One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life (Psalm 27:4)                 Bayith Ministries

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Yoga and Meditation

Associated Terms and Definitions

Yogic Religions   |   Brahman   |   Puja   |   Mantra   |   Chakras   |   Guru   |   Enlightenment   |   Dharma   |   Karma

Metempsychosis   |   Reincarnation and Transmigration   |   Is Reincarnation Found in the Bible?   |   Transcendental Meditation

Hypnosis   |  
Yoga: Articles and Videos   |   Yoga: Quotes and Comments   |   Yoga: Books and Websites   |   Yoga: Some Scriptures


Yogic Religions

"A term used to refer to those religious traditions where the practice of yoga is the central experience and the doctrines associated with it, such as karma, form the basis of belief. Yogic religions are the main rivals to Abrahamic religions" [Pocket Dictionary of New Religious Movements].



"The Hindu concept of God, neither personal nor impersonal, both creator and created. It is everything. Incomprehensible and beyond all definition" [Reachout Trust, Influences From the East].



"The Puja is a term used for all ritualistic and ceremonial Hindu worship. One example is found in T.M. where flowers, fruit and a white handkerchief are offered on an altar containing a picture of the Guru" [Reachout Trust, Influences From the East].



"A spiritual leader of the Hindu faith. A teacher of the Hindu scriptures. One who is worshipped as a 'god' even after his death. Guru means god or lord" [Reachout Trust, Influences From the East].



"A sound given ... to participants at the Puja. Repetitive use often induces a mystical state. It is said to embody a spirit or deity and the repetition of the mantra calls this being to the one using it" [Reachout Trust, Influences From the East].



"[P]sychic centers situated along the spine from the tailbone to the top of the head" [source].

"Each chakra (muladhara, svadhishtana, manipura, anahata, vishuddha, ajna, sahasrara) corresponds to a Hindu guardian deity (Brahma, Vishnu, Maharudra, Ishvara, Sadashiva, Shiva) and is associated with its mantra (Iam, cam, ram, yam, ham, AUM) and governing cosmological element (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether)" [source].

"Chakras ... are believed to control the various aspects of the consciousness of the individual" [source].



"The attainment of an exalted state of spiritual knowledge, awareness or bliss in yogic religions" [Pocket Dictionary of New Religious Movements].

"To realise one's essential union with the universe. Ultimately leads to the surrender of oneself to mystical cosmic forces" [Reachout Trust, Influences From the East].



"Literally, that which is established law, the wheel of existence, ultimate truth. Dharma is a term used by Buddhists, Hindus and Jains to describe the human situation and the way of means of salvation. It is a complex concept of Indian religious and philosophical thought. Among other things, dharma implies a moral order expressed through the network of human rights and obligations supported by a cosmic universal order and the caste system" [Pocket Dictionary of New Religious Movements].



"The ultimate law of destiny or fate. Karma requires reincarnation of many future lives. As the life led now affects future lives, people are striving to have a good Karma" [Reachout Trust, Influences From the East].

"Literally 'action', it is an external law of cosmic cause and effect, or acts and deeds, which form the destiny of individuals. Karma is usually understood as the means by which a person's fate is determined by past actions. Karma is complex and has many levels of meaning but has been popularised in the West as a means of understanding fate" [Pocket Dictionary of New Religious Movements].

"Fatalism, lack of concern for the suffering of others, and general inaction are often traced to the two doctrines of Karma and reincarnation. If one attempts to alleviate the burden of the sufferer, then the sufferer must endure greater hardship in the next life because [he] did not 'pay off' [his] prescribed karmic debt. And ironically, this interference with karmic law would then constitute a 'sin' and the would-be humanitarian would accumulate more karmic deposits. But if the reincarnationist does not interfere, that is, by not doing what he could do to prevent evil, he is doing an evil. Hence reincarnation becomes a service of what is evil, unjust, and inhumane" [Norman L. Geisler & J. Yutaha Amorer, The Reincarnation Sensation" p.109].



"Transmigration of the soul from one body to another in a cyclical life pattern. As a religious philosophy, metempsychosis appears to have originated in India around 600B.C. ... it is found in the Hindu tradition" [Pocket Dictionary of New Religious Movements].


Reincarnation and Transmigration

"A form of metempsychosis or rebirth teaching that at death the soul leaves the body to be reborn in another body as a baby" [Pocket Dictionary of New Religious Movements].

"Endless return in future lives. The state of your new life depends upon your Karma" [Reachout Trust, Influences From the East].


Is Reincarnation Found in the Bible?

"Belief in reincarnation does away with eternal punishment. However, the Bible clearly teaches that although God wishes none to perish some will refuse the saving grace he offers (2 Peter 3:9; Revelation 20:13-15)" [source]. 

"The Bible shows that the only hope of salvation is to trust in the finished and completed work of Jesus Christ. Reincarnation feels it must add to this several hundred or thousand lifetimes full of striving (John 14:6; Acts 4:10-12)" [source].

"The Bible states that there is one life, one death and then we stand before the judgement seat of Christ. Reincarnation talks about multiple lives and deaths and no once-for-all judgement (Hebrews 9:27)" [source].

"The Bible teaches the marvellous doctrine of justification - God pronouncing us righteous and treating us accordingly. Reincarnation gives no hope of justification; we will never be in such an intimate relationship with the living God (Romans 5:1)" [source].

"One of the key themes of [the Bible] is the peace of knowing our sins [are] forgiven. Reincarnation only ever offers the potential of counteracting the negative Karma with the positive Karma. Sin is never actually dealt with and so there can be no dealing with the guilt of the past (1 John 1:8-9)" [source].

"Grace similarly is neglected by reincarnation because we only receive what we 'deserve'. God would never 'lower' himself to pick us up and give us that which we do not deserve. The Bible however spells out the abundant grace of God again and again (2 Corinthians 8:9)" [source].

"The theme of the Bible is that the Love of God wants to deal with the root problem (sin) in our lives so that we can know a life of contentment in the Lord. Reincarnation on the other hand will often do just the opposite because of the fear of upsetting the positive Karma the person might be receiving by suffering" [source].


Transcendental Meditation

"A means to obtain 'higher states of consciousness' of various levels. A form of self-induced hypnosis" [Reachout Trust, Influences From the East].



"A condition where a person gives over the control of their mind to another person or spiritual forces. This can be dangerous" [Reachout Trust, Influences From the East].





Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
(Matthew 11:28-30)




Please note that the inclusion of any quotation or item on this page does not imply we would necessarily endorse the source from which the extract is taken; neither can we necessarily vouch for any other materials by the same authors, or any groups or ministries or websites with which they may associated, or any periodicals to which they may contribute, or the beliefs of whatever kind they may hold, or any other aspect of their work or ministry or position.

© Elizabeth McDonald