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The Rabbit Charity's Easter Campaign 2001

Who lives in a hutch like this?

Size matters
Imagine living in a cage 2 or 3 times your own size, where you can barely stretch - let alone exercise - and you are unable to stand. Shocked? Yet this is life for most of the 2 million pet bunnies in the UK, confined to a hutch measuring on average just 3ft X 1ft X 1ft. “Rabbits are the most abused pets” says Carolina James, Director of The Rabbit Charity. “People wouldn’t dream of keeping a cat or a dog in the same way.” Even hamsters and other small animals are housed in big cages (compared to their body size), with room to play and exercise. Most rabbit hutches are so small, there isn’t even room for toys or a companion. Because rabbits cannot bark or meow, they suffer in silence and caregivers may not realise how unhappy and frustrated they are.

Rabbit habitats
Rabbits are intelligent, social animals who enjoy playing and exploring, and need to live in pairs. The minimum recommended cage size for two dwarf lops (the most popular breed) is 6ft X 2ft X 2ft, but bigger is better. Rabbits also love double-decker cages where they can hop up and down and get a look-out. Like other pets, they need to exercise several hours a day in a BIG outdoor run (daytime only and with supervision) or in the home. Rabbits don’t have to live in cages and many caregivers now give them free run of one or more rooms or a secure shed, garage or conservatory. For more information on keeping bunnies indoors and outdoors please send an SAE to The Rabbit Charity, PO Box 23698, London N8 0WS,
e-mail: Info@bunny.org.uk,
website: www.bunny.org.uk.

The Rabbit Charity has launched a competition to find the best bunny habitats. Send us a photo and description of your bunny’s home and get the chance to win a parcel of Bunny Buys goodies. Please send your entries to the above address by 31 May 2001.

Sign our petition!
We believe it is cruel to keep rabbits in small cages, and that pet shops and manufacturers should follow our guidelines for minimum cage sizes. To add your name to our petition please write to The Rabbit Charity at the above address, or e-mail Info@bunny.org.uk.

PO Box 23698
London N8 0WS
Bunny Hopline 020 8888 0001
Fax 020 8888 8868

Organisers of International Rabbit Day - 29 September 2001

Please visit our charity shop at www.bunnybuys.com

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