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Arcs &




There are five book series available. The Virgin New and Missing Adventures are now out of print while Virgin's Benny books and the BBC's 8th Doctor and Past Doctor series are continuing to be published. Note that on these pages the following shorthand will be used :

BBC 8th are the ongoing adventures of the 8th Doctor after the TV movie and published by the BBC
BBC Past are stories featuring the first seven Doctors which slot in between the televised episodes
Benny are the Virgin published New Adventures featuring Bernice Summerfield. There are a few people who would class them as not being Doctor Who but they have added, and continue to add so much to the series that I count them. Since this is my site they stay
NAs were the original New Adventures published by Virgin featuring the ongoing adventures of the 7th Doctor after the TV series ended
MAs were stories featuring the first six Doctors which slotted in between the televised episodes


Total Books

The number of books produced in each series that have achieved at least ten votes in the ratings :



Series Ratings

The average rating for each of the individual series is :


The Benny series is currently in the lead, ahead of the BBC Past Doctors. There is a drop to the other two Virgin series and then another to the current BBC 8th Doctor series. While this does look bad for the supposed BBC flagship series at this stage it is not disastrous just yet. Overall the two publishing companies have a remarkably similar rating :





Std Dev
Virgin Books



BBC Books








The standard deviation shows the consistency for each series. The BBC Past Doctors and Virgin Benny series are the most consistent as well as being the highest rating, showing they have consistently hit their target audience's expectations. The New Adventures certainly show that their experimental approach sometimes generated extreme ratings.




Graphing the percentiles shows that the ratings for the books don't quite follow the classic bell curve. The graphs below show the percentage of books for each series in 5% increments; the first percentile is for a rating of 0-5%, fortunately no book has ever been rated so low! Overall it is comforting to see that all series are skewed towards the higher end.


The percentiles for each publisher shows that the BBC books have a more consistent core while the Virgin books tends to have a much greater spread.



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