide and abortion [is] the greatest crime"

(The British Medical Association, 1947)

"If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain;
If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not He that pondereth the heart consider it?
and He that keepeth thy soul, doth not He knoweth it?
and shall not He render to every man according to His works?"

(Proverbs 24:11-12).

"Cursed be he that taketh reward to slay an innocent person"
"And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters ... and the land was polluted with blood"

(Deuteronomy 27:25;  Psalm 106:38)

"Every pagan society has engaged in human sacrifice. Abortion is our version of it.
God is judging us with the violence on our streets. The Almighty is warning us through that judgement.
But make no mistake, a greater judgement is coming should we not repent.
Every one of those pagan societies was destroyed and taken over by a spiritually stronger people. Now, who could those be today?"



Thus saith the LORD,
Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way,
and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls
(Jeremiah 6:16)



© Bayith Ministries