Problems, problems, problems. Everyone has them - even YOU. If you think you haven't got any then you are only repressing them. That will eventually lead to you committing messy suicide unless you take action now. We suggest that you look for help in the items below or send your problem to us using the form at the bottom of the page. We guarantee a prompt and tender reply.


Guide to Forming Relationships

Dear hypa, I just don't seem to have any luck forming close relationships. Is it possible that you might have a few helpful hints about what to look for in a relationship?

By coincidence, hypa happens to have just such a list. This will no doubt be of great help to you.

As a caring organisation, hypa like to help you with the problems in your life. Remember, a burden is always lighter if you get somebody else to carry it for you. Type your problem in the box below and click 'Send Form'.

Dear hypa, my problem is:


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