Imaging the Moon

With an Astrovid 2000 video system


Whilst many a good photograph has been taken of the Moon using 35mm cameras and film, the inconvenience of waiting to find out if you have managed to focus correctly, and have actually got a shot can be quite frustrating, and even expensive if you try commercial B & W developing. With experience of using video cameras on microscopes, I started to look around at an inexpensive way to image the Moon and other bodies with a video camera. When I came across the Astrovid 2000 with its remote control settings box I decided to take the plunge.




This is the Astrovid all packed in its case complete with the Sony GVD Video Walkman


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Additional Lunar observations are detailed below

Lunar Imaging with a Basler High Resolution digital camera system

Lunar imaging with a Sony DKC-CM30 digital Camera


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