One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after;
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life  (Psalm 27:4)
© Elizabeth McDonald & Dusty Peterson
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Roman Catholicism
"Just Another Expression of Christianity"?



Doctrines and Teachings   |   The Papacy   |   Scripture and Tradition

History, Persecution, the Reformation   |   The Jesuits   |   Ecumenism and Interfaith   |   Babylon: Mystery Religion   |   General Articles

Roman Catholicism: Quotations and Comments   |   Roman Catholicism: Recommended Materials and Websites

Roman Catholicism: Some Scripture References


Doctrines and Teachings

What We Must Do To Be Saved

What does the Word of God teach about salvation?  What does the Roman Catholic Church teach is necessary for salvation?  Does Rome teach what the Bible teaches...?

Adding Up the Mass

"The Roman 'Mass' is a very reverent ceremony pertaining to the bread and wine given by the Lord Jesus Christ to His disciples at the 'last Supper'. It is a pivotal part of Roman Catholic practice; considered vital to salvation. Anyone who becomes a Roman Catholic would have  to observe the Mass..."


"In this article we will briefly assess the position Mary holds, and the devotion accorded her, within the Catholic belief system. Of course, not everyone in the Catholic Church holds to all the teachings of Rome, but ... the following instructions about Mary represent firm dogma [which means] they must be accepted by anyone wishing to be a member of the Roman Church..."

Saints and Images

"While Mary receives special 'veneration', Roman Catholicism also encourages the revering of other historical 'saints' and the observance of 'Saints days'..."

It Is Not Good For Priests To Be Alone  (04 March 2013)

"And the Lord God said, 'It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make an help meet for him' (Gen 2:18). The Roman Catholic Church says, 'Not only is it good for priests to be alone, it is mandatory'..."


The Papacy

Blessed Be My Rock

"Some of the titles claimed by the Roman Pope are 'the Vicar of Christ upon earth', Supreme Head', 'Sovereign Pontiff', and 'His Holiness'. These are all very grand titles, suggestive of a mighty and magnificent office - and that is indeed what we find in papal statements regarding the extent of Papal power..."


Scripture and Tradition

Sacred Scripture and Tradition

"Christ magnified the scriptures. He declared they are Truth and Life. He emphasized their inerrancy and permanence. He promised blessing to those who studied and obeyed them. And He rebuked those who hid, or corrupted, or did not believe them. Thus He expected His People to know the scriptures, and He showed their importance by repeatedly quoting them.  According to Roman Catholicism's Second Vatican Council:..."

The New Testament ~ A Quickie History

A very short summary of the manuscript history of the New Testament:  1st-4th Centuries  /  Constantine  /  The Dark Ages  /  The Protestant Reformation  /  The Catholic Counter Reformation  /  The King James (Authorised) Bible  /  19th Century  /  The Present Day  /  Which Stream?  /  Does It Matter?  /  A Remarkable Parallel.


History / Persecution / The Reformation

The Reformation

"Most Roman Catholics are never taught about the history of their church or religion, and so are totally unaware of the contents of this article and its ramifications..."

Reformation Avant La Lettre in Late Medieval Europe

"There were many criticisms of medieval Roman Catholicism from Christians who would not bow to her authority. ... This article looks at some of Rome's detractors who were the immediate forerunners of the Reformation of the 16th century; in particular John Wycliffe (c1320-1384) and the Lollards in England, and Jan Hus (c1369-1415) and the Hussites in Bohemia..."

The Pilgrim Church  (E.H. Broadbent, 1931)

"There is one history, which, though it contains the darkest tragedy, yet by common consent is called 'The Good News', 'The Glad Tidings', or by a name which it has captured and made its own: 'The Gospel'..."

John Hus: A Brief Story of the Life of a Martyr  (William Dallmann, 1915)

"The Project Gutenberg EBook of John Hus"

The History of Protestantism  (J.A. Wylie, 1878)

James A. Wylie's classic book spans the period of the beginnings of Christianity in the 1st century to the Glorious Revolution in Great Britain in 1688. It is presented here in the form of separate articles for each chapter; making it easy to print out and read in small chunks.

Foxe's Book of Martyrs  (1554/1563)  (edited by William Byron Forbrush)

"This is a book that will never die - one of the great English classics. ... written with both passion and tenderness, it tells the dramatic story of some of the most thrilling periods in Christian history. ... it brings to life the days when 'a noble army, men and boys, the matron and the maid' ... 'climbed the steep ascent of heaven, mid peril, toil, and pain'..."


The Jesuits

History of the Jesuits  (J.A. Wylie, 1878)

Chapter 15 from J. A. Wylie's book History of Protestantism: "Don Inigo Lopez de Recalde, the Ignatius Loyola of history, was the founder of the Order of Jesus, or the Jesuits. His birth was nearly contemporaneous with that of Luther. He was the youngest son of one of the highest Spanish grandees, and was born in his father's Castle of Loyola, in the province of Guipuzcoa, in 1491..."


Ecumenism and Interfaith


"Many folk today sweep away the Protestant Reformation and the pitiless murder of countless men and women who would not compromise their faith during it.  Are they right to do this?  Is Rome really 'just another denomination’?  Is it really 'just another expression of Christianity'?..."

Rome and Other Religions

"There are many religions in the world, with billions of followers between them. It is vital that we have a right understanding of what God thinks of each of these faiths, and in what way He calls us to relate to them and their adherents..."


Babylon: Mystery Religion

A Mystery Solved

"In our various articles about Rome we examine some of the main elements of the Roman Catholic Religion..."

The 40 Days of Weeping for Tammuz  (by Michael Scheifler)

"According to Catholics, Lent is derived from the 40 days Yeshua spent fasting in the wilderness, but it is admitted that the observance of Lent was unknown to the disciples and it did not find its way into the church until several centuries after the time of the Messiah..."


General Articles

The Passion of the Christ

"Numerous very good articles have been written about Mel Gibson's film, and so, rather than reinventing the wheel, we have simply listed our 'Top Ten' aspects of the film, along with at least one reference to an article covering each point in more depth..."

The Act of Settlement and the Vatican  (12 January 2000)

"A correspondent to a national newspaper (9th January) claimed that the Act of Settlement's prohibition of the marriage of a British Monarch to a Catholic is intolerance.  If the Roman Catholic Church were merely another denomination of Christianity then this might be true..."




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