oman Nettle, for Haemorrhoids

According to tradition the nettle (Urtica dioica) was introduced into Britain by Caesars troops as they thought they would need to flail themselves to keep warm (Urtication)
This has since become a folk remedy for arthritis and rheumatism.

Nettles are still used medicinally to make a cleansing spring tonic and a nourishing vegetable if gathered young.

Nettle have also been used in place of hops to flavour ale

Nettles contain Histamine, Formic acid, Acetylcholine, Serotonin, Glucoquinones, many minerals, vitamins A,B, & C and Tannins

The astringency of the constituents helps stop bleeding.

The ointment has a soothing and healing action on haemorrhoids.

nettle picture



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