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        Harnesses and Nipple Clamps


har3_small.JPG (4586 bytes)  HAR 3 £44.95

 Heavy Leather Wrist Security Harness.

Designed to secure the hands at waist level. Lockable wrist straps, complete with padlocks. Strong D rings at the front and rear. Please give waist size when ordering.



                             har4_small.JPG (8788 bytes)

   HAR 4  £39.95

Leather Wrist and Bra Harness.

In strong attractive black leather, the opposing wrist and bra action provides a variety of stimulating activities.






har14_small.JPG (8307 bytes) HAR 14  £39.95

Whole Head Harness

Widely adjustable to fit all sizes, this strong leather head harness can be used on it's own or in conjunction with my hoods and helmets.








har15_small.JPG (5682 bytes) HAR 15  £89.95

Bondage Chair Harness.

As can be seen from the illustration, this harness can adjust to fit almost any chair. Suitable for male or female.




har16_small.JPG (2775 bytes)  HAR 16 £14.95

 Bristol Rings.





har17_small.JPG (3886 bytes)HAR 17  £12.95

little nipper clamps.





har18_small.JPG (9448 bytes)   HAR18  £27.95

Unisex Teaser Set

Primarily for male use, but equally suitable for the ladies, this fully adjustable leather harness with suede lined chest pads, is fitted with my Bristol Rings.







har19_small.JPG (13534 bytes) HAR 19  £85.00

Super Leather Para Harness.

Complete with studded waist band and rear lacing. Suitable for both ladies and gents.







Pamela M Young P.O.BOX 1479 Bristol BS99 3PX England