[The Odyssey]

The Great Bow

It was Telemachus who first picked up the bow, but he caught your eye and didn't try too hard to string it (although as your son, he might well have succeeded).

After Leodes and Eurymachus had failed, and Antinous had tried to get the whole thing postponed, you reveal your scar to Eumaeus the pigman and Philoetius the cowman. You say they won't let you (still of course in your beggar's disguise) take part, but you instruct Eumaeus to hand the bow to you anyway. The women are to be locked in their quarters by your nurse, Eurycleia, while Philoetius bars the outside door.

As you handle the bow fondly, the Suitors insult you ... for the last time. You string the bow as easily as a musician replacing a string on a lyre. You fit an arrow to the bow, and shoot through all twelve axes from where you're sitting on your stool.

Then you coolly take aim at Antinous. Your arrow goes through his neck and he falls, dropping his cup with a crash. Eurymachus rushes at you with his sword, but you arrow struck him on the breast with such force that it pierced his liver. Of the 108 Suitors, who is spared? [Speed is of the essence!]

IS IT ...?



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The Classics Pages are written and designed by Andrew Wilson.