Enneagram Symbol Enneagram Facilitators Logo - Bringing the Enneagram to Life

Services - Open Enneagram Workshops

Photo courtesy of Calca

Introductory Workshops
Interactive workshops that:

  • Introduce you to the Enneagram
  • Facilitate finding your place in the model
  • Encourage appreciation of the differences between the numbers
  • Help you understand the dynamics of the model, including behaviour in stress and relaxation
  • Explore how to use this knowledge

Uses of Enneagram Workshops
Interactive workshops that:

  • Develop your understanding of each number
  • Facilitate your use of this knowledge in everyday life
    • For personal development
    • In one-to-one relationships -both intimate and work-related
    • In group/team/social environments -both private and work-related
  • Explore how to use this knowledge

Comments from participants:
"Thank you for Saturday's workshop, which I found very interesting and...affirming. I have also, as a therapist, found it already helpful in opening me up to a client in a less judgmental way...I didn't think the workshop would have such an immediate usefulness professionally, but it did."

"It all made perfect sense and has gone a long way in relieving some personal anxieties."

"You could see people suddenly working something out, and then it making real sense to them."

"Everyone should do this!"

"Explanatory, compelling, inclusive."

"I found it useful hearing the individual voice of different numbers."