Quest text font.

William Overington

Copyright 2003 William Overington

Monday 15 September 2003

This page is intended as the source for the current version of the Quest text font.

During the development of the Quest text font various problems arose. Some of the problems being due to various tables in the font which are generated automatically. The remaining errors related to misoriented contours, intersecting contours and some cases of duplicated points.

The Microsoft Word 97 program and the WordPad program running under Windows 98, as far as my own experience is concerned, seem to tolerate these errors and the fonts run satisfactorily in those programs on that platform.

Nevertheless I try to correct errors. The Quest text font is hopefully now free of misoriented contours, intersecting contours and duplicated points, however a few of the ligature characters in the Private Use Area (da, de, do, cg) might possibly still report errors as I was unable, with my present knowledge, to find any errors when looking for them: looking for them on the basis of the glyphs being noted, amongst many others where I did find the errors in the glyphs, in a test report sent to me. I do not have my own testing facility and rely upon receiving reports from people who have the facilities and who kindly test the Quest text font from the copy in this webspace. There may possibly still be problems with various tables in the font which are generated automatically.

There seems to me at present no reason why the font should not continue to be available and used, yet I feel that it is only correct to bring these matters to the attention of anyone considering using the Quest text font.

Here is the link for downloading the font.

QUESTTXT.TTF, Quest text

The following page includes some notes about the development of the Quest text font.

Quest text

Copyright 2003 William Overington

This file is accessible as follows.