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Links to other sites about stringed instruments. Updated Jan 2001. You might not find anything quite like our site, but there's still a great deal which is good and which we haven't happy surfing !

Take an online course with our Étude Guide
Online courses suggest a line or theme of study to follow depending on your ability, time and ambitions. Study notes ( The étude guide ) is what this site is secretly all about. Études is the French word for studies. In the world of string playing this material represents the backbone to all practical aspects technique and music making.

A brief note about 
Email lessons ( E-Lessons )
Electronic lessons exist and are already being used. This isn't our preferred method of teaching, but take a look at some of the possibilities these lessons offer and some of the reasons why they might help you. Send in a tape to receive a positive critique on your playing. We will point out your strengths as much as we will point out your weaknesses.

Key Benefits

Email queries : One off, quick email replies to queries are free of charge
Email lessons are charged at the same rate as private lessons ( I.e. an email lesson that takes 30 minutes to prepare / compile and type out costs 12.50 pounds sterling )
Email lessons can answer questions you never dared ask your teacher !
They can provide a useful second opinion or advice on any string related problem
You must realize that to diagnose and help you with a technical problem, first you must write and give us all the information you possibly can. You must take the time to ensure we have an accurate picture about what is / isn't going on !
Email lessons can follow any video or audio tapes a student sends in. A detailed critique and praise of every piece recorded is sent back. Keep a copy yourself to work through our comments.
 Email lessons are useful for our students who feel out of touch during long Summer holidays and would like more work set !




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Copyright © 2000 Westbury Park Strings
Last modified: January 21, 2001