Java and Distance Education

William Overington

Copyright 2000 William Overington

Welcome to the Java and Distance Education course. As is explained in the first section, this is not a course for absolute beginners in Java programming. However, absolute beginners are referred to another free course on the internet which is for absolute beginners.

Here are links to the sections presently available in this course.

Java and Distance Education 1

Preface, introduction, locating and sizing components, linking event handling and graphics.

The page uses graphics java0101.gif java0102.gif java0103.gif java0104.gif and these links are provided to assist downloading for those readers who wish to save the sections to local storage and who also need to download each graphic individually to do so.

Java and Distance Education 2


The page uses graphics java0201.gif java0202.gif and these links are provided to assist downloading for those readers who wish to save the sections to local storage and who also need to download each graphic individually to do so.

Java and Distance Education 3

Starting to use the mouse.

The page uses graphics java0301.gif java0302.gif java0303.gif java0304.gif java0305.gif java0306.gif and these links are provided to assist downloading for those readers who wish to save the sections to local storage and who also need to download each graphic individually to do so.

Java and Distance Education 4

A program that takes a long time to run, deliberately so to demonstrate some effects thereof. Adding some checkboxes.

The page uses graphics java0401.gif java0402.gif java0403.gif java0404.gif java0405.gif java0406.gif java0407.gif and these links are provided to assist downloading for those readers who wish to save the sections to local storage and who also need to download each graphic individually to do so.

Overington family webspace index page.

Java and Distance Education

Copyright 2000 William Overington